General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you skill Lifestealer?

How do you skill Lifestealer? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Noob question, i know. But past the first 3 skills (one of each), and Ulti whenever possible, I have trouble knowing what to best get. There doesn't seem to be the "best" skill progression(s) for him, so can anyone who plays the hero often teach me on what to get, and when? Like, what do you generally max first?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      Max q


        first of all never max feast at all costs

        usually you can go 2-1-2 if you are not sure what you need the most or 3-1-1 if they have shits like invoker+lion+nyx and you ill get destroyed early/mid and or you go 1-1-3 if your team reeeeally lack enough catch up and you need the extra range to reach people

        casual gamer

          2 in e, max q then max e then max w

          this is standard

          i like just qewqqrq but its probably WRONG

          u have to max open wounds second for the cooldown reduction

          Fox McCloud

            So is one level of feast really enough until level 12?


              Lvl 1&2 very much depends.

              Get 111 by 3.

              112 by 4.

              Then max Q first then W second.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
              casual gamer

                : thinking :


                  i like getting two levels of feast at some games
                  for some reason it feels better even though it's just +1%

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                  casual gamer

                    this is why your teammates are holding you back sir


                      im pretty sure i saw some high mmr guy on nadota doing this and took it from him


                        feast is his worst scaling early game and very good late since it scales with your enemies hp so no need to max it until they got hp :P

                        i see some pros put 2 levels early vs some shits like (center+pudge) in enemy team


                          I leave E at 2 and max Q/W first.

                          I really don't think the cooldown is that important early on. You hardly have the mana to spam it. And getting Q/W makes you much stronger when you're still farming.

                          4.5% to 7.5% is a big difference if you're hitting say someone with 1200 HP (54 to 90 dmg/heal)

                          Ofc it does less as their HP is lower but I find it helps a lot. If someone comes to your lane you slap them for like 250 dmg and probably just wounds and kill them.


                            I go first point in open wounds if going for kill, feast if u need lane sustain or ur trying to harass the enemy offlaner. Get a rage value point by 3, then i get a second point in open wounds then max rage first.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't put points in wounds for the cd but for the range. The range on it is fucking horrible til rank 3. Idk it's situational I guess, usually I go 1/1/1 then max rage and wounds second. But if jungling I'll get two sometimes 3 in feast. You probably won't be fighting much til like level 9 anyway when you'd be 3/3/2/1 or whatever you want.


                                Personally I find 2 wounds is fine early game.

                                You're mostly lane farming at this point and if anyone comes close I guarantee the retard will come close enough for you to phase and catch him


                                  ^ says road to 4k mmr XDXSXD

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