General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the least OP carry in this patch?

Who is the least OP carry in this patch? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    They say its the overpowered meta but who is the least OP carry nowadays? Kindly share your thoughts.


      Spookter - dogshit laner


        naga siren




            heroes in repick tier
            alchemist, lone druid, nature prophet

            white boy summer

              ^living by the word of dotabuff blogs LUL

              druid is great (hero that won secret a major) and np is not even a carry


                I love how slarks lose all of my games they’re in now


                  stats doesnt lie man, and lone druid have average 40% win rate in all bracket.
                  any hero can win, just some are harder to win in every patch.
                  and idk whats np role is if not carry, pusher?

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Slark's really bad and I'm glad.


                      @fauzan OFFLANER,is this forum too filled with braindead 2ks ? Monka GIGA gg

                      Potato Marshal

                        Gyro is still shit.


                          ^damn you were faster than me


                            Gyros not as bad as slark. Thank god slark is dead

                            chicken spook,,,,


                              Justin Weaver

                                Slark ofcourse, I've like 12 game lose streak, don't know why I lose with Slark -_-

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  Spectre is dead in coordinated pubs and high mmr

                                  Same as slark. but the difference is slark is dead in any mmr OMEGALUL

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Shitlark, shitpectre and shit assassin. Special mention goes to shitseeker


                                      lmao offlaner isnt even a legit role


                                      but sure whatever


                                        ^XD guys i read dota 2 gamepedia and it says offlane isnt a role. I prefer playing NP jungle and also pushing with him because treants are very stronk btw. Me build aquila vlads and aghs and destroy enemy ancient in 15 mins.

                                        chicken spook,,,,



                                            Spectre +8% dispersion doesn't help I would prefer +20 armor for this
                                            Slark shit heroes who can't scale in late game unless some noobs feed him stats.
                                            Naga died with radiance nerfed

                                            casual gamer

                                              TROLL WARLORD

                                              ppl who pick ls and troll instead of luna, time for suicide

                                              주 롄양

                                                slark died coz hex cannot be dispelled tho


                                                  BULLDOG AND MIND CONTROL HAVE BEEN DOING IT WRONG GUYS!! Kappa XD apparently dota gamepedia says theres no such thing as an offlane! Spread the word


                                                    offlane is the name of the lane, not role. magnus playing in offlane still called as an initiator as its role lmao, but sure, whatever floats your boat fam

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      yeah thats why nobody say "why is my offlaner dying", they say "why is my initiator dying" hmmmm

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        Spectre +8% dispersion doesn't help I would prefer +20 armor for this

                                                        she goes from taking 78% damage, to taking 70% damage. If she has 5000 physical EHP, she would take 6410 damage without the talent, and 7142 with the talent. Thats a 11% increase in EHP and reflected damage


                                                          So universes role in EG is “guy who lanes in offlane” thinking🤔

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            I guess "nuker" is a role then

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              my favourite role to play in dota is escape, i play my role very well and always escape well from the enemy!!


                                                                if i'm not mistaken troll is still strong rn


                                                                  Offlane(R) is a larger role in dota. If you’re simply stating that heroes should be played based on what is listed in their in game profile then omni wouldn’t be a core in pro games and veno would always be a support. If we just follow what writen on the guides then yeah, offlaner doesent exist and its 2014. Hes referencing the in game profile of natures prophet. Everyone else is talking about the “carry” role in the majority of games, usually called position 1 or 2. Which indicates they have priority to farm. Offlane is position 3. Ussually solo lane against the enemy carry and is there to get XP. the “carry” role listed by valve states “gets more usefull later on with items and levels”, I mean who doesn’t? But thread is asking for mostly position 1 and 2s and if you look at natures prophet as a right click carry. He will definitely not do so well. But hes preferably played offlane in higher tiers.

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    does this look like strong to you

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      troll is still one of the best carries against medusa


                                                                        ^am with manta and diffusal for meme!


                                                                          Ember is lost.. Why?


                                                                            Durables are my Favourite


                                                                              Alchemist is the worst hero right now im pretty sure. He just dies like crystal maiden against vessle.

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                GOOD, KEEP ALCHEMIST DIE. I NEVER MISS 6.85 ALCHEMIST FUCK THAT PATCH


                                                                                  I actually see some good Alchemist players who get into the action early and make strong contributions early on. The worst carry is Naga Siren. I can't see how she is supposed to work.

                                                                                  Bloodseeker is also kinda meh now that his Ultimate has shorter range, which means he is more likely spotted before he can drop it. The nerf to jungling also hurts.

                                                                                  Slark is also out of the meta, hammered by the constant nerfs to Shadow Blade.

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