General Discussion

General Discussion6 month banned update

6 month banned update in General Discussion
Aphex Mary

    How is this ban done? I mean, is it only to the account?
    Isn't behaviour patterns based on reports/commends?
    I wish I could see how many reports I have in total.

    I googled a bit to find out that (dota_game_account_client_debug in console) that my behaviour score is C.

    Cheesy Wenis

      I'm not going to be victim of some piece of shit because I hurt his feelings?

      Yeah, you're the victim here.


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        I dont know about staying silent. Depends on what kind of person you are. I tend to be friendly-ish even when losing, and keep allchat to a minimum, so..

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          when myteammate are losing . coz they dont play good but they ll look someone for give 6 month bans. and they still do it agian agian in mmr. people silent should be got 6month bans?when i dont say anything and they ll give all report for silent. but blamer still play at rank and silent go to lp

          are you lost babygirl
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            are you lost babygirl

              Got reported and trashtalked today cause I used my skill a bit early.
              Your point is invalid

              NUB GonNA NUUB

                play with idiot or fake rank, got report and banned chat multiple times...really shit..... wish i dota 2 have paid server so i can pay for it to play quality game without noob shit or kiddy


                  6-Month ban with stupid report system, when u can be reported for picking wrong hero or farming forest. rly volvo?


                    so satisfying watching these mongol oids cry

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                      you can have safe match if this condition applied on your region.

                      SEA : you didnt meet any pinoy in your team or pinoy is your enemy
                      EU : you didnt meet rusian around in your game
                      China : you didnt meet any mongolian around in your game

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                      Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                        I'm not going to be victim of some piece of shit because I hurt his feelings?

                        ^^^ I agree. change your personality and your playing style then because no one will want to play with you. don't be a douchebag.

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                        offlaner ≠ carry

                          Valve recognizes that a mirror for those players to take a look and reflect at wouldn't work.
                          So if 6 months ban also doesn't work, I don't know what is.


                            I'm not a professional player and I suck sometimes (most of the times), but I always try my best to win every game. So, I always get tilted if someone is not doing their best (in my opinion), and the result is quite obvious with my low MMR; I flame people all the time, almost every game.

                            Consequently, the report count in my conduct summary (every 25 games) is always more than 15 (I'm not even surprised), my highest report count is 20 and it's a normal thing for me. The conduct summary always says that my report rate is higher than 99% of players, so I consider myself a toxic player. However, my overal conduct score is always that green smiley face, it's always been like that for as long as I can remember, and I'm still not banned yet.

                            My point is, I don't think that they will ban you for flaming and trash talking, they will mute you sometimes (happens to me frequently), but I've never been banned for hurting other people's feeling in game. In my personal opinion, the system won't just blindly ban everyone who has tons of reports (like me). Maybe they automatically check the game summary first in case that person played decently or check other variables. So if anyone is complaining about getting a 6 months ban for trash talking, it's probably just to hide the fact that they played terribly.

                            However, I will let you guys know if they decided to ban me tomorrow because my conduct summary earlier today said that I've got 21 reports in the last 25 games (wish me luck).

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                              I'm not a professional player and I suck sometimes (most of the times), but I always try my best to win every game. So, I always get tilted if someone is not doing their best (in my opinion), and the result is quite obvious with my low MMR; I flame people all the time, almost every game

                              Does flaming helps? Does it miraculously turn your teammates into TI players and wins you the game? From my experience it just starts massive fight and instead of playing you are raging at each other awaiting imminent loss, with recent dota changes games are lost in draft unless opposite team missplays heavily and loses the game, so if you are outpicked theres no point in flaming really, damage is already done...

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                              Cheesy Wenis

                                It depends on the type of players on your team. Some people respond well to it, but most don't. There are no 100% guarantees when it comes to large volumes of humans, especially when their cultural and personal backgrounds are so varied.

                                Chat wheel and being nice tends to work more often though, and consistency is key to gitting gud.


                                  I just played with him and I can confirm that this guy is one of the lowest flaming trash bags in the history of Dota 2. This guy has 20+ pages of comments in his Steam profile, out of which almost all are basically writing about how BM he is. A ban well deserved...

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                                  Johnny Rico

                                    do we have numbers of how many players were banned for 6 months?

                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                      ^^^talking until the Ancient is 0% (thats a lot of hardwork) hahaha

                                      God Admiral Haru

                                        unless ur absolute cancer to the community i doubt you'll get banned like valve has claimed

                                        muted all, it's just a ga...

                                          I have no doubt that those who cried about the new 6 months ban system are cancers.


                                            BAN IMMINENT.


                                              The only way I deal with 6 month bans is by making new acc's and feeding rapiers, teamkilling in cs go and team killing in pubg while sending hate mail to steam support to unban my account in order to stop my carnage. The fact that people support a system that bans you for 6 months solely cause you said "lol" whenever an enemy made a mistake is horrifying.

                                              ANDREW TATE

                                                From what i know, this update bans everyone who is behaviour score F and below...

                                                It does not ban people solely for saying lol like what elysium said. But i don agree with this 6 months ban as well... valve controlling our lives as if he is kim jong un...


                                                  Behaviour score F is just one step below the Normal score. Lmao they wouldn't ban you right away for your first slip-up, A grade is the lowest one and even then i doubt they'll ban A-graders right away.

                                                  ANDREW TATE

                                                    Sorry u got a misconception. Normal score is A and B. They wont display. The console will only show u "normal". Beyond normal is C+ to F- , so F is not just 1 step beyond the normal, but the furthest from normal behaviour..


                                                      F VALVE! LOOKS LIKE I AM ON TRACK FOR A 6month ban!


                                                        i got banned with a- behaviour socre hmmm seems like legit boys that i havent feeded since 2016 like and i got 6 months banned

                                                        Cheesy Wenis

                                                          My first 3 techies games since the new report system, 0 reports and 4 commends.

                                                          Working as intended bois. Checkout my enormous throbbing manners.


                                                            Seens some people will have alot of time to comment in this thread.



                                                              Atlast i got 6 month ban, for supporting ppl on 4k, after 7 win streak and few games i got it =) that all what u need its just a point on their mistake in chat/voice, no matter how u playing.

                                                              This game have most retarded community every, sad Ranked still same like simple matchmaking. bg

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                                                                Ye. Got banned for 6 months because our rhasta decided to report me since i didn't push my lane(mid) before i got rad as pugna. We won the game easy.
                                                                Point is that the ban(s) is nothing about poor/toxic behaviour at all. Had a long break of dota and i don't know if i survived for a month ;). This time i didn't even flame during the games.

                                                                This is btw pretty funny quote from
                                                                "One Battlefield. Infinite Possibilities.
                                                                When it comes to diversity of heroes, abilities, and powerful items, Dota boasts an endless array—no two games are the same. Any hero can fill multiple roles, and there's an abundance of items to help meet the needs of each game. Dota doesn't provide limitations on how to play, it empowers you to express your own style."

                                                                Yet if i play wd/dazz core and pwn enemies around the map while our mid/off/safe are feeding they will report me. Possibly even if i carry the game for them.

                                                                Don't say a word. Play good. Get banned. So much for the infinite possibilities. Playing dota2 solo is just really not an option nowadays.


                                                                  If you wanna play non meta shit like witch doctor mid. U need to do it unranked or else you'll be reported


                                                                    Esp if you're already at ancient level


                                                                      HanYolo - You are as stupid as the idiot that came up with the reporting and ban system.


                                                                        When i'm mid, be it either dazzle or wd no "meta" standard sf/invo etc can beat me. And yea. I usually end up doing most dmg in the game. But in your narrow (russian?) mind of course that is bannable offense.


                                                                          i was 1k total higher than op before badges why am i ancient 2 and he's ancient 1


                                                                            @Perception in console type this :

                                                                            developer 1


                                                                            the last lane will show your bahavior score :

                                                                            [Developer] behavior_score:

                                                                            literally, "given" name



                                                                                It's reportable. Doing damage doesn't equal won games. You're playing with 9 other players. If they don't like what you're doing (even if it sorta works) they will report you.


                                                                                  HanYolo. Yea. That's basically the community. No matter what you do no-one likes you. But i guess you prefer having sf feeding mid than wd that wins the game. Russian logic indeed.


                                                                                    HanYolo. And to expand ... It doesn't fit in the three report categories. And if you goto and read the quoted you should understand that it should be as unreportable as black men playing other than support.


                                                                                      there's a basic understanding of how the game is supposed to be played, especially the higher skill rating you have. that's why i say you shouldn't do non-meta shit in ranked esp at ancient level. you can do it in guardian and no one cares,trust me. i can go mid with whatever hero i want.

                                                                                      it's like picking techies. nothing wrong with that, but you ruin the gaming experience of others who expect to play normal dota. but you turn it into some awful spin-off and everyone reports you. even if you win. deserved or not, it is debatable. personally i think every techies player should get 6 month banned.

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                                                                                        so maybe you do deserve the ban afterall (according to your peers).
                                                                                        nevermind if they are 'not supposed to report you'. you are just foolishly ignorant if you think that that's true.

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                                                                                          There is a basic MISunderstanding on how the game is supposed to be played. Only a fool equates a hero for a position. Too bad the community consists of HanYolo's that want's to report anyone for anything.

                                                                                          muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                            dotabuff should apply 6 months ban system



                                                                                              If you are so misunderstood perhaps play party and get likeminded ‘geniuses’ like you and stomp the rest of the crowd to prove a point?
                                                                                              I sure don’t want to see a mid core dazzle in my ranked solo pub. No thanks.




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                                                                                                    I fucking paid for dota plus 6 months and didnt insult anyone i got 0 abandons 6 reports and 14 commends and i got 6 months ban this is incredible idk what should i do when someone is feeding or playing like a shit or he's boosted should i keep silent ffs i dont get it if i play after 6 months will i play better i will forget what dota means after 6 months and they will report me again for beeing noob idk why not 1 week why not 1 month why 6 months at least refound my dota plus fucking dota valve fucking steam fucking everything GG DOTA.


                                                                                                      No. Valve shouldn't restrict freedom of speech. Players shouldn't be banned because they voice their opinions.