General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me

Help me in General Discussion

    I'm very unsatisfied with my skills so please give me advice. I want to be better at dota desperately


      if you actually want to get better then analyse replays, if you really care about your mmr you'll spend like 2-3 hours per replay till you're up at the mmr bracket that you wish to be.

      there's no secret to gaining mmr, simply play better than everyone else and you'll increase over time.

      the better you play; the faster you grind.


        I seriously recommend u to watch those games that high mmr players analysed from both gameleap and pvgna youtube channels + blitzdota videos. Then try learning how they analyse and apply em on ur own


          To be honest the heroes i can play are very limited. I want to practice new heroes but with my profile level I'm probably going to be matched up with skilled players so I'm scared that i will fail miserably like my invoker

          chicken spook,,,,

            People won't bother putting more effort to make you better than you do. Stop questioning pointless things like "what hero spam" "how to get vhs" etc or look for shortcuts, work hard for it and use your brain

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              ^all you need is here^


                Aight u one of those p who think profile level matters in matchmaking. It has little to no effect other than having less chance to play with smurf accounts. The players u play with are in the same bracket as u. As for heroes, u need to play them all once or twice just to know what they generally do. Let the specifics be for now. Then after that go watch those video suggestions i said above and learn analysis. Then choose a hero u like, then go find replays of pro players of that hero and analyse them


                  i havent played all the heroes and i know what they do
                  i actually know less abt heroes like wd which ive played once

                  basically its super easy to climb in low mmr, i went from 600 mmr to 2k in 3 months, its easy


                    I played chen 3 times. I assure u if are a competant core i will win u the game with chen


                      but do u take control of mud golem, then throw rock, then capture another creep, splitting the golem, and throw 2 more rocks?
                      then u r not pro chen
                      but tbh no Kappa


                        I played bat like once
                        Brew peobably none
                        Elder once
                        Io fed once
                        Mirana real low like once twice


                          I've played every hero at least once. The only hero I've never won with is Tusk. In the ~3K region, offlaners win games. Don't try in 2K, if you call offlane without a jungler in your team they rage "trilane wew". 1k, idek anymore, it's been a year.
                          If you want to get better, and not just climb MMR, it will be a lot slower I think, because you're constantly working on your fundamentals and mechanics, developing your game sense for the macro,etc. So you'll end up losing a few more than if you spam, but you'll end up a better player in the very long run. I'd take a 4K who relatively knows the game through and through over a 4K who doesn't know the early game outside of SF mid.


                            Well you first must have all the basic knowledge about DotA 2, like heroes spells, items, combinations, so you know what you are up against in every game and know how to behave in every given situation. Then you must just train really and learn from your own mistakes and play careful enough not to feed, do your best every game and make the most of it. Also you must learn to avoid your weaknesses, like the heroes you haven’t adapted to and play the heroes that suits you most but still counters the enemy heroes and fits your team’s lineup well. A lot of more useful information you can find on the following site : There are some awesome guides and strategies that might just help you win your next game, share if you like our and Thank You

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!