General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderhollow Strategy

Underhollow Strategy in General Discussion

    What's your favourite heroes for the new mode?

    I think Abbadon, Dazzle, Underlord, Wraith King, WD and Troll are good.


      i played 2 time with braindead people (both my team and others!) and dusa + axe worked so ez! axe call dusa ulti then madness and gege!


        Zeus! you ult everything on the map dies, rooms are narrow so aghanims is cancerous as hell, Spectre to find who has shit PC when you make 21 haunt illusions. Pudge to pull teams from the other rooms, Bristle and WR is cool nobody gonna make silver edge.

        Basically if you want to win, heroes that fight early are GG. Also more short cd disables the merrier.

        edit: Fun "LULZ everything dies xd" wombo combo = Luna Drow Venge.

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          Best strategy is to hunt another team straightaway. Kill them at 4mins and snowball from there...

          Solo Leveling

            Jugg is my go to. Damage and Healing Ward


              Luna sf bb I've had success with. Zeus and wraith king seems super strong too.


                i randomed lone Druid and bear plus tranquils is pretty solid.


                  axe is beast in this mode.. can pair him with a beast master and a luna or smth


                    we won with centaur axe underlord
                    i think we got a bit lucky but overall we r super tanky and we have insane initiation


                      I won as ck, my team are viper and zeus found bunch of unaware player and i just steal their item after i pulled them and they're dead lel (most of them are squishy hero like lina who afk shopping lol)

                      The Future Looked Bright

                        I've won twice using Pugna. He has a good, balanced kit.


                          PA Magnus venge/other ranged supp.

                          Makes it easy to clear rooms and scales amazingly late game.


                            Does Alchemist give more gold for the team or nah ?


                              might as well copy pasty ing it here

                              underholow tips

                              found a troll camp? skip it even if you lvl 25 or 999,really waste of time,just move to the other room

                              level 3 try to go to the next level (room after the gate)already,lvl 5-7 room 3

                              go 2 stout shield if you main tank

                              don't try to clear mud golem camp,just put a ward there and wait someone actually tries cleraing that,and you just gank them after they are low

                              the faster you go deeper,the faster you will level up and get more items
                              never ever actually try to hunt someone(unless it's that mudgolem situation or you are really sure you can win easily,like you can stun them and kill someone instantly),just pve all the way and surprise people and don't get ganked=win

                              buy basilus first item if you agi,rest of the money just buy salves
                              found a shop,low on salves just buy more salves,it will save your life and on fighting too

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                ^Makes sense, how do i get 5 underhollow wins? I have 3/5 and i was cheesing and tryharding as fuck, Underhollow too hard Volvo fix pls! Most anoying shit ever when you get jumped by 2-3 level higher team or when they have ults and you are lvl5 potato! >:(

                                I cri evri taim!


                                  Hunting other teams is a good idea not a bad one. You can clear your outer rooms and dynamite into the next team’s set of rooms. Salve up and kill them at 4min.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    does anyone wanna play? im okay with literally anyone as long as you dont disconnect for 10 minutesa t the start


                                      I won with Zeus Underlord and Leshrac. Those magic damages are absurd as hell. And yes, aghs on zeus is op.

                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        ^WD with glimmer and aghanims is on that level, won 2 games, got rekt in couple before reaching invincible point tho :(


                                          i kind of hate zeus,too squishy + i usually rush bkb as second item
                                          better pick pango,same results
                                          @harold idk lol,play with friends might be have better results than pubs?
                                          bset heroes in my opinion
                                          -armor ppl is rly good,then just add 1 underlord or any aura carrier
                                          - armor ppl +bkb and rushing some fragile ones = ez win
                                          slar can be tank also/aura

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                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!