General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I have won this game ?

How could I have won this game ? in General Discussion
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    I am the Magina, tried my best...
    Just need advice as to how I could have won it by myself ? Mjolnir/Blood/AC would have better than Aghs/Heart here ?
    Any suggestions on MY game play (leave aside my teammates)


      a bkb or a linken's

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        BKB wouldn't do good here... There was no major stuns or chain stuns (RP goes thru bkb) and as far as magic is concerned, I had 80%+ magic resistance... I needed more PL clearing and dmg... I feel a Mjolnir or Null for dmg and AC instead of heart... But anymore suggestions are welcome... M trying my best to master this hero :)

        Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

          never buy aghs on am trash item


            bkb not good? wtf are you on? tech and invoker are raping you without bkb rofl


              Yeah a bkb would've been good this game, regardless of the Magnus.


                It's honestly just the lineup. You have low lockdown and utility.


                  not a good aghs game, BKB/AC/skadi


                    Probably needed to rat better since PL must have been dominating the team fights for you to lose with 3 late game heroes 6 slotted.

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                      I completely agree about the Aghs and Rat part... This wasn't an aghs game since they hardly had any unit target disable... Should have gone rat mode as suggested :|
                      Btw, just let me know what's the BKB u guys are emphasizing on ? Is it the magic dmg that I needed it against ?(but I already had 80%+ resist) or the stuns/root/disarm etc ? The only moment that was forcing me to blink out was emp or mana burn from diff blade and maybe chain roots sometimes... Will BKB be worth in such scenario ?

                      dont be thrilled by this ...

                        bkb instead of aghs,:

                        1-invo cant do shit in fights with your bkb on
                        2-techies cant do shit either
                        3-pl cant burn your mana to ground when bkb on
                        4-sk cant do shit
                        5-aghs is total trash in this match, it can be worse if sk is wise enough to use it against you and make you burrow strike into techies mines!

                        since you say ignore your allies so i say make bloodthorn earlier (30-40 min) and get ez kills since they all have spells for escape

                        *you had no reliable stun or silence in your draft (except dp silence and gyro rocket which are unreliable), troll should've made orchid, but you could too. so this was inevitable outcome when you let the game last for 60 mins ...


                          5 cores in 1 team? U lost the game during the draft phase.

                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                            Comes to Dotabuff asking for advices

                            People tell him why he lost

                            Refuses to accept it


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                              Refuses to accept it

                              I never refused it :|
                              I just asked the reason as to why the BKB would have been better here ?

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                                @this aint fun anymore: Thanks for the analysis :) got the point... Will take care in the next games :)

                                2 B R 0 2 B

                                  Omegalul, 5 cores ? and ask how to win


                                    Always buy bkb when you are against Invo! basic dota.


                                      Play support... If your team is retarded enough to go 4 cores deep, you should make space for them by picking a support.

                                      And to be honest, almost all of the best team fight abilities are on support heroes. So play to win as a team and not play to win solo... This is a team game and there are no heroes that can take on 5 enemies without help from their team mates.


                                        You're a mangina? Mate have some self respect