General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when lane is crap

What to do when lane is crap in General Discussion

    So say I'm supporting an antimagne against a agro trilane. I'm unable to do much about this, and the other lanes are doing fine. What should I be doing? Do I stack and keep on stealing bounty runes? I find myself gaining exp very slowly this method any alternative?

      laned agaisnt axe and viper
      split pushed like a madman
      they 322 by not ending and by taking retarded fights
      we win

      meteor hammer

        kill other lanes or snipe cour or some shit

        u can always go to ur offlane and pull the lg camp into ur creeps if ur offlanes already dicking the guy, this will pressure supports to come help them


          you leave lane and you let your antimage get solo exp, while you gank other lanes.

          if they have a 3lane the other 2 lanes are solo lanes.

          chicken spook,,,,

            help other lanes

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