General Discussion

General Discussionjakiro as a hero

jakiro as a hero in General Discussion

    have been playing many jakiro lately. for those who have played it alot, which heroes do you like to match up against as a jakiro?

    i love playing it against heroes like ursa, monkey king, broodmother

    the hero is pretty versatile support
    - can deal decent tower damage
    - can deal psychological impact on left clickers like mk, ursa, sven
    - can defend hg very well with his 60sec macropyle
    - has 400 extra atk range talent, with pike it will be total 950 distance liquid fire every 4 sec
    - can build agh and deal pure damage up to 6950. late game usually 5 sec bkbs and with his crowd controlling skills he can rape pretty much any one who jump in to the hg or when sieging.
    - has very reliable stun paired with eul scepter. one of the support that can actually counter puck if skills are placed well.
    - is a curse to all left clickers, up to 100 attack speed slow.

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      AOE damage is real from Jakiro... So heroes that have multiple units are pretty good to play against with Jakiro. Phantom Lancer and Nature's Prophet come to mind off the top. And versus melee hitters his slow, stun, attack speed slow are all quite nice.

      You want to avoid games wherer you can be jumped... Like PA, Storm, Spirit Breaker etc. Jakiro is pretty clunky with his movement, slow speed and slow to turn rate... So you need to hang back with him. He can sure do alot of damage if not taken out quickly. You certainly don't want to fight in the Jakiro ult.

      Hatrið mun sigra

        Melee solo offlaners and Necro

        meteor hammer


          teams with low depush

          Potato Marshal

            Best paired with other disablers, to maximize your chances of landing your abilities. Jakiro is not about landing skillshots, but setting up ideal scenarios where you can land easy shots. Aghs is overrated, and so is the 25 macropyre talent, almost always go for the ice path talent. Attack range talent is a gimmick too, almost always go for the gold talent. Dual breath is usually your best ability to max first, ice path is pretty terrible early game but amazing late game, and maxing liquid fire first is kind of overrated, if you're higher than 3k, you probably won't get many opportunities to just stand around spamming liquid fire over and over again on a t1 in the early game. He's pretty good against slower tankier heroes that lack burst damage and mobility who rely on their durability, since Jakiro can easily land all 4 of this abilities on these heroes, like Medusa, WK, and Spec, but Jakiro excels most against illusion heroes and Meepo.


              I feel that Jakiro is best used with eul's force staff to maximize his use of ice path and macropyre.
              The best thing I always found about him was his early game tankiness that really goes into protecting his cores and can be pretty flexible in any fights.
              I found playing against any of the spirits tend to be pretty difficult, but beyond that, tends to match up pretty decently to other heroes.
              Definitely a sleeper pick in the current meta (that may or may not be dead in a week) despite the offlane Jakiro picks by Immortals these days

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Eul Ice path fucks with a lot of cores like Puck and Ember or any blink blink heroes


                  thanks for the input guys


                    i think i saw kyle going 2 in dual breath and 2 in icepath with 1 in liquid fire
                    the biggest thing is knowing how to skill imo, and judging from the dotabuff guides, its almost never liquid fire max
                    sometimes ult is skipped, its almost always dual breath max, sometimes icepath second and sometimes liquid fire
                    i think the other thing is understanding how strong dual breath is, imo jakiro gives ur lanes huge kill potential.


                      Jakiro as a creep

                      BSJ. LGD

                        atos is better than euls


                          instant disable, mana regen, movement speed boost vs root with projectile. k.

                          Chocolate Sailor

                            I like to pick Jakiro against Slark. If Slark purges the stun from your ice path, he will be stunned again as long as the path is still there. You can slow his attack speed, making his DPS and essence shift less effective. Slark also wants to stay in fights for as long as possible, but Macropyre makes it hard for him to stay in one area, even under his ultimate.


                              Phase-mask of madnees-hurricane pike-mjolnir-rapier.
                              In the opposite order ofc


                                Just checked in demo mode, Slark is not re-stunned by ice path


                                  Gotta love 2ks giving mechanics input on various topics. Way to go bojs!


                                    3k carries dont buy bkb

                                    icepath OP

                                    free mmr


                                      Jakiro mid, do it DonFrank


                                        clock first skill against jakiro trying to cast something is one of the best feelings in dota

                                        Wron̶̈́g̷̩͠ ̵͘C̸͉̀hoice̶̤͗

                                          umm chocolate sailor thats not how icepath works vs slark

                                          profesionel fouri retardist

                                            They are very effective against heroes who have to man up but are not very mobile if you position yourself accordingly.

                                            But they're still pretty good in most cases, you just have to predict a lot and have very good positioning, the hero has lot of AOE utility and damage, but is slow as fuck.


                                              Jakiro is dick against slark
                                              Until lvl 25 icepath is an unreliable aoe stun
                                              And everything else gets purged easily


                                                Phase-mask of madnees-hurricane pike-mjolnir-rapier.

                                                I mean as a meme it wud be fine but MoM prevents u from liquid firing people, so get rid of it and add in shadow blade or smth


                                                  Core jakiro is quite strong as well, can crush many safelanes with support and some midlanes as well.


                                                    it depends on the midlane, idk i dont find him to be the strongest laner, he just has good kill potential, but he again needs a partner, cuz dual breath isnt good enough alone imo


                                                      Lone Druid because he can only stun/damage one of you and odds are he's going to go for the one with the pipe that isn't killing him so he dies.

                                                      [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                        Here some mid Jak in a tourney for you..


                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!