General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do i suck at this game

why do i suck at this game in General Discussion

    my friend watched some of my games and told me i suck at taking fights

    but based on stats alone what do u think makes me so bad at this game

    i personally think its my decision making about everything (item choices, farming patterns, bunch of shit) that makes me bad


      taking fights is easy, pick your target(if possible) and murder that target, then back off and wait to re-initate

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        based on stats alone i think ur solo mmr stat is pretty low, try to work on that


          these are my accounts

          now im 4100.
          why ?
          yes,they did call me trash and i was (and still am),but i dont care cause im the most cold hearted son of a bitch you ever put your fucking eyes on.
          so be cool and belive that 2900 mmr is joke and that your opponents suck and you can trick them u can counter them u can dominate on late (and u need all that in 1 game to win if u miss some things u will lose u must be best at all stages to the end )


            and yea item choise are the biggest thing i ,,improved,, but i didnt figure out alone at start many people told me and must listen better players than urself

            Donald Trump 2016

              1. Picking the right conditions/time to fight (ie. position, items, number of heroes in the fight, skills on cd)
              2. Picking the right target (ie. priority targets)
              3. Fight smart (ie. don't kill secure, don't be caught up in focusing down one hero that is going to die for sure by the rest of your team and cleanup the other heroes, don't chase running enemies in the same direction as every player on your team, predict where enemies will be and run to, know when to make the big plays that will disrupt the enemy team with your skills)

              Review my last game. My team was full of idiots who did not understand positioning and kept getting ganked over and over despite me warning them X hero is missing and where they were heading. The majority of the deaths could've been avoided had noobs listened to the better player with good map awarness and sense of positioning. Idiots decide to stand close to hot spot/tree lines where pudge can easily hide and hook rather than far away from those spots. I was solo off against a trilane + sents and didn't die yet somehow these noobs died over and over again. If it weren't for me making the plays in mid game team fights when they tried to siege t3s we would've lost. To be good you must be smart and understand what your opponent is trying to do before they do it. And most importantly, listen to teammates who are obviously better than you.

              Trump 2016. I will make America and Dota GREAT again!

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                rofl cookie ill be sure to remember that

                ive also been flaming less, whenever i sense a possible flamer on both sides i just mute them kek

                but my friend said that most of my problems comes from being mechanically garbage. so how do i improve on this? surely playing more isnt the answer anymore, most people would be at least 4k if theyve played 2k matches and here i am sitting in 2900 trash so i must be doing something wrong