General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do u guys think the spectre buff will be?

What do u guys think the spectre buff will be? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Title ..?


      More strength if anything.
      But basically he just need old radiance back, its hist biggest nerf

      Riguma Borusu

        I don't think you can buff spectre's old gameplay to make it fit into this current (or subsequent) meta without big changes in the game overall.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Make safelane not total garbage so harder carries can be played more comfortably/without having to put them in the mid lane.


            Drastic meta change

            Story Time

              not a single change to specter, he didnot deserve it


                one shot dagger as someone suggested.


                  Spec is still strong. Although desolate is kind of lousy. Maybe they should remove the "has to be alone" concept and just add it as extra damage/hit.

                  Just not strong enough to man-fight a sven that can max 6 items in 25 mins.

                  Sven needs a nerf.

                  white boy summer

                    safelane is total garbage, empire has showed us you need at least 3 heroes there to make anything happen cause offlane is just better. safer places for neutrals, SHRINE, better creep eq for dire offlane and easy ancient stack. either that or make spectre have damage but it wont happen


                      Spectre isn't bad, the game just doesn't suit her
                      She doesn't rlly need direct buffs, the game state would just have to change for her to become viable.


                        She could evade cleave dmg and that would put her back onto the meta


                          ^ or just nerf the crap out of cleave.


                            The dmg is good, maybe make it orb so that trash am stops buying it


                              Let her desolate go through spell immunity maybe?


                                ^still not good if the target is surrounded by others (which is typical in team fights).

                                The whole "ifs and buts" of desolate needs to be removed. It should just be extra damage (possibly pure damage).


                                  The dmg is good, maybe make it orb so that trash am stops buying it

                                  There is so much retardation idk where to begin

                                  meteor hammer

                                    mroe base damage or hp regen or lower dagger manacost

                                    haha jk icefraud doesnt balance hell just change her +20 str to +42.0 str for epic memes


                                      Ok, let me say it another way then. Make bf a unique attack modifier.


                                        ^thats not what I meant
                                        Here is the key part

                                        so that trash am stops buying it

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                          I hate am, any problem? he's a fucking noob hero just like tinker

                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                            And ppl pick him lot and they're retarded af . Until like 5k bracket.

                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                              Last game were winnig but am started going to throw. Fuck that am he s just a retard hope he drop to 3k. I rly wanna smash his head irl.


                                                BF as unique attack modifier (i.e. cleave won't stack with primary attack manaburn) will pretty much make AM useless.

                                                The only thing that allows AM to be viable late game is farming the map with the cleave, and then being unstoppable 1v1 with the manaburn and manta illusions. It'll just kill AM. Too harsh.


                                                  I think it's fair. He just farms as fast as the rest and is still pretty much unkillable. If he wants more farm force him to risk it by joining teamfights. Simple


                                                    ^ Meanwhile Sven farms stacked ancients and has a built-in bfury and maxes 6 items in 25 mins.


                                                      U hate am cuz he is a noob hero?
                                                      Tinker is a noob hero?
                                                      Both of these heroes are unfun to play against but they both require skill, how can you call them noob?

                                                      Wow I'm benao and I want to make a mediocre hero who isn't that good into complete and utter dogshit for no reason and I'll post abt it in a Spectre thread for some reason



                                                        his imbuilt cleave should be a unique attack modifier too, he'd need vlads instead of madness to cleave and heal. Not so fast, normal.


                                                          This directly correlates with spectre. If cleave gets nerfed or she gets buffed to not being affected by cleave dmg she will either be on par in farm or do more dmg in the time it would take to kill her, potentially turning the fight around.

                                                          So yeah, spectre thread is the best place

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            why does spectre need a buff? 54% win rate hero, still top 10 win rate hero. Just not picked as often.


                                                              She doesn't get punished in pubs.


                                                                First off, Spectre is a she, not a he.
                                                                Second, how the fuck is every thread I try to post on already destroyed by Benao's autism?
                                                                Third, the meta is all about early game. Naga, Alch, Spectre all late game heroes were rarely picked at TI and looked hard to pull off.
                                                                Also, giving her an agi gain buff would be sufficient. She has very low agi gain considering she's an agi hero.
                                                                In recent patches, she got both a base strength and strength gain buff.

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  Alch was successful cuz he isn't a late game hero
                                                                  He would have rad octa manta armlet Shiva by 30 min and end the game


                                                                    Lower Haunt cooldown. EZ


                                                                      Alch was successful cuz he isn't a late game hero

                                                                      Let me put this differently. Its a hero that requires a lot of farm and jungles or split pushes. Even an AM can join fights in between and is highly elusive. You saw some Alchs getting destroyed by Bounty Hunter (in the Newbee, LFY game I think, not sure). The meta is more about 5v5 and pushing towers, rather than 4v4 while 1 and 1 farm away. Miracle's Alch was an exception because his team was on a whole other level 4 manning and fighting constantly or pushing towers on the map. This is all for the professional scene obviously. You can get away with almost anything in pubs.

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                        Alch doesn't take that long to come online
                                                                        He can fight way better than am with chemical rage early and by 20-25 min is already the strongest hero on the map.
                                                                        Bh and Riki weren't picked that much this tournament, and even then, when alchs team plays around him, they force those active heroes somewhere else.
                                                                        Alch isn't like a naga who takes eons to come online and can only rlly fight with ulti every 2 min, and that being only with combos. He snowballs hard and ends early ideally.


                                                                          make haunt illusions invulnerable and haunt have a 15 second duration

                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                            Benao suggestions.... My fucking eyes. Jeses Christ , thx god benao is not ice frog

                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                              he's a fucking noob hero just like tinker



                                                                                dude, get 6 and gank all the map, back farm, cooldown and gank, she is completely good in current meta


                                                                                  dude, spectre is a she not he


                                                                                    He doesn't néed a buff.


                                                                                      in what world is am a noob hero


                                                                                        Maybe reduce haunt colldown early on or give her a cooldown reduction talent at lvl 15......maybe even increase mana regen/ decrease mana cost on dagger and ult


                                                                                          Increasing Radiance cost to 8000.....

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            holy shit the day benao takes his head out of his ass, it'll be raining battleaxes

                                                                                            but as we know that probably won't happen

                                                                                            why is he even talking about hero balance when he can't get out of 4k

                                                                                            holy fucking shit I trust people with higher MMR to know better because they can demonstrate that, this benao character is retardedly delusional

                                                                                            Erase Humanity

                                                                                              Base damage or base agility increase.

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                I'm just saying not everything is balanced around pro scene, if you buff spec a little for pro's she'll be imba in pubs cus she already is strong as fuck in pubs anyway.

                                                                                                Raj Limbasia

                                                                                                  They can change desolate so that it does 65 damage a second in a 700 radius. Maybe it can also cause enemies to miss 18% of their attacks.


                                                                                                    They can change desolate so that it does 65 damage a second in a 700 radius. Maybe it can also cause enemies to miss 18% of their attacks.

                                                                                                    w o w free evasion or/and farming tool on o n e o f t h e b e s t s c a l i n g i l l u s i o n h e r o i n t h e g a m e


                                                                                                      raj limbasia is that name surname ?


                                                                                                        This guy is actually a stalker
                                                                                                        Plis ban the acct named Raj ty
                                                                                                        Fucker is weird as shit