General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does a sniper lose mid to an AM?

How does a sniper lose mid to an AM? in General Discussion

    I mean am I missing something? Like it was bad enough he picked him after am spec clinkz picks, but how does one go about losing mid to an AM?? How the fuck are these 2 morons slark and sniper 4k? I don't get this game anymore

    "Why is your net worth so low?" because I afked in the damn fountain when I saw slark getting owned safelane and sniper losing mid TO AN AM. Yes I'm f*cking salty, this game is being retarded putting me with 1ks like these


      u better get used to it otherwise your E-Life gonna only get harder lol


        I had a troll jungle last pick the other day who had 300 gpm and 90 lh profile average, who in that game managed to average 120(!) Gpmand you don't see me dedicating a whole thread to whining about it. l u l

        Riguma Borusu

          I have an explanation for you, but it is in a CS:GO video.

          Watch this and hopefully you'll understand why those people have the same MMR as you do.


            I lost a 5v3 lp game u don't see me whining about it


              He got 18 min bf. How is that winning his lane


                May I remind you our sniper was 0-5 when am got his bf


                  So kinda even I would say lul


                    How do u kill sniper 5 times and get 18 min bf

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      18 min bf is an okay timing for mid am


                        Reminds me of the conversation I had with my team last night. They were like yeah its fine, am got a 20 min bf because of us....So? So what? You can't stop a carry from farming. He was unstoppable after he got it and snowballed to hell. It isnt just about the item timings, all we did was delay his farm, and delayed our loss. Its kill and push, not kill and farm. You can kill him 20 times, and if he wasn't a retard and abandons, he can still win. Ppl don't believe in comebacks, but it has happened to me time and time again, and its really frustrating.

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