General Discussion

General Discussion6 month banned update

6 month banned update in General Discussion

    HanYolo I disagree, dota is a team game, and some form of speech isn't actually helping. And valve doesn't 6 month ban only base on a player's comment along


      Dem 15 year olds always thinking of freedom of speech like its a right that grants you shouting your bullshit everywhere.

      Freedom of speech is a constitutional right in most western countries that grants you the right to express your opinion without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty BY the STATE.

      All constitutional rights grant your freedom just in your relation to the state, not in your relation to every other person. Thats called the status negativus in the theory of constitutional rights.

      So do not use big words, if you do not know what they actually mean.

      And stop playing doto. You are garbage.

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        Yea I was using sarcasm.


          the comments defending this 6 months ban garbage saying " its not for getting reported its for bad behavior"
          not once in my life do I remember feeding with courier or griefing with my hero.
          I play fun combos at turbo mode and just people spam reports " OMG HE BOUGHT SCEPTRE FOR WEAVER REPORT"

          Now I got a 6 month ban warning that if I get any more "bad behavior" I will get banned.

          So please shut the F up with you defending this bullsh8t.

          I DO AGREE That people that keeps griefing because they have nothing to do should get 6 months ban

          I will say this in all caps


          understand this please...

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            Pinko, it depends how you manage it and who you are playing with. I played WD mid once with team who allowed it to me (I asked before picking) and only one player told "if you feed I will report you". At the end he commended me.

            As well, behavioral score plays it role - if you are with toxic people, who are reported often they will be reporting often as well for anything.



              1 report (or 2,3,4) reports dont send you to LP. 6 months ban will be for even many more. So I guess many people had problems with you. And that is on you. If there are 20 people in 25 games who dont like to play with you why should they?

              It is same in work - if you are ashole to people and people in the office hates working with you (talking about position within team), you can deliver how much you want, but you will not stay in that team, not even in that company. If it is a decent company.


                I managed to get a six-month warning ban once, played 25-30 games and the message dissapeared.

                I was an asshole and went into Low Prio 2 times, the message came back.

                I'm pretty sure only assholes get this message, if you're nice human being chances you'll get this are really slim.


                  dota 2 if this 6 months ban system continue many players will leave the game dota2 gg..


                    Good, we dont need toxic retards. Btw, my msg disappeared again. IM BAN FREE

                    Story Time

                      dota 2 if this 6 months ban system continue many players will leave the game dota2 gg..

                      how dare you to call those toxic dogs to be dota-players? The system is just cleaning itself and I just wish that the ban was 12 months and would come much more often than it does now


                        Tbh, i like this idea, we dont need more players for this game, we need a community with minimal toxic retards for quality games.


                          I dont care if this system increases queue time by a minute or two as long as we get quality games

                          i fuk you in da butt

                            @fake plastic trees
                            how many game u played for remove the ban imminent message and what mode u play.

                            muted all, it's just a ga...

                              @Abyss Watcher I absolutely agree with you. I'd rather queue for another 5 more minutes than being stuck in a toxic game for 30 minutes and lost 25 mmr + (I'll need to play another 30 minutes game to gain that mmr back lmao).


                                LOL dota is dead allright ! u may say is low behavior score or waht ever bullshit u wont to call it , but what it is , is makeing it easyer for bad players to do what they please , i get 6 month ban i ddi not feed or enything i just flame whne there was a neeed to ! not for nothign i can see a bd player from a complete retard i am nto mad at people whit no skill i am mad at people who dotn have skill and act like they do whitch is basicly 99% of the players now ! waht ever u do in eu region u aways get 3 godo games and 7 bad whit turkish or rusiasn speacking retards who dont even try to comunicate whit u and will pick and play what ever they wont despite team bild and evrything ! so to hell whit u all hypocratick son of a bitches and your wining how is okey to put 6 man ban in a majority of bad plaeyrs !


                                  6 months ban policy should be more frequent. I’m just love to see a cleaner DoTA 2


                                    I guess there are too many dota 2 devs in this thread cx

                                    flourishing new leaf

                                      Cleaner dota?
                                      That's not what you're getting

                                      Fucking broken system.


                                        @ QuitDota

                                        I'm sorry, didn't see you asked me.

                                        First time it was about 30 games of regular ranked + maybe 10 games of turbo/unranked normals, so overall about 40 of them. Didn't flame anyone and I had to pick what my team needs, etc, etc.

                                        Sec. time it was at least twice as hard as first time. It's been a month since last ban msg already and I'm ban free with normal behavior score.


                                          There should be bans for bad behavior. But the implementation is broken, unfair and should be fixed.

                                          How is bad behavior defined exactly? Shouldn't there be feedback to make players know why they are considered to have bad behavior? Shouldn't there be at least something like a bad behavior score per match so people can know what they did wrong so they can fix their behavior? Some people are easily triggered, others are hard triggered (like me). I have won games with feeders (as in 4 days ago) and keep it positive, try to use the "relax you do fine" phrase to motivate teammates. Nevertheless, when there is too much toxicity in my team I can't handle it when I'm not in good mood. I am pretty sure that i can make the guy who designed the 6-month-ban system lose his temper even if he starts talking to me with a good mood to see how broken his implementation is.

                                          I find my propositions legit. I have a smiley face conduct summary and a Normal Behavior Score. In spite of that, I do get the "6 month ban imminent warning" every time I enter DotA and I honestly cannot rationalize it. How imminent is it, actually?!
                                          During my last 25 games I have heard teammates saying that they 'll report me in only 2 matches. In one case, 3 teammates were toxic. In the second, I did not play well but was trying to.

                                          In the first one (3853757211), I realized from the drafting stage that there were no "team spirit" and potentially toxic players. I decided to go Axe jungle for self-relliancy. Eventually, we had a flamer, a player who was assessed as abandon because of idling and a bottom guy who was dying kind of often easily triggered but he was trying to play OK. Our SF decided to take my 3 large-camp stack even after explaining in our team chat that I really need this stack with a good manner. In the end, I was triggered when he said he can solo carry it, so I decided to go idle (but not "assessed with an abandon") to let him "unravel his skills and SF mastery" - we eventually lost.

                                          In the second one (3858217317, also lost), I had a lot of hiccups in laning stage (died while I shouldn't) and 2 people kept flaming me and saying they 'll report me and one abandoned. I did my best to win though and did not flame back, but I had to mute our toxic sniper.

                                          That being said, are we banned because we lose matches? Why isn't the mechanics of this system clearly explained so it can really help the players who want become better?


                                            I think that is possible to monitor and identify intentional feeding. but DoTa servers certainly are not prepared to received and process that data. Intentional feed and trash talk should be the primary behavior to detect an Toxic player.

                                            Von Darkmoor

                                              Nah you get warning if you get into low prio twice so not its nothing extreme this change is awfull imo.

                                              10 reports my latest 25 9 commends.-

                                              Most of the reports are to be fair simply because some kids didnt get their lane.

                                              Also to avoid getting reported play pos 6 everytime otherwise you get reported i mean its not like i play AP to play something i like :D

                                              So no i think this is waaaay too drastic.
                                              Again Multiaccount isnt bannable so i guess il just create a bounch of em.

                                              Then again having a computer and not a person deciding this kind of things are fucking stupid.

                                              Im currently having a Axe in my team that went mid and fed from min 1 his just running in dying now his getting commended by the enemy. Great success Great system.

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                                                i got 3 abaddaon at summary am i going to get 6months ban huh?


                                                  valve should improve the solo game system, just fall in with me, and if I call noob I'm reported, I'm not in the lp again just by calling the people of noob, that's forbidden now? and I'm forced to play in it because I live in Asia, but I already tried to play in the United States, but I get lag, I'm forced to play with pinoy, it's all bad manners, and as you go back, you're going to report and I'm going to pro low with these types of people, my last game a support I'm complaining that everybody gets carry and can not carry, fucking everyone, I just said, you're not a good suport, you barely bought wards, and he must have reported me for it, really in the 2 dota, solo you can no longer speak if you do not want to take a report


                                                    should make a server only for pinoy.and make sea good again, I buy items, I spent money on this game, and now I'm banned until Tuesday.

                                                    [B.S] Anubis_905

                                                      Ahahaha i love how you guys are so pissed off beacuse this...

                                                      It should be 12 months, not 6.

                                                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                        I agree. I don;'t even understand how someone can get banned 6 months. Everytime I was even close to getting banned on my main, I literally always just played bunch of turbos and the msg dissapeared..

                                                        GodFather|🔑[S: 26000][Key...

                                                          its bad rules for dota2 havnt any kick/ban option then just for 10 report you will get ban!!! its mistake all of that

                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                            Said the guardian guy with zero clue about life let alone Dota.

                                                            flourishing new leaf

                                                              Worst fucking shit system ever. It takes into account reports only and doesn't even verify them. Another valve shit show


                                                                Well, that's it then....I'm close to the 6 month ban....., the message just appeared. Never in my 10 years in Dota (1st and 2nd) did I feed, or intentionally lost a game, the very idea of it seemed wrong to me... why would anyone want to waste his time in that manner?
                                                                And that's what I get in the end?! A six month ban? Just because I constantly get braindead 15year kids as a team? I don't even talk to people in Dota anymore, I've just been using global mute for the last several month, and still I get reports... I carry those shitcans and I get reports all the same for absolutely ridiculous reasons! Some morons will report you even if you won a game for him but didn't give him role he wanted! How is that a reason for me to get banned for 6 months?! Why can't you just verify these reports first?! Whoever came up with this deserves the worst shit in the world to happen to him. I hope he gets it....


                                                                  Maybe because you spend 99% of ur games in jungle and people dont like to play 4vs5 while you hit creeps like a tard?

                                                                  flourishing new leaf

                                                                    It doesn't matter what people like!! More like it shouldn't but velve doesn't give a fuck!! They rlike to listen to whiny little noob shit on reddit and destroy the game! Just look at the fucking decline and increase of fucking ruiners!!!! Who by the way, don't even get fucking banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's people that do their own shit and play to win that get banned

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                                                                      Those are some golden words dude. I really never rage and never flame. I just like to spam one hero, and most of the time I win games that way. But kids are tilted from the beginning and report me no matter what. And no, I rarely jungle, not really my cup of tea. I know that some people may be genuinely tilted by a guy who instantly picks one hero and by doing so forces the team to adapt to him. But, I don't violate the rules of the game, and I always play to the best of my ability. Once again - WHY AM I GETTING BANNED? And why all those real hardcores feeders who intentionally ruin every second game of mine just for their own perverted pleasure, or those who unceasingly rage in the voice chat don't even get a slighest penalty?!! I simply can't take it anymore...

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                        ^ "I rarely jungle" - 77% of bloodsuka games jungling. Ban system working nicely.

                                                                        flourishing new leaf

                                                                          ahahah, ban system working nicely? WHO ARE YOU TO FUCKING DICTATE HOW TO PLAY THE GAME! All you fucking need is the intent and put down the effort to win. Fucking braindead kid ^

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                                                                              Ugh, those games were years ago, I play only safelane now. Most of your games are also in jungle, so you should get ban too following that logic. Really just one of those kids again...
                                                                              and yeah, nice archon 3 badge. Now I see, ofc only a trash player would say something as retarded as that.
                                                                              Fyi, I managed to hit 5200mmr playing bs jungle back in the day. A number you can only dream of..

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                Jst so u know pt report counted as 1, dont waste ur time reporting sm1 as a party

                                                                                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                  He never flames:



                                                                                    that says nothing about me flaming somebody, you see words but don't know the context..... such a brainless creature. And guess who again? Another piece of shit 1k mmr archon.... why am I not surprised?

                                                                                    Instead of finding the reasons why I deserve a ban why don't you take a look at my last games (lost ones) and see why I DON'T deserve it? I play despite the whole team feeding, the most impact on the map is made by me, no flames from me (note). And guess who gets reported in the end? So screw you and your 1k ass, get good then talk, freaking embarrassment not a player...

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      You can find these words in absolutely any dota profile, what kinda proof is that? Have a look at yours:


                                                                                      UPD. Good, because there’ll be no arguing. I don’t have a blast proving obvious things to mentally handicapped individuals. Alas, you’re too much autistic to realize that your last post was about yourself. And that indeed IS something to laugh about..
                                                                                      (I didn't get the ban and even if I will, I'll be continuing wrecking 1k cripples like you from a different acc, that's it, so don't be too happy)

                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                                                        You're lost cause, I'm so glad you got the 6 month ban.

                                                                                        You literally deserve it.

                                                                                        I am not even gonna try arguing with you. It's so much better watching delusional people destroying themselfs alone.

                                                                                        At least I have a nice laugh and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

                                                                                        Btw, good thing you got the ban. This means system is working. See ya in 6 months, scum.


                                                                                          Yo malkavian, we actually played a game together back in 2016 lmao


                                                                                            And to my shame i was jungling xD


                                                                                              It's very possible to be reported without saying a word. Pretty sure I can replicate being toxic in game without saying a word.


                                                                                                Hey, Dawn. Yeah we did, didn't we? Heh, cool :). How did we even win that one I wonder, I mean we both sucked so hard there xDD
                                                                                                2 5 brew, wtf is that?

                                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!