General Discussion

General Discussioni suck at supporting

i suck at supporting in General Discussion

    there is no game that i picked support and we won, if you will check my profile, i did support once (rubick) and i fucked up.
    You can also noticed my recent games got messed up because of those kind of games, you know...
    Should i just stick with picking carries?
    I dont want to pick carry early to avoid countering but i always end up in a situation that everyone had already picked carries.
    Anyone that can relate? and also can give an advice?
    feel free to judge my gpm, im working on it >_<
    Sorry for the bad english.

    Fee Too Pee

      learn to gank , when LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO stack the fuck out of ancient , big camp.

      double stack small camp before pull

      smoke lvl 1 to bounty rune if ur team is stronger lvl 1 > proceed to kill mid after that with another support / learn to snipe courier

      u want fun support? try roaming with pudge , BH

      do not just buy wards when u can make actual items

      leave ur carry alone if he is fine , not sapping exp


        1.get lvl 6 at 10 mins
        2.dont die like moron (you will die for your carry at 6k+)
        3.dont go scepter or that shit.. go glimmer/force/euls/lotus to save your dumb carry

        Dark Hunter

          ^that. Also if you're in low mmr. Pick something that can go lategame. Pudge, riki, shaman. heck even techies. Silencer. etc. don't pick "fancy" supports like rubick or oracle or chen. I just had a game where my cm just stood in lane autoattacking creeps. pushing the lane, and when i told her to go jungle or gank or something he/she got mad at me. Don't be that guy.




              don't sap your midlaner's xp for no reason either



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                  Don't listen to core players whine about xp


                    Rush aghs on kotl

                    meteor hammer

                      find some dumb op hero and pick it. tree or omni are good

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Don't listen to core players whine about xp


                        If I play core, I love it when my supp keeps me company! Supports need levels too. I play all roles, and honestly, cores crying about xp are usually not good.

                        However, do make sure to stack, gank, harrass.
                        Do not just stand there, and do not auto. Make sure you are doing something. Help your core DENY it gives xp to you and your core!


                          lol nice logic u got up there^

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                              i just love when my supports watch my lane opponent free farm as a slark, no better feeling than reaching lvl 6 11 minutes in.


                                Remember, your core thinks you're doing nothing. But you're a scarecrow and if you leave they will dive your core!! You're not doing nothing.


                                  Nice topic relevance


                                    Remember, your core thinks you're doing nothing. But you're a scarecrow and if you leave they will dive your core!! You're not doing nothing.

                                    tbh i feel like sometimes this is true


                                      don't die.

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        "Remember, your core thinks you're doing nothing. But you're a scarecrow and if you leave they will dive your core!! You're not doing nothing."

                                        tbh this is kinda right lmao. there is a moment when the second u rotate ... BAM ur safe lane carry get dived by 3 heroes


                                          Dunno why there are so many posts about sapping mid's XP. The game is literally a 2v2 or 3v3 mid everygame. Secret is knowing how to position thyself.
                                          Something a pro playa once told me, is that as a support (esp. roaming), you should be making moves around the map to make the enemy respond to you, not constantly responding to the enemy.

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                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            Wu Hu a day ago
                                            Don't listen to core players whine about xp
                                            If I play core, I love it when my supp keeps me company! Supports need levels too. I play all roles, and honestly, cores crying about xp are usually not good.
                                            However, do make sure to stack, gank, harrass.
                                            Do not just stand there, and do not auto. Make sure you are doing something. Help your core DENY it gives xp to you and your core! delete game immediately, no kiding


                                              don't listen to core players who wine about LH

                                              Just take them, they don't need that many LH, you're supporting them
                                              they should thank you for being so generous.


                                                any advice on warding? dewarding?


                                                  If the support is sitting there, doing nothing: Not harassing, not positioning himself to harass, or counter gank, not pulling,
                                                  yeah I tend to ask him to leave the lane. I'd rather get quicker levels and more last hits by manipulating the creep equilibrium as I please.

                                                  And who knows, that support might make a bigger impact by putting pressure somewhere else on the map!


                                                    Warding and dewarding = dont be autistic.
                                                    Put vision on where you want vision, and deward wherever you don't want the enemy to have vision.
                                                    For example, Rosh is up - you'd want to ward it. Rosh was just taken, you prob wont bother warding it.

                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                      Don't come to sap a strong offlaner hero's exp either.

                                                      Don't ever come to Broodmother or Timbersaw, unless they specifically ask you, as these heroes need full solo exp to rape their lane.

                                                      If you come to a Broodmother's lane "helping" at level 1-2 and the guy's intensively pinging you, that probably means, that he just wants full exp and doesn't need you on his lane.

                                                      Get your exp from pulls or jungle/assisted kills/someone leaves the lane and you can go there.

                                                      DON'T EVER COME TO A LANE TO JUST FUCKING DIE FROM THE ENEMY

                                                      Put wards, somewhere, where they're actually needed, not just some default locations.

                                                      E.g. why the fuck would you ward your team's jungle, when you're dominating the enemy team? Ward their jungle instead.

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                                                        dont ward cliffs and when you have chance block some camps bcs at low bracket they will think that the camp is farmed xD


                                                          Lmao. Good to know my thoughts resonate with so many people. But in all honesty I'm the carry that flames
                                                          My support for doing those things.


                                                            #supportlivesmatter. Give
                                                            Him that one last hit for gods sake

                                                            basement :)

                                                              Do not bother supporting until you think your teammates are competent.


                                                                don't listen to core players who wine about LH
                                                                Just take them, they don't need that many LH, you're supporting them
                                                                they should thank you for being so generous.

                                                                this is the exact reason why so little people play supports


                                                                  Support only when u think your teammates are competent. Wiser words have not been spoken. I do think my teammates are competent. But I'd probably be a shit support


                                                                    As a core player, it triggers me when I see my carry playing so much worse than me, it disencourages my will to support.


                                                                      My friend tell me if u want to be better supp. Never ever blame your suxk Carry. Your job is to make enemy feels weaker to your carry. If enemy can dominate tour Carry You are doing wrong things

                                                                      주 롄양

                                                                        there comes a times where u and ur carry both play sucks and another times will be u r doin gud and ur carry still sucks


                                                                          If your Carry is competent even if You dont supp That Carry still WIn the game most of time


                                                                            Judging the competence of others is never reliable with your own self serving biases. I think the wisdom is in simply believing your cores are competent because they are same mmr as you anyway. U might end up supporting better as a result. It's just a mindset issue


                                                                              Tl;dr play supp if your Carry 100% dogshit


                                                                                at least you suck at something, not suck something.. i dont know that im talking about

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  To win as a support in low mmr, you literally must play the game incorrectly.

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                                                                                    If you're "sucking xp" just make sure the opposing laner won't do shit alright

                                                                                    Yung Beethoven

                                                                                      dude you played literally -->1<--- game as a support. And now you make assumption that there is "no game you played sup and won", while you have played one fucking game. Play 50 games as a sup and then talk.


                                                                                        i watched your games and you are the worst example of supports. you auto attack the creeps in your carry's lane, you contest your carries for gold and exp. you keep buying wards but keep them in your inventory. you die for nothing. lots of things. watch your replays.


                                                                                          I repeat : DONT FUCKING SAP XP


                                                                                            First rule when you play support :

                                                                                            - Get used to get insulted if your carry lost the lane

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                                                                                              Or actually do something in the entire laning phase so they won't insult you in the first place


                                                                                                newsflash if you think you're doing favors for your teammates by sharing them your tangoes or warding their lanes so they don't get ganked then you should probably stop playing dota or any other multiplayer games where you're supposed to rely on ur teammates


                                                                                                  go balls deep with wards....lets your carry farm enemy camps and push towers while having vision to dodge enemy rotations....if your offlaner roflstomped his lane and took tower 8 mins in ward enemy teir 2 and shrine to protect him and let him farm enemy camps....stay the fuck back during highground seiges... if you have a carry like tb/jugg then perform a single pull at the 4:30 at min 5 you get a double wave+catapult which usually results in a tower ....learn to double pull correctly every time on radiant and always stack before pulling on dire....idk how to ward when playing from behind...feel free to take a camp if ur carry isn't an am/meepo or whatever just farms the map in a minute....DONT GANK WITHOUT BOOTS ...I LEARNT THAT THE HARD WAY...idk rly thats about it

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                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    actually do sap xp to a certain extent, its the best way to get xp in low level games
                                                                                                    pulling often fucks up the lane because not only most carries dont grasp the concept of pushing the lane when ur support pulls, supports often also make stupid pulls(relevant all the way to upper 4k)
                                                                                                    pulling also gives zilch xp and in more or less contested lanes it fuck up ur carry WAY more than sapping

                                                                                                    factor in that lots of heroes get a huge power spike on lv2/3(most roamers and a fair share of supports) and can either threaten a kill or fuck off and go do smth useful, that ur carry and enemy offlaner arent good enough for moderate amount of sapped exp to matter a lot and that ure probably a not good enough at supports to make good use of ur lv1 hero


                                                                                                      seconded with stan, except the last part, that depends on the hero ex. bh, tusk, mirana etc. can all gank without boots, and many pos 5 supports can gank with a smoke or rune instead of boots if you just dont give your oponent time to react.

                                                                                                      best timing for gankings are rune spawns(2 4 6) and night time after wards timings expire (5 13) or smoke ganks whenever there's a free kill opportunity.

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