General Discussion

General DiscussionRussians are the Europe Cancer

Russians are the Europe Cancer in General Discussion

    This f*cking russians are so stupid. I used to play enigma and I'm on winning streak. Before the match start I told them that I will pick enigma and I need some good heroes that can follow up on my Black Hole and guess what they picked DK, Huskar and Viper with Rubick support.

    I got early dagger and managed to black hole atleast 4 heroes but the damage is not enough and this fucking cores can't do anything shit.

    I really hate russians (except russian girls, I really love those russian blonde girls uhlalala).


      Those who hate Russians are way bigger problem

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      meteor hammer

        dk is good with black hoole he has cleave

        meteor hammer

          ur hd for enigma is fucking garbage, locate your E key

          зачем я начал поиск

            No one is obliged to pick something, because one fuckhead wants them to. Get your ego checked, delusional cuck.

            Besides, you have horrible GPM as Enigma, horrible item choices, horrible HD (wtf, it's as if you can't use Midnight Pulse at all) - definetely that has something to do with your fucking teammates and not with yourself.

            Like, how much of a brain trauma you have to experience in order to develop such retarded thought patterns?

            As if you were frequently dropped down on your head as a kid and can't conduct self-assessments, lul.

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              @jdf8 what do you mean hd?

              死の恐怖 Haseo



                  @Ryuuko guess what before you talked know first what exactly happened. I didn't obliged them to pick a specific hero I just told them to pick something good that can help me on my black hole but instead they picked useless heroes. They cant even defend the tower so what the hell is your problem? you're talking shit as$hole.

                  And yeah thats my item build right after I sold my main items. so what are you now? Did you know what my item build before that? haha moron


                    @Ryuuko Check my previous enigma game so you will see who can't conduct self assessment.


                    зачем я начал поиск

                      So, they refused to act upon your retarded 2k tactics and you resorted to selling items and being fucking 0-3? You're worse than them, trashcan.

                      You don't deal any damage as Enigma, because you fail to realise what Midnight Pulse does and cast it before your Black Holes.

                      Enigma is one of the fastest early jungle farmers. Not only you play Enigma jungle (jungling is retarded in the first place), but you also can't fucking farm.

                      349 avg Enigma GPM (average over ALL of your Enigma games) is insanely bad, given how well the hero performs at clearing camps.

                      I am just amazed at how one can't see blatant mistakes, plays like total shit, sells items and calls someone else out for it.

                      Get real, shitstain.
                      Watch your own replays and look at your plays.

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                        @Ryuuko no one cares by the way our base was destroyed by the 15min mark and my cores cant do shit. Oh nice Smurk account by the way.


                          @Ryuuko or maybe your a russian? hahaha I knew it


                            @x) and another russian haha


                              Finland is indeed russia but u are still more cancerous than russians


                                Confirmed, only turkush ppl play worse than russians


                                  What a fine specimen of a deluded trash


                                    You sound like those 5k games 2k garbages who whine about having "noob pinoy teammates who only pick core"
                                    Except that you're more disgusting


                                      Abed indo pride


                                        Russians are idiots who can speak only monkey language and doest give a fcuk, if you try to give them advice, or anything constuctive so you could have higher win chance they just respond "idi nahui"


                                          @kormoranas Yes Sir, russians cyka bylat

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            can confirm, i always send morons who try to school me nahui


                                              @Alenari before the game will start and when I heard russians accent I will immediately say "Oh shit instant -25 MMR"

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                haHAA i have 2k mmr and its all the russians fault haHAA

                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                  >knows that he has no followup
                                                  >rushes blink and 1v4s anyway


                                                    yo why are u playing with pg
                                                    u know thats not me right i sold that account

                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                      8 months ago


                                                        oh wait i just realised that match was 8 months ago

                                                        Kenny Dope

                                                          Shit player blaming everyone but himself.
                                                          Nothing new here folks

                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            I think there needs to be a sticky for every person creating a thread like "I can't play, my teammates hold me back".

                                                            A sticky, which would read four words: "You are fucking shit", because that's the hardest truth to accept.

                                                            Like, I kinda understand that the OP is either underage and/or has a history of cognitive ailment, still, how deluded you have to be to not see how many things you're doing wrong.

                                                            Hell, the guy's winrate averages lower than 50% both ranked and unranked in normal skill. Still MUH RUSSIANS RUIN MUH GAMES xDDD

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                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!