General Discussion

General DiscussionThese guys have the biggest loss streaks

These guys have the biggest loss streaks in General Discussion

    What's worse is that both of them were put on my team. Go on. Tell me how I'm just as bad as them. Let it alllll out. You cannot deny concrete proof. If you think this is another one of the typical "hur durr why I always get noob team" posts then you my friend are WRONG. This right here is proof that matchmaking is NOT balanced.

    This is beyond cancer.


      you are just as bad as them


        Never seen anything like this before, it isnt normal.
        Its possible they do it (lose) in purpose.


          Like I need to talk to their parents. Like wtf is your kid doing in his free time? These 2 party up and just play really bad. They don't really do anything just click randomly. I'm trying to add them on steam and ask them what do they do? I need to know why they are doing this. 2% winrate 12% winrate like wtf?? They can't be new players either because new players don't have winrates this fucking bad.


            this is unranked tho, what kind of balanced matchmaking do you expect


              Thats too much effort. These arent kids.These are played by adult who plays and lose in purpose regardless of its normal game or ranked.they might be using these for some kid of meme or some kind of fun thing to post online mostly by some dota pages in fb.dont be surprised they might be paid for doing it.


                I could never put myself into a feeder's mind. They are a very special type of person. I want to know what part of their brain thinks this is a good idea

                Pointy Shoes

                  these guys obviously wanted to know how deep the asshole is


                    Not as deep as ur anus.

                    Muhammad Sumbul

                      What the actual fuck. @Above: Hey broken dreams i've added you accept friend request


                        Holy shit, those are probably bot accounts


                          do you play at a weird time of day because they are a stack but don't always party. i'm guessing you ruined their fun by being placed on their team.


                            @Revolution. Ill be able to play on the weekends coz im working so i could have money to play dota. LoL. Lets play party sometime


                              -issa herald

                              Like no way he lose that much. Even uncalibrated can better than them


                                Enable filter lobby game into ranked they have reds aswell holy shet those are troll accounts and they prevent good heralds to improve m8


                                  party is for messing around and practice though isn't it?


                                    U need to stop hating they are legends and u are a noob if u have been matched with them
                                    No one can break their records


                                      If they gave you a cranial MRI, they wouldn’t find anything

                                      Not because you’re healthy, but because theres zero fucking brain activity


                                        If you look at the records of one of them, he was in a stack, went something like 57/1 as LC, his friend went 27/1 as sniper, and they basically hit a tower once each and lost... These people aren't bad. They are clearly just playing a different game to you


                                          @Mr.Poopybutthole Oh I'm sure they have records that are as good as you say they are and will redeem their shitty 2%-12% winrates. Lets have a look at Sabev's most kills record: oh wow 57 kills 1 death?! He must be god! Oh what's that? Enemy ck is 4/37 and enemy lycan is 6/24? oh... oh well okay then lets look at the other guy most kills record: 76/6 as Arc warden? Not bad. Oh wait whats that? Enemy Slardar is... Oh... uh we better not look at that it doesn't fit your narrative!

                                          These terrorists are undefendable, someone just needs to take them out for a nice dinner or a movie and then bring them to the backyard to watch the sunset. And then just shoot them in the back of the head. Nice and peacefully. It will be for the greater good.

                                          If someone can make a filthy frank greenscreen of their loss streaks of him saying "this is cancer" you will literally be my hero. You look at these loss streaks and tell me there is a god. 83 Loss streaks?! Why don't they have 6 month ban? Fuck knows!


                                            Those two are called neanderthals


                                    , i got matched with one too, this kotl literally spammed 1st skill on my lane, rushes blink dagger, recalls allies, blinks on cliff or in front of enemies, he literally got 0% wr on his recent matches

                                              lone dog

                                                Matchmaking is not balanced! Why do I always get matched against enemies who end up griefing themselves.
                                                Where's my beloved forced 50

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                lone dog

                                                  Actually I just looked at his profile and I'm impressed tbh. You gotta be pretty dedicated to try to hold a 2% winrate even while stomping games.

                                                  mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                    " THEY LOSE FOR PURPOSE " mygad very obvious man so much bitter . they doing it for fun.

                                                    Prediction: They are better than you

                                                    mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                      Yeah so hard to maintain a low win rate rather than to grinding mmr


                                                        see ur fucking winrate sir before judge people like this , pathetic


                                                          they doing it for purpose , meanwhile u fucking tryhard still low fucking winrate ahahahaha


                                                            Yes Kezzzzzz? You got a problem on me again?

                                                            Justinus Lhaksana

                                                     who the fuck play 3 hour long game

                                                              < blank >

                                                                These guys must be bot trollers... If u see their record, u can see that they have a max 2000lh (somewhat fine for a loooong game) but 500 denies !!!! How can someone deny 500 creeps ? Also in one of the games the guy got 32K tower damage as Lycan and still lost the game !!! How can u do 32K TD ? Are their so many structures even there to do 32K dmg ? And still lose a game !!!
                                                                Sure it's a troll bot/cheat account...


                                                                  You can always download a game and verify if they were trolling or not


                                                                    wew... Took time to analyze their matches (as well as party members) and found an interesting thing: you can have a max of 2000 LH and max of 500 Denies in a game :D


                                                                      You can get tower damage by hitting towers through back door for hours, without being productive in the slightest


                                                                        wew... Took time to analyze their matches (as well as party members) and found an interesting thing: you can have a max of 2000 LH and max of 500 Denies in a game :D

                                                                        we got a discovery here guys max LH and Deny is 2k and 500 or use to be any higher number ever achieved?

                                                                        Justinus Lhaksana

                                                                          We should preserve this knowledge


                                                                            when no

                                                                            Justinus Lhaksana

                                                                              THE LEGEND HAST COMETH


                                                                                UPDATE: I LITERALLY JUST PLAYED WITH THESE 2 AGAIN and we fucking looooostttt. (last warlock game) the only reason this fuckwit commented is cause I mentioned to pangolier (only one keeping us in the game) how shit sabo mcbev was and how I posted on dotabuff about these 2. I'm actualy surprised they understand English.

                                                                                Sabo please jump off a bridge. Like let me talk to your parents, I want to ask them "what the fuck are you doing"?

                                                                                If anyone thinks these people are actually good and they troll for the lols, you have autism. They suck this fucking bad.

                                                                                Thanks for costing me yet another game.

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                  GG I just matched with them the 3rd time, pray for me.


                                                                                    Nah fuck it, I abandoned that 3rd game. No amount of MMR or money could reward me enough for playing with this cancer. Please report them

                                                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                      If they gave you a cranial MRI, they wouldn’t find anything

                                                                                      Not because you’re healthy, but because theres zero fucking brain activity

                                                                                      Sick burn, gonna use this to trigger some ledditards XD


                                                                                        How is an Ancient player, playing with Herald 1s??!!


                                                                                          That's unranked for you. Unranked doesn't discriminate.

                                                                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                            And you are choosing to play unranked over ranked because?

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              Somebody report this to Valve.


                                                                                                Because trying to find ranked as ancient zero is incredibly hard in Australia. Everyone is either legend zero or divine. Ancients are really hard to find.

                                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                                  So we do know one thing about this suicidal cancerous party: They play on Australian servers... I repeat, they play on Australian servers... SEA is completely safe from this disease... BUT we must take steps to quarantine this shit... Never ever queue a match in Aus server else SEA players might also get affected with this deadly virus :|


                                                                                                    Those two must be stopped from their doings.they are ruining the game.

                                                                                                    low prio master

                                                                                                      Hes 600gpm average,so hes just retarded propably throw every game not accidentally.


                                                                                                        These two make SEA look like heaven

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!