General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy U should quit dota 2 ?

Why U should quit dota 2 ? in General Discussion

    This game with it's new policy will lost it's users Soon :

    1.they made behavior score that matchmake u with your behavior score Bracket in your team , it means if u just get some reports for a bad game or even got reported for no reason (Example : U pick something that someone do not like it for no reason , u go a lane that someone do not want u go etc,) then there is idiot people around they will loose game and blame u or blame someone for their lost !

    2.In game there is 1 winner 1 looser , and when u loose someone in your team got report and when u reach above 6 report in 25 game u go LP and your behavior score again decrease ..

    3.there is almost 1 smurf every 5 game that bring u lost in that game if u were on that lane u will be reported

    4.soon system taking hard on you and matchmake with idiots and u got Chain LP and soon 6 month ban alert and finally got your 6 month ban and rest .

    p.s: game want to clean it's community but what he is done is just sacrifice some players for no reason , in my opinion this game will loose it's users for other games soon , and will fail with this politics (after patch 7.08) i asked all of my friends who play this game , they all have same problem , but i can't tolerate LP games for no reasons .. already uninstalled.

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      Such a sad story man.. let me wipe my tears away as i bid you fare thee well


        Sad, if you actually talks back to people who flame you they will most likely report you, I actually got flamed for fucking up an ice shard once and caused our smoke gank to fail and my mid flamed me, but i know that you shouldnt talk back to toxic people.


          yeah sorry mate but I struggle to buy into this "no reason" stuff... the only time I went to LP was some time in 2016 I think and that was due to abandoning... which I didn't even want to do at the time but had a power outage. never had low behavior score though and still don't. I experience losses as much as the next guy and do get into the occasional argument but my behavior updates never have > 3 reports on them and usually a fair few commends...

          so I have to ask myself whenever I see this type of thread... what exactly it is that you people do... cause I'm pretty sure it's not for "no reason"... or else we would all be experiencing it...


            Valci : U almost always play an offlaner or Support (mostly one hero warlock support ) so no one even go to report u , no smurf will hurt u , no one will flame u for your mistake as long as u baby sit them , try mid , try carry , try solo offlane , then they will fuck you out.

            Machado98 #xatubaking


              Yeah reports for no reason

              I had behavior score F for a long time and I discovered the best trick to have more behavior score: good behavior

              Shut up, play your best, mute toxic players so you don't tilt. Reports can only be given after the match and none will report you if you did a good job, doesn't matter what you picked or which lane you went

              And for god's sake stop this WK jungle, not a surprise you get reports

              low prio master

                Youre deserve every single report you got.

                -43% winrate
                -jungler (you can jungle but not couse no lane available)
                -cry post

                low prio master

                  Youre deserve every single report you got.

                  -43% winrate
                  -jungler (you can jungle but not couse no lane available)
                  -cry post


                    i don't say EZ in my life but this site says i said this word too much , please check it with others "fuck" is a normal word every body use it + when i pick WK that is because i mark a lane and someone come and take it btw i have not low winrate with jungle WK (Check WK games) Check the damage , check the kills , check the net worth , check building damages , u are another one who judge and report for no reason . dota is full of people like u , i just abandoned this game and now i play Warframe.

                    My winrate is about playing with my friends that are new in this game and practice with them and learn them game not because loosing in rank

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                    Story Time

                      Valci : U almost always play an offlaner or Support (mostly one hero warlock support ) so no one even go to report u , no smurf will hurt u , no one will flame u for your mistake as long as u baby sit them , try mid , try carry , try solo offlane , then they will fuck you out.

                      Carries typically report their supports for own mistakes :D especially in low brackets, so NO ONE is safe from reports, however reports per se are not detrimental to the gameplay


                        If I have a spare report I report people simply for not selecting a lane in pick phase. Almost no one gets reported "for nothing".* btw, I explicitly tell people at the start of the game that I report people for not selecting a lane so it's not like they aren't warned.

                        *in solo queue I once had a lobby report me for picking Riki second. In turbo. Seriously. It *very* occasionally happens that someone will really report you "for nothing" but it is very very rare


                          I second what the guy above says. I pretty much exclusively play offlane or hard support and I have had carries report me because they weren't competent carries or picked into one of their hard counters.


                            if i was in a game with u i would have reported u too why?
                            1. feeding
                            2. picking afk jungler
                            3. playing carry main when u clearly can't handle carrying or have no idea how to play some

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Okay, you have a good stats as WK (60% winrate, 8-6-12 KDA, 538gpm, 600 gpm on 25 matches) as jungler, but as P9 said;

                              "you can jungle but not couse no lane available"

                              Jungle has been nerfed too much to the point that its not worth to afk farm there, especially if your team is suffering (which is always the case. Unless your lucky if theres a good player on your team)

                              WK however is among the few that can jungle well.


                                Tbh anyone complaining about the changes in behavioural patterns needs to stfu. I have played 14k games in all kinds of brackets and been a normal player who has had moments of toxicity.

                                If your toxic and dumb in literally every aspect of the game it comes as no surprise to me.

                                You literally have no excuse for why you behave that way.


                                  OP needs to quit dota, i agree with that


                                    Ayasa u understand ! i never Go AFk Jungle , there is no point in afk jungling + WK is good jungler if u learn how to manage skeleton :

                                    I almost always Gank someone with my skeletons , they have great damage + good stun then it is 100% a kill , i can make midas + radiance just in 15 min in jungle with gank if no one babycry , check My WK games i offer too much to team ! no afk can damage towers too much , no afk have great damage to heroes , check my all games for example : in my last game i was jugg with a super idiot jakiro ! i tried my best in lane with afk Bh who done zero dmg to enemy .. then they decide report me for not carring ! check invoker score (invoker was toooo slow)



                                      how the hell are you legend 1 after fewer than 300 games? the median legend 1 is at the 79th percentile. how do you get to be better than 79 pct of the player base after fewer than 300 games? account buyer?

                                      it also strikes me that, given the prevalence of account buying, a legit legend 1 is probably a fair bit higher than the 79th percentile. could it happen? I suppose. looks BS to me though

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                                      Pale Mannie

                                        THIS IS SO SAD
                                        CAN WE GET 322 LIKE?


                                          OP said that his winrate is bad because he played with friends and not because losing in ranked but got 40.85% winrate in ranked even an archon scrub like me got higher winrate


                                            Grandpa Thad , i calibrated to legend : I am old player i have some accounts , my skills with some hero like Omni and NS and spectre or Ck is incredible , when i calibrated i picked them (when u calibrate your some games are easy , your last games going to be hard ) if u go calibrate again with new account i think game will gave u Crusader 2 or 3 , i have almost 450 commend from less than 300 game ..


                                              kavinzaza : practice with them in Ranked matches XD ! i have not too many games in this account


                                                XIII, what makes you think I would recalibrate to mid Crusader? i'm quite aware that my overall understanding of Dota is far better than most at my rank. my main problem is I absolutely loathe being around rude and inconsiderate people, which is a substantial minority of the player base.


                                                  i calibrated too many accounts for my university friends .. i almost know how it works (not exactly) some heros made account calibrating better (for example if u play offlane and carry and win game with highest dmg u will got better calibration) i just checked your several games , check your gpm and xpm and iteams u bought , playing supports and win will gave u great medal too , but u need win , if u were lucky enough that your carry be normal player and if u play all support and win 7 from 10 u will go crusader 4 or above.

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                                                    one does not practice (and/or learn new heroes) in RANKED... that is a big no-no for me. I did it once upon a time and realized the error of my ways... It cost me a bit of MMR at the time too. I expect anyone on my team to at least have basic experience with the heroes they are selecting. Normal (non-ranked) and bot games especially is where you practice. If you and your friend(s) were practicing at the expense of my MMR i would report you too...

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                                                      Is it me or I haven't encountered a jungler recently

                                                      Player 345996680

                                                        Dude just make new account and not be toxic


                                                          Haha every time someone whines about unfair reports/LP you can guarantee their word loud is toxic as fuck :-D


                                                            Think it through logically. You get 2 reports a week. Let’s say everyone plays 10 games a week so they get 40 different team mates. That means that if you’ve gotten a report they consider you in the bottom 5% of players they are matched with.


                                                              Youre deserve every single report you got.

                                                              -43% winrate
                                                              -jungler (you can jungle but not couse no lane available)
                                                              -cry post


                                                                WHAT ON FUCKING EARTH IS THAT WINRATE.


                                                                  Its time to stop

                                                                  [VAL] igp

                                                                    there's alot of bad players out there and angry people. these typical angry people need to learn how to control them self. but they will never learn to adapt anything. You first pick hero, you get reported. jungle, you get reported. like which heroes can farm faster; for an example LC enimga and wk. these type of jungle heroes can do it. telling your team mates you need BKB vs magic damage etc stuns - you get reported. Your team dont like the heroes you picked, you get reported. your items build, you get reported. you get a dagon, you get reported. I get 1-2 reports every match. because of toxic/bad players with no brain.

                                                                    here's a clip. i get reported for no reason by this angry SB player;

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                                                                      Sad necropost. OP is sad person. Everyone would eventually get banned according to OPs explanation


                                                                        They increased my medal by 2 stars in a single game after I quit for 4 months LUL


                                                                          I've been happy with my life!!

                                                                          Schultzman Gabonito

                                                                            I have a perfect behaviour score and I get matched with trolls and account buyers almost every game.

                                                                            my score:

                                                                            the games i get all the time:

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              what even is this thread
                                                                              i can barely even understand OPs english
                                                                              and the rest of this thread has me utterly confused
                                                                              i dont know whether to laugh or scream


                                                                                @OP im so sorry, im one of those smurfers who ruin mmr games on lower brackets

                                                                                Schultzman Gabonito

                                                                                  why would u scream

                                                                                  Cancer Malaria

                                                                                    Dota is a bitter pill to swallow when you take the game really seriously. Just play with friends instead of solo queue. avoid spamming ranked on a losing streak


                                                                                      There is only 1 proper way to deal with toxic people, mute them and let them be toxic whatever they want. Save your energy replying to those people.

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                                                                                        OP is still playing tho


                                                                                          OP's grammar tho


                                                                                            HEY GUYSSSSSS PLEASE GUESS MY MMR TY :))


                                                                                              So I won't get associated with you morons


                                                                                                The only time i played lp wasnt evn my own..maybe u did smething bad so u deserve getting reported


                                                                                                  42% winrate


                                                                                                    Just play 6 normal and support and get commends then go to rank,thats solution.



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                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!