General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people buy accounts?

Why do people buy accounts? in General Discussion

    I dont understand this unnecessary action


      i'm higher mmr than yaw


        To play in skill brackets they don't belong in, whether it's a lower or higher mmr account.


          Because its triggering as fuck when you want to climb but your teammates are not really into pushing then you calculate that best winrate you can achieve is like 60% if you dont play carry or some role that gets taken in first 10 seconds of the game to avoid tilting and fighting over lanes with your teammates.

          So choice is: grind your ass of next 2 months and you may or may not even get there, or you may unistal and "fuck this shit im out'

          Or pay 20$ and get there instantly and see whats up and what do you miss in your gameplay. You cant really see that when you queue with same people of your skill, its a mess down here, trust me.


            because people think they're good and they deserve a better bracket when they don't

            SASA POPOVIC

              ^ and they eventualy quit in disapontment, doto too hard volvo fix pls or dead game :(


                tide you are so right. which is why a lot of people benefit from playing a boosted account like bws and haffy

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  op bough 5.5k account when he was low 4k omegalul


                    perhaps they dont like to spam ES ?


                      Soul cinder?


                        who buys acc now is literally retarded... ull get perma banned in like 5 games if u are not in that skill bracket ...


                          Oooh really ? Sauce ????


                            Lets see, a guardian[0] player buys ancient account, he proceeds to first pick carry, and keep hitting creeps and miss half of the cs while making retarded decisions and itemization. how is that good for a player to improve? How will it help him improve? if he plays in a bracket 3k mmr above his original mmr


                              he ll get 6 months banned waste of money.


                                I'll be honest, I was tempted to either buy a 4K/5K account, or buy a boost from one of those boosting websites, for reasons similar to what Tide stated. But you guys are right; if you're better than your skill bracket, you'll climb in MMR. Plus, most if not all of the high MMR people started low. They got gud, and they dealt with all the bullcrap of solo MMR(throwers, toxic teammates, etc.), and got to their rank now. No reason we shouldn't be able to do the same.

                                low prio master

                                  Understand this - casual players will never get to high mmr numbers couse simply they dont play enough thats fucking it,just count how many games would you need to climb 5k with avg winrate of good player 50-55% - normal casual players who daily work and doing tons of other will not play these amount of games even in their lifes.Many of us then play propably 7 games or so per week and they want to make sure they will play just most enjoyable dota for them i fully understand to buy acc at this point of view.


                                    ^in my opinion, they are just ruining the experience/enjoyment of other players because they clearly cant play in a higher bracket


                                      I mean who would like to see a carry luna which is a fcuking tutorial hero and miss most of the last hits and mess up creep equilibrium


                                        to brag about the his newly purchased e penis


                                          I will only do it if i have no time to press solo q rank button


                                            I feel like its the only way to go honestly. It takes a lot of time to grind and it is so frustrating when you are so much better than everyone but you have to suffer their incompetence and lose because of it.


                                              I got to div 0 recently playing casually pos 3-4-5, so it's definitely possible. I'm not an incredibly skilled player and half of the job was probably made by not tilting. Saying you won't play that many games in your life is definitely unaccurate. I have 1.5k ranked MM and started at 3k I believe.


                                                so i can F L E X X on them NIGGA


                                                  well if u are herald and buy an account divine and play carry there...well you are an idiot.. but i think that many people btw 2k and 3k are much better than the bracket they belong ranking 1k mmr it is extremly annoying.. also bcs there is a tons of people who dont get a shit..

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    back to making cringe threads again I see


                                                      lmao, but VALVE strictly prohibits account buying or boosting


                                                        OP is actually a herald

                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                          For all those who say their team holds them back, doesn't know when to push, feeds, rages etc - please understand that this condition is exactly the same on the enemy side. They have leavers, ragers and feeders. They have a BS, Tinker and invoker who all rage the shit out of each other over wanting mid.
                                                          They have a first pick carry that cant CS
                                                          They have a support that calls carry, doesn't buy wards or support items and builds meme items
                                                          They have item breakers, courier feeders and all chat flamers.

                                                          Nobody comes on DB and puffs up their chest when they won a game because of the enemy being autists but everyone rages about their own teammates because of this perception that they hold you back.

                                                          When you win because the enemy rages and feeds, you dont improve. When you lose because your own team rages and feeds, you dont get worse. You get better by studying the game, reading patch notes, watching high mmr replays of people who play the positions you play. You get worse at the game by not playing at all, raging, feeding, not reading patch notes or by giving up and buying an account.

                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                            I hate it when a high skilled players playing on my own bracket.

                                                            There's a one game, where theres a meepo first pick and when I checked his stats, his medal went up from Archon 2 to legend 5 in 2 weeks. His last 20 games stats are also unbelievable. He is clearly a booster (or a high mmr dude buy a low mmr account for fun)

                                                            We still won. Since he is the first pick, we pick everything against him (I picked Tiny). Still, he did well. And I think we just got lucky coz we won our lane (except our mid)

                                                            I feel bad for the other players who played against him and loss, only because theres a booster on the other side.


                                                              whether low mmr buy high mmr account or high mmr buy low mmr account, both actions are game ruiners


                                                                I also got this one match, where a 7k/6k mmr created a smurf account and single-handedly won the game as invoker, i checked his invoker wr, it was a whopping 80% wr with over 200 matches played


                                                                  a 7k/6k mmr created a smurf account and single-handedly won the game as invoker, i checked his invoker wr, it was a whopping 80% wr with over 200 matches played

                                                                  in divine 0?


                                                                    ^yes, he said that it was his smurf


                                                                      Because its triggering as fuck when you want to climb but your teammates are not really into pushing then you calculate that best winrate you can achieve is like 60% if you dont play carry or some role that gets taken in first 10 seconds of the game to avoid tilting and fighting over lanes with your teammates.

                                                                      if ur not good enough to get higher than 60% wr, u dont deserve to climb quickly. everything else is bs in ur head