General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter turtling lategame?

How to counter turtling lategame? in General Discussion

    Well it's all about picks isn't it. You can't pick 5 CM like heroes and ask how to win against line up like this. You counter line opponents late game lineup with smart picks. Otherwise there are no tactics or items that can save you if you don't have adequate abilities.
    Many pro games were decided just by outpicking the opponent team.
    Otherwise you can just hope they will make mistake, try to bait, Rosh or play patience mind game and hope for the best.

    Pink anus

      That lineup looks like trash. Early game, only Pudge can deal damage. BH, Sniper, Troll and Tide deal zero.

      Get basher. Satanic is worthless if Sniper cant even hit.

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        almost all the comments in this thread suck dick and are obvious stuff any 1-3k player would tell you, if you think your fellow 1-3 players don't know this then you're very ignorant.

        if your suggestion to counter a strat is pick X hero and get some Y item then you clearly don't know dota. i made an arc meme post and i hoped someone would give an actual answer, but i cant believe this went for 2 pages.

        to counter turtling you simply splitpush, it's always good to smoke from behind when they get close to your HG if possible.

        if you cant 5v5 then then have multiple splitpushers on multiple lanes, who carry TP if fight occurs, they can take more towers than those guys turtling 1 lane. just keep a de-pusher on the HG throwing spells

        this is basics of playing from behind and i'd recommend to watch this video:

        AND ALWAYS keep the lanes pushed towards the enemy side as much as possible, because when they start to group for the turtle you want to be already ready to take their towers for free.

        and i will make this 100x CLEAR that you do this BEFORE they group up and turtle, not AFTER they have waves at your base.

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          i even made an analysis yesterday showing the same mistake happen in a 7k avg match

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          Pink anus

            I watched the video and can tell you there are millions of theorycrafters like that guy sipping tea and studying dotaology. None of them can become pro or get anywhere near 8k. Basically he talked about splitpushing without introducing anything new to the strategy.

            The problem of splitpushing is OP's lineup is very strong at defending high ground. Sniper 1 lane, Tide 1 lane, Troll, Pudge and BH 1 lane. BH can track and Pudge can hook you in or they can both circle around and kill the splitpusher.

            Secondly, OP's line up is strong at base race too. Say you lose 1 teamfight, a normal team can only get 1 rax after that. With Troll, you get at least 2 rax or even take the throne.


              low mmr players don't even know the basics of splitpushing and fighting, like i've said if you can 5v5 then take the fight with a smoke, surprise them, if not then splitpush.

              as it might be common knowledge to you, but if you ever play a 0-4k match they never do this, they just sit in base and wait for the enemy to come to them.

              you didn't bring anything to my answer either.



                they have 3 heroes that can safeley splitpsuh and cut waves without any consequences(puck brood wr)

                they have 3 heroes that can safeley de-push (pugna puck wr)

                they have 4 heroes that can go from behind and catch the sniper with a smoke or just a simple wrap around(puck wr brood es)

                so if your'e telling me that they can't do this, then you're as stupid as them.

                the enemy has to go HG push some times, if not you're farming the whole map.

                OP is asking how to deal with turtle, not how to turtle himself.

                doesn't matter if enemy has 5 who can defend HG better against a splitpsuh, because if you are keeping 5 people in their base you're automatically winning the game as you're taking almsot all the resources on the map

                then getting items and Roshan is enough to break it.

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                  your lineup can splitpush, your lineup can 5v5 them when you get items, both statements are incorrect Ryukoo

                  Erase Humanity

                    Slow siegeing, siegeing multiple lanes at the same time and drafting map control style strats: A mix of split pushers, gankers and global heroes.


                      man if u play early game right u crush ur opponent then the snowball effect shows itself and u get bigger and bigger until they cant do shit to u and u win. the problem is that a 3k player playing in a 3k avg game, is gonna play as good as a 3k player. so he's not gonna outplay another player with the same mmr. and in the end everything depends on who makes more crucial mistakes that loses them the game


                        or that 3k player can grow some brain cells and just get items

                        then he doesn't have to outplay the oponent, just right click him twice.

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