General Discussion

General DiscussionCant win as pos 5 supp in 1k

Cant win as pos 5 supp in 1k in General Discussion

    Oh really? look at this

    60% treant winrate pre 6.88.
    58% ogre winrate. 1 stun enemy and buff teammates is all i did

    And at that time i played treant with MoM/vlads and drums.

    Never do i want to hear that in 1k supports cant win or have to loow impact.

    Story Time

      u wanted to quit dota, why are you still here making stupid threads?

      jeremy meeks' personality

        And at that time i played treant with MoM/vlads and drums.

        Cant win as pos 5 supp in 1k

        Jesus, you are right, you can't win as pos 5 because... you are not a pos 5, doing this retarded shit against beginners.


          I still watch some dota and occasionally read here when i dont have much to do at work

          ? i played pos 5, i never touched a creep in lane. i just didnt buy other stuff, always mana boots into vlads/mom. i also bought wards.

          i would end the game with arcanes, drums and vlads.

          also im not quiet sure if you understood the post

          and i played those 1k games long before i got 3k on this account

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          Potato Marshal

            I'm not sure who you're trying to impress with your 58%-60% winrate in 1k mmr when most the people posting here have a higher mmr than even your main account.

            low prio master

              Low impact as support?I carry games as pos 5 lul



                Story Time

                  solo mmr 1 :D


                    This isnt a battle you can ever win

                    The players who believe their games are unwinnable will move straight to disputing your data or moralizing if they can’t


                      You can win a game as any position given you have a "understanding of what youre doing" and you can work with the team you are given. I vary in what I play sometimes support or offlaner mostly now but you can win games either way. But ive also won 5 carry games in my mmr. Point is if your team can work around it you just have to be less bad than the enemy team at the end of the day


                        ^ point is, at that time i was truly a 1k and had no clue what to do or how to play, not even basics.

                        but still i could improve my mmr as pos 5. even with the dumbest item builds.

                        this was not to impress someone, i think this very clearly proofs that you can get out of 1k as pos 5

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                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Have you found any game that is less of a timesink and less tilting than dota? I might get interested in some

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Challenge accepted, my winrate playing pos 5 in potato bracket is 50%, and its 100% dependable on is my carry competent or not. Take this match for example, i warded more than their pos 5, i zoned the shit out of their offlaner, i have lowest death in my team, won my lane, destroyed the shit out of their offlaner, still lost because we couldnt stop lycan eating our raxes? What did i do wrong in your opinion OP?



                              ^^ u gotta stop being a little bitch when you play support

                              every minute thousands of gold is wasted against towers/creeps because 2ks have no clue how to farm. just because ur playing a support hero doesnt mean you cant do damage or farm


                              dotabuff registers me as a core, because i outfarmed my antimage as ss. i didnt steal creeps from farming carries either, there's just always 1+ empty lane with a huge wave


                                yeah if my cores didnt push i would activate MoM and hit towers as treant. enemy team would sit in jungle as well and no one carries dust so im fine.

                                ogre bloodlust on creepwave pushes more than your average 1k core on both team lol


                                  @lost dedicated

                                  try dominions 5

                                  as a dota player you like it. steep learning curve, multiplayer, but not dependent on teammates.
                                  its turnbased by email, so you play 1 or 2 turns a day, which wont ruin your life like dota that takes 2 hours a day to play a bit.


                                    this is literally nothing, there's one insane ass russian buster guy who only boosts with support and has 80-90% winrate anywhere 0-6k


                                      wath,give me the acc link pls i want to study him


                                        dear cookie-san

                                        as i mentioned i was a total garbage player and still was climbing.

                                        no clue how people can claim that pos 5 in 1k is unplayable

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          because people are whiny in general

                                          Why else do u see these haHAA "sea cancer core wannabe server" circlejerk everywhere?


                                            I have the highest MMR I've ever had and it's mostly because I'm first-picking supports like Shaman and Nyx.

                                            Story Time

                                              as i mentioned i was a total garbage player and still was climbing.

                                              I think it is important to mention that you were a garbage player and still is the garbage player, just for consistency :D


                                                Yea it's definitely possible to climb with meta supports. No one denied it. Noobs like project tide just can't see it.

                                                If you're better than the bracket, no matter what role, it means you will apply tons of pressure on the enemy. Forcing them to fuck up and allowing your teammates to have an easier time. As a support u will do that well in the early to mid game enough to get your carries an advantage to win.

                                                Doing all the cliche supporting shit like "zoning"(pretty sure u did not do that properly), not stealing last hits, not farming, warding, "winning" lane (pretty sure u didn't really win lane), doesn't equate to a won game. You're stupid if you think it does.

                                                It's about how much pressure you apply on the heroes. If you have a lycan free farming more than you're safelaners and your "harassed" offlane is in the jungle free farming and a good pace and hasn't died, well what do you think is likely to happen? Why is their safelaners farming more than yours? It means someone is applying more pressure than you are.

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                                                samin jr.

                                                  yeah with meta and good drafting I don't see why not. and the pos5s that complain probably have no idea how to support.



                                                    I feel like the big things matter more for low tier players who play initiator/offlaner/roamer/support. Map awareness, (counter-)ganking, and knowing when to use ult or die for the team is far more important than the little things usually taught to beginning supports (stacking, harassing, pulling, warding, etc.) Most supports in my tier are just too passive and I don't understand why.

                                                    I think teaching the little things (can you get 80 CS/10 min, do you have a good farming pattern) is more important for the core players.

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                                                      ^people in my our bracket don't know their heroes limits and matchups too. They also underestimate disablers way too much.

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                                                        @sixe yup

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!