General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth learning Wisp?

Is it worth learning Wisp? in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Any wisp players out there willing to share some tips for an absolute beginner?

    Played only a couple games as support wisp, is it worth playing this hero at 3k seems like u need a lot of communication with your team?


      io is worthless without a teammate


        don't die and watch the map

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        Potato PC

          With your rank, i wouldn't say that you're an absolute beginner even though you often play as Core.

          IO can be used well even on low-rank matchmaking or when you solo queue. But obviously there are some difficulty such as when to relocate. When i solo queue, i only use relocate to help teammate who's ganked or need help to gank someone quickly.

          Bill Cutting

            Meant beginner IO player


              i just gave you the most influential tip you could ever receive
              try to die <2 times on a lane and the chances are, if you really know how to play dota2, you'll carry the game alone


                DON'T. Team play is nonexistent in your bracket. Just pick a hero who can duo offlane like clock and win MMR

                Bill Cutting

                  Wanting to learn more for fun I don’t really play ranked cuz I have to play on other servers

                  Isn’t wisp a great dual offlane though, seen Crit spamming him

                  On a funny note I relo’d my Sven into a fight (pinged relo and pinged the fight) and he was so confused he afk’d for 3 seconds and died 😂

                  Use chatwhell=mute

                    no dont learn how to play io. just spam ur heroes to win mmr. and if ur bored and wanted to spam other hero. just tkae break from dota. dota is not really great game


                      Had my first game with wisp for a long time today and I don't think he even skilled relocate but was still super-effective just keeping people alive. Blue stars will call it retarded but it actually worked down here...

                      Story Time

                        define the word "worth"

                        Bill Cutting

                          If u get good at wisp can u shit on kids?

                          Bill Cutting

                            Looks like a fun hero to play as well


                              It's fun to just meme with but I don't recommend spending the time to learn it

                              Story Time

                                if you get good with any hero, you can shit on kids, but ofc with IO that would be harder but so more fun :D

                                Bill Cutting

                                  Like can u compare to visage in that if u learn the hero people don’t really know how to deal with u

                                  Can anyone suggest builds? I want to play offlane maybe soul ring into dominator and medallion?


                                    learning all heroes is worth it,you can know wat to do when against the hero

                                    if you want mmr,just learn the op heroes in the meta lol now


                                      itt : people who have never touched IO talking about IO

                                      io isn't even a hero in pro games right now you're going to struggle with him in pubs x100000 he has a winrate of 41% for a reason

                                      verified vexillophile

                                        49.58% win rate in divine+ ranked games. Its in a pretty good place right now if you have teammates that know how to play with it. IO feels really good right now. I am having a lot of fun playing with it in turbo games right now because I am bad at securing EXP in normal games. It seems pretty bad in sub divine games to be honest.

                                        Potato PC

                                          IO Magic is fun. Soul ring, dagon and ethereal blade with +90 spirit damage/+400 spirit range is my favorite silly build.


                                            Not worth it. Trust me, I barely get him to work in 5-stack games. With friends, all playing in the same place. If coordination with that hero is already difficult in a full team environment, good luck getting him to work with 4 randoms, 1 or 2 of which will probably be idiots


                                              To tell wisp is not good for 3k dogs some player dont pah attention to ur heroes doesnt know what wisp can do better not to learn 100% lose rate below 4k mmr

                                              low prio master

                                                Check this my account,its been made for these who think io can be successfuly play from some mmr point.I climb literally from 1mmr to 1500mmr with wisp mostly.
                                                (Used to be 2k on my old acc)
                                                Everything is possible but you cant just go copy 7k wisp build and expect winning.Take inspiration from them but dont copy.
                                                Try things you think could work.

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                Potato PC

                                                  People who say IO can't be used on low MMR/bracket clearly can't play IO at all.

                                                  I've increased by MMR about 500-1000 by spamming IO and usually solo-support.

                                                  UNICORN OVERLORD

                                                    they made him way easier to play so yes

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!