General Discussion

General DiscussionReporting for comm abuse in game and reporting player in the channel ...

Reporting for comm abuse in game and reporting player in the channel chat is fascism in General Discussion

    If you don't like what other people are saying why not just mute them? Why report them for comm abuse? Ever heard of freedom of speech? Seeing as this game is American its pretty hypocritical seeing as they are all about freedom. I respect your right to not to listen to other people, and you have to respect freedom of speech. Remove this feature from the game.


      There is a big difference between freedom of speech and bullying/trolling with the latter being the reason I report people.


        So its not freedom of speech then. Bullying? wtf? just mute them its not facebook.

        Cheesy Wenis

          That's not what freedom of speech is.

          Johnny Rico

            Seeing as this game is American its pretty hypocritical seeing as they are all about freedom.

            i luled

            casual gamer

              this is like the worst possible use of anything tangentially related to America in an argument, possibly ever

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                op sound like hes thirteen and has just had an epiphany about freedom of speech not being absolute

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  (not projecting btw)

                  Cheesy Wenis

                    You mean I can't just say whatever I want without any repercussions?



                      Scott, what is freedom of speech then? Don't say its hate speech because hate speech is a small part of freedom of speech. FoS just means you can say whatever you want without any repercussions.


                        made my day

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          does ur freedom of speech legally allow me to publicly display ur personal information, inlcluding ur relatives, bank account credentials and hours of day during which ure usually not t home?


                            I always cringe when I see people that have no idea what the amendments actually mean and protect.


                              dreux are you trolling? That's not FoS that's harming another. You might as well add in armed robbery while you're at it. Can't believe you literally compared to displaying public opinion to disclosing someones private information. Literally the dumbest thing I have ever read. FoS literally means saying whatever you want at ANY given time at ANY given place. Displaying people's personal information is illegal and is no different than theft. The fact that you think verbal abuse is in the same category as physical assault is scary.

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                So you flamed someone and now you munched a ban, just wait for it to run out and if you want to flame do it on the low smurf account, players in lower brackets spend their reports 2 hours after getting them.


                                  @ Elysium

                                  i think you misunderstand comm abuse.

                                  In my opinion, comm abuse is telling the enemys in all chat where wards are, your position, if you are smoked, if you try to kill roshan or something like that.


                                    hmm you got point some people trolling or reporting for no good reason at all! i experience it they having fun to make someone angry by report for nothing serious. They should make the system more better than this. The best way don't mind them.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      so what i CANT say w/e i want without any consenquences? well thats not freedom of speech then, buddy


                                        There's smth they say about freedom : yours ends where someone else's starts.
                                        Freedom ain't about doing whatever you want without consequences and absolute freedom doesn't exist.

                                        Besides that, reporting someone for being toxic or, as @Pk! said, for giving out info to enemies is perfectly fine imho.


                                          dude that is bullshit... ppl by being toxic can lose u won game ... it happened to me many times... i go 5 0 mid my carry low skill goes toxic on me cuz hes bad and we lose game. Comm abuse best report!


                                            Apparently only Pk! here made a valid point. I guess then it makes sense. But it doesn't excuse me being banned from channel chat. How in the world can channel chat be "flagged as disruptive" yeah I guess if I'm spamming. But I wasn't. Maybe add a anti-spam system. But if someone just says edgy things on it they can't be reported for channel chat "abuse".


                                              Dreux are you honestly comparing verbal abuse to giving out personal information which isn't yours? They are not in the same category.


                                                Zen you mentioned your carry low skill. Key words "low skill" meaning he lost you the game cause of his poor performance, not because he was swearing.


                                                  OP u can say anything u want but there will be consequences for what u say or what u do well can u say to ur president that is he is retarded piece of shit or he don't have dixk?
                                                  Well if u say that I'm sure in about week or so u will get in accident or something like that


                                                    Say something about a community of people here see what happens

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      so u agree that speech can be dangerous and free speech shouldn't protect all speech?

                                                      Story Time

                                                        Ever heard of freedom of speech?

                                                        EVER HEARD OF FREEDOM OF REPORTING?

                                                        Cheesy Wenis

                                                          Freedom of speech is protection from the government jailing you for saying something. It doesn't apply to individuals (any individual can legally kick you out of their house if you say something they don't like) or corporations (if you start acting like a fool, you will get kicked out of a restaurant for example). This is due to another freedom Americans love - the freedom to assemble or associate. We have a legal right to pick and choose whom we associate with as a group of people, and are free to exclude from that group.

                                                          Both freedom of speech and freedom to assemble are limited. There are limits on both - they are not hard rules. Some speech CAN get you put in jail. Some exclusionary practices ARE illegal.


                                                            Boom, roasted.

                                                            Arthritic Quadragenarian

                                                              Ever heard of common decency, decorum, and respect. That shouldn’t be thrown out just because you hide behind the anonymity of the internet.


                                                                freedom of speech means u can say whatever u want, and u can

                                                                doesnt mean that anybody has to listen to u; u can talk to me and i can shut my ears, doesnt mean that im limiting ur freedom of speech


                                                                  heres ur free speech .l.

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    freedom of speech in america OMEGALUL


                                                                      Ringbone, you can say whatever you want about the president BUT he can say whatever he wants about you. Its been done many times. And I can say whatever I want to the dota community, worse case scenario these keyboard warriors will verbal abuse: which is practicing free speech.
                                                                      @Java that's what I meant on my post: you can mute me but don't report me for comm abuse. (As long as I'm not telling the enemy where the ward spots and your position are)
                                                                      @Scott Getting kicked out of a restaurant isn't the same thing as going to jail. When you said some speech can put you in jail what do you mean? Saying really edgy things that a majority of the public disagrees with and takes personally? Doubt it. There are actual Nazis with swastikas not going to jail because they simply aren't assaulting anyone and just expressing their beliefs.
                                                                      @Dreux Its not a matter of FoS anymore, but the illegal measures you took to gain personal information possibly for financial gain. Don't bother with saying something like "oh they just gave it to me, I didn't hack them". Then fine they deserve it go spread it. But I seriously doubt that they did and the only way you're gonna get private info is if you HACK them. Which is you guessed it illegal. - Not a matter of FoS

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        ure retarded

                                                                        not arin

                                                                          Reporting for comm abuse in game and reporting player in the channel chat is fascism

                                                                          what's wrong with that though

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                            "Fascism" lmao get the hell outta here.


                                                                              dis game is american?

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                You guys are complaining about censorship and fascism in Dota? Have you people not seen the moderation system in games like Overwatch? I spew vile, hateful garbage in chat all the time and in my 4500+ hours of Dota I've only gone into LP for abandoning matches.


                                                                                  It's the internet, people are gonna say rude shit that you don't agree with. Ultimately people need to toughen the fuck up and just mute. This "fascism" argument is fucking braindead and that's that.

                                                                                  Cheesy Wenis

                                                                                    @OP Yelling 'FIRE!' in a theater will get you some jail time, for example. Yelling anything bomb-related in an airport can get you in jail as well, depending on the context of how you say it. Threatening a police officer or public official can also get you put in jail (as in threats to harm them).

                                                                                    Just google 'limits of free speech in America' and you'll come up with all sorts of fun laws.

                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                      People who yell at other people for being 'fascists' are limp-wristed bugmen losers

                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        OP may or may not look like people from pic below:

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Freedom of speech applies to idea, opinions, and beliefs. Of course that shit doesn't apply to saying dumb shit for pranks that could put others into harm. What kind of dingus thinks that freedom of speech applies to false bomb threats and posting other people's personal information?


                                                                                            THANK YOU Potato marshal. I don't understand how these people can compare to saying offensive things to screaming "I have a gun and I'm going to kill all of you" in a public place (and then calling it jokes and FoS when you get arrested). Its simply not the same thing. Death threats are NOT FoS. ( "I hope kys" does not equal to "I am going to kill you")
                                                                                            @ Average dota player first you say "fascism gtfo here" meaning you disagree with me but then you said "It's the internet, people are gonna say rude things that you don't agree with" - which is exactly my argument. I should be able to say whatever I want with the worst case scenario being criticism. "ultimately toughen up and mute" EXACTLY MY POINT. MUTE ME don't report me for comm abuse because it mutes me from talking to everyone and not just you-OBSTRUCTION of FoS leading to FASCISM.


                                                                                              ^ I even had to edit that comment because dotabuff didn't like it. Dotabuff is fascist too. LET ME SAY WHATEVER I WANT.

                                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                                ^u are very fascinated with word faschism, but do you understand its meaning?


                                                                                                  OP may or may not look like people from pic below:

                                                                                                  S O Y
                                                                                                  O Y S
                                                                                                  Y S O

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                                                                                                      People who yell at other people for being 'fascists' are limp-wristed bugmen losers

                                                                                                      guess thats what a fascist would say LULW

                                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                        this fucking elysium retard lmao

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!