General Discussion

General DiscussionIcefrog cant balance wisp since hero released.

Icefrog cant balance wisp since hero released. in General Discussion
low prio master

    To io,they can't nerf hero much more otherwise need rework let me explain. His tether ms bonus was nerfed milion times its very low now,same with regen thru tether nerfed last patch. Spirits dmg wasn't nerfed in past few years,difference between lvl 3 and 4 was that what made io good nuker,now lvl 4=lvl 3 old spirits.Io players know how big nerf this is,his only ability to deal dmg... Overcharge his 3rd spell was nerfed few times,last time not long time ago to the mana and hp drain while toggled on to 4.5% per second,its fucking drain you so fast,again spell which if get one more nerf it will be contra-productive to have and better to replace with something else. Ulti nerfed milion times in row. So what is my point? I see icefrog as not be able to balance this hero,hes op or weak i mean in pro games he will be alwayw strong couse of his ulti,but in pubs io was really viable first time ever!!!So its really sad to see its coming back to old rails. There should come his ulti rework which making io unbalanced between pubs and pro games,this spell will always be appreciated most by pros. Nerf to any of his ability now make him unplayable in pubs but still strong in pro games,again couse of his ulti,nothing else. Remove ulti give him something like glimmer with hp regen instead and than you can balance hero both,in pro and pub games.

    Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

      If u're losing with this hero ( as i saw ur last games) then the hero is not the problem, the real problem is.... guess what???? ARE YOU.
      The hero is in a decent place right now than he was before, struggling for ages to get a good buff, he finally became a viable pick both pro and pub, which is very healthy for the game imo.
      There are more problematic heroes than io that have to be reworked/buffed ( looking at u tiny and tech). So stop acting like a victim just because ur hero got a little bit of nerf, i'm sure he is going to recieve more attention next patches as well.

      Suck my tiny curry dick

        He’s upset that he can’t smash 2ks anymore with IO. This is the same guy who thinks he’s hotshit because he can win with IO in 2k.

        low prio master

          Two assholes comment something and have no clue about it,you saw my last games?And what im not talking about my 70% winrate in 7.16 but about how icefrog can't balance hero between pubs and pro games due to his ulti.
          That im hotshit,you said that nobody else.Also im 3k not 2k,and proud of it.
          I making here topics past 2 years only about io and this is on my mind right now,the fact ppl come and just say youre 2k never dissappear,i gonna say again when i was 2k i was proud of it same as im 3k now.


            you're 3k, stop talking lol



              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                you're 3k, stop talking lol

                This is the sad truth here in dotabuff forum; you can't share your idea or opinions if you are a low mmr player.


                  >he finally became a viable pick both pro and pub, which is very healthy for the game

                  It's not healthy when he is frankly imbalanced in pro. In supermajor he was first phase banned in 95% of games, in the few that he was not first banned he was first picked. Only one game in the entire supermajor was lost with an Io on the team. He definitely needs adjusting, I think the most recent patch was a good step in the right direction.

                  Potato PC

                    IO is still playable on public and i already prove it.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                      You talk like you’re hot shit. In an older thread you brag about only losing like 7-8 games with io out of 50. Are we suppose to be impressed that you can smash normal skill players with io?

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        Yeah he is just mad because Io cant do shit alone anymore, he cant solo stomp lowbies and he must relly on his clueless cores to win the game.

                        He probably saw enemy core on agressive ward farming junlge tried to tether and port his core who was probably also farming jungle and got response "WTF im not 6sloted yet i cant fight !!!!' since Io cant solo kill shit anymore LUL.

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                          He has a very valid point. For the first time in god knows how Long, io was viable in Low skill pubs. Which is completely fine. Except his point is that now it becomes op in pro games.

                          Meaning it's impossible to balance the hero and it should be reworked. If a heros concept is either shit for pubs and broken for pros, something is wrong with the design. Of course you could just go full hitler and ignore what happens in Low skill pubs.

                          But nonetheless A 100% sensible analysis and the rest of y'all bringing up mmr for no reason are 100% fucked in the brain

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                          Udder Certainty

                            Did someone call for ICEFROG?

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              Judging by the patch notes they dont give a rats ass what happens in low pubs, the 4 riders of apocalypse, Riki, PA, Clinkz and Bristle, that spread terror in low brackets are all buffed because evryone ignores them at high level and pro scene, yet low mmr can't deal with them at all.


                                Yes. They are fucking nazis. If one were to suggest Those heroes should be reworked honestly I wouldn't mind.

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  Problem is competitive scene brings the cash, low brackets players are so unsatisfied with their rank teammates and game in general that they dont really spend anything on the game, Valve knows ^^

                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                    No one cares what he says because he thinks he’s hotshit for beating scrubs with IO.

                                    low prio master

                                      The only one relevant here is you nazi,again and again topic after topic nobody cares what you say retard.
                                      Learn game,get brain and comeback.

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        I should go smash scrubs with IO so I can brag about it.


                                          Idk, picked up the hero this patch after I was 1-7 on him and I got 4 wins and 2 losses, and I played pretty poorly in all games but one. Maybe try working on your team communication as the hero is insane if anyone else has a mic


                                            Well im pretty sure that this hero is way easier to play than earth spirit now

                                            low prio master

                                              No im not saying i can't play him or hes super weak,my point was that icefrog can't ever balance him due to his ulti.Pretty sure he can nerf his 3 first abilities to ground again but still stay contested in pro games as always.But trash in pubs.


                                                this hero was the strongest hero in the game since he was released
                                                its not my problem you can't understand the reason this hero is broken, and deserves to be deleted from dota for the same reasons as techies should.


                                                  I wouldn't mind deleting Io. But I'm very curious why you are comparing techies with io.

                                                  low prio master

                                                    Icefrog listened me.

                                                    Potato PC

                                                      IO winrate soon fall below 40% on public. Even more useless on public, while pro can adapt.

                                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                                        IO is shit now, especially in low brackets, those dogs will break tether every time while you channeling relocate :laugh:

                                                        low prio master

                                                          Guys this was unnecessary move by icefrog as i mentioned in post,there was no way balance hero between pubs and pros,im not say this is the best way,i would prefer to see different spell instead relocate but this could definitely work,ofc now is io pretty weak or way weaker than before but im sure some buffs incoming in future to other abilities.

                                                          чё с тобой

                                                            lmao io has no ultimate now... every time i do it my teammate just walks away and i go alone and die... how amazing

                                                            absense of mercy and empathy

                                                              @chat muted, don't bother :^) ur 4k stop talking lol

                                                              PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                Level 25 talent Relocate is cast not channeled.
                                                                Tethering now takes 2 seconds to channel.
                                                                Tethering now makes your ally have the same move speed as Io, ie 280 ms.


                                                                  still dont understand why u cant save / get notifications from posts. this shit is golden sadfasdf


                                                                    squishy squishy
                                                                    has "kick me" symbol on the back

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!