General Discussion

General Discussiongames are shorter now

games are shorter now in General Discussion

    when i first started dota in 6.85 my games lasted almost everytime 50+ min sometimes going for an hour , but recently i noticed games last around 30 min sometimes 20 even. Is the meta more fast paced or i just got better from where i started dota 10 months ago


      i started in 6.81, games lasted like 25 minutes and the outcome was decided in the first 15


        it was before the comeback gold change? i heard about it but never experienced it , it must've been painful to play in games when enemy team snowball but refuse to end :/ my fav hero is ursa so i wish i played back then must been fun


          Yeah for Noobs people this is bad becouse they love farm Farm farm and then when full items push tier 1.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!