General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is dead now

Dota is dead now in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Removing next level item decisions one patch at a time.
    Removing counter plays and automating them one patch at a time.
    Adding more Reddit and league stuff.

    Seasonal mmr what the fuck? Recalibration is known to be an extremely shit process and is fucking known to inflate people mmr? now every 6 months you get to play in the cesspool that is recalibration which is essentially the old 4K bracket. Btw it's going to be a performance based system you heard it here first.

    i have 5 reports to use

      Spam healers boys! Or maybe it's a kda and gpm kind of performance system LuL


        I climbed the ladder for this? I don't even play that much anymore? Will they take my blu star from me?


          Where you get your info, boi?


            I dont want your damn medals give me my numbers back!

            mid or safe farm

              This is ridiculous,but thank god my boy meepo is buffed.

              Hatrið mun sigra

                Third Roshan kill now drops a single-use consumable refresher orb. Cooldown is independent from Refresher Orb WAT

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Aeon Disk:New Item

                  Vitality Booster (1100)
                  Energy Booster (900)
                  Recipe (1750)
                  Total: 3750

                  +250 Health
                  +250 Mana
                  +25% Status Resistance (Reduces the duration of effects like silence/stun/disarm/root/fear/etc. For DPS debuffs with slows, it instead just reduces the slow values, leaving the damage amount unaffected)
                  Whenever you take damage and are below 80% health, you apply a strong dispel on your hero and you gain a 2.5 second buff that reduces all incoming and outgoing damage to zero. Cooldown: 100. Only triggers on player-based damage.


                    time for M E M E S

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Broken. Just read it and you know for sure it's broken. Huskar YOLO here we gooooooo


                        this isnt a huskar item
                        its reduces outgoing dmg to 0 too
                        so u dont deal or take dmg

                        Hatrið mun sigra

                          Talon removed, creeps spawning at min 1, the shrine further from the offlane, wards cost more. That moment when you're a jungle Axe player and an often solo support player. The more I read this the more I wanna go install The Sims.


                            dota is only dead for the lazy and the weak who stop playing dota after they reach 5k just for the stars.


                              The new ranking system is the best. If you think you are so good then you shouldn't have a problem proving it twice a year. unless u luckily landed in the high MMR (back when people were able to calibrate as high as 5k) and wanna stay there without being tested.

                              Rektdalf the White

                                Lion: Level 25: +1000 Earth Spike Range OR +325 AoE Hex


                                  i mean those lvl25 talents are BS anyway tbh. It happens in like 5% of the games, IF that.

                                  no incoming chat

                                    I quit. This update is just totally retarded. No sense to play anymore. No Kappa.

                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                      Wait till someone bored is enough to try core lion
                                      and discovers how good it actually is
                                      and some shitty dota youtube channel picks it up
                                      and our pubs get fucked in the ass by spikes from halfway across the world, or get turned into farm animals as a team

                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                        Meat Hook can pull Runes back to you. Mana cost is refunded if successful LOLOLOL


                                          gaben: omae wa mou shindeiru
                                          dota: nani?!

                                          Stone Cold Steve Austin



                                              Goodbye ,


                                                you will still have numbers i think


                                                  At the start of each season all players will recalibrate MMR.

                                                  cuz majority of dota players are below 4k and Most of the people get happy at least..
                                                  In some years dota will be a better graphical version of LOL lol.

                                                  30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                                    What a shit game it came to be. Dota gonna die sooner or later. If icefrog continued working dota 1 warcraft 3 mod maybe this game could have continued for another decade


                                                      Dota has the highest percentage of hypocritical player base:
                                                      a. They yell around for changes, but hate every small change that comes outta valve. (they only want select nerfs/buffs so their games get easier ).
                                                      b. They dont like the MMR system (believe they are highly under-calibrated). dont like changes to the MMR system. OR,They think they are too good, yet dont want to prove it twice a year. Wanna stay at their lucky/outdated calibrations forever without being tested.
                                                      c. Complain the game is stale, but dont want a thing to change.
                                                      d. Cry about level 25 talents, that they are OP. not realizing that they are at LEVEL 25. (so if supports get to level 25, the game has run too long and there has to be OP shit to stop the madness. )
                                                      if you are in any of these categories.
                                                      ITS NOT THE GAME THAT"S GOT PROBLEMS. ITS YOU. (and trust me, if these guys leave, the way they threaten to, the game will be much better)

                                                      Old Doge

                                                        ^ This.

                                                        Anyway, the Dota 2 dev team is well-known for dropping ridiculous patches and every single time this happens I see people stating that the game is now dead. However, most of these players who proclaimed this are still playing it.

                                                        Honestly, if you can't handle change, I guess you could try playing other games with no content updates.


                                                          @TheLastProfessor wins this post.

                                                          I must admit I am sceptical to some parts of this, but also I can't wait to see the madness that derives from reaching that point in a game where you have to think FAR outside the box to pull the victory safely ashore.

                                                          Most of all, I was so thrilled to see Kunkkas teamwipe talent!

                                                          white boy summer

                                                            i would link that icefrog meme from the beta times if i found it


                                                              ZUESFESTIVAL HERE WE COMES!!!
                                                              KDA SO NICE!


                                                                seasons mhm....aba patch

                                                                no incoming chat

                                                                  I only complain about dumbstering some heroes (mostly those that require skill) & powerbuffing brain dead one (like Lich). From patch to patch iceshit wants to force 50-50 win-rate, even if ur much better than other players in the bracket. Every hero who was good at snowballing got dumbstered. It's just retarded to watch & not fun to play.


                                                                    I think the seasonal MMR thing is intended to reduce smurfing and account buying as well. Which considering the number of threads complaining about them is a pretty big problem.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!