General Discussion

General DiscussionPA as pos 4

PA as pos 4 in General Discussion

    Just try the thing in the pub and it went well

    Interested to do it again later but still not sure about the item builds. Some pro teams went PA support as well in rare occasions but I could barely remember deso and medallion/crest as the main items for armor reducing. Any other viable items for the role?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Pls no

      low prio master

        Do you know that pa have one skill?How would you compare pa supp vs shadow shaman for example?Is it compare-able?There is only two scenarios when you can do this.

        a)Youre pick her in captains mode like bluff carry than pick next core and let her support

        b)youre retarded


          so your game went good. you participated in kills and you+your team snowballed. fine.
          but what if the enemy wins the lanes and you do not get that lead to snowball, what can you offer for your team as support pa? nothing. a slow, wow :D but all of your ither abilities offer nothing at all. then you are a squichy agi hero with nothing but a minor slow who wants to take away the carriers space to make up for it. dude dont EVER do that

          i would rather have a support slark. atleast he can detect wards and enemy, has some sort of control, isnt that ez to kill and with aghanims is at least a situational counter to LC

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            support slark is 30 times worse than support pa
            pa's blur gives scouting abilites, something u dont realize, similar and/or better to slark

            pa doesnt need a lot of farm, offers a good amt of pickoff early, and scales well in dmg compared to other 4's
            she is by no means gr8 but to compare her to one of the shittiest heroes in the game is stupid

            its rlly not as bad as u make it out to be
            she offers decent pick off against most heroes, the only problem being the lvl 1 dagger range
            blur makes u tanky enough to be a decent aura carrier
            u are mobile enough to not need mobility items, and u deal enough dmg with just 1 pseudo dmg item (solar, basher, vlads, etc) that u dont need to invest heavily into that
            it used to be briefly meta when lvl 1 dagger range was insane (the initial dagger rework) but they quickly nerfed it


              There was a pro team that ran a pos 4 pa, i forgot which team though but he still went for the standard build, phase into deso

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                well, pa dagger was nerfed once literally because of pos 4 PA. i dont think its good anymore, but with the new dagger you can snipe couriers easy


                  It was Lil during his VP run. After that tournament, dagger range scaling by level (was same on all level)


                    It works in low skill: and

                    However, it used to be a lot stronger when dagger had further range level 1.

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