General Discussion

General DiscussionMechanically good players

Mechanically good players in General Discussion

    Yo, i feel like my flow is abit out with farming rotations.

    Who's some good Mechanical skilled players to watch.

    I like RTZ's and Sumail's playstyle. and Envy has a very good farming rotation.

    But is there any new blood that has a different style i could learn something from?

    Preferably position 4, 3 or 2


      do these challenges and you'll have perfect farming patterns, these are done in lobby games(no bots 1v0)

      1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
      2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
      3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
      4. 30 min- 600 LH
      5. 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)


        i've done my fair share of lobby matches, and arguably have a perfected jungle pattern with my main heros.

        I'm more looking for someone more advanced that i could potentially learn off


          I highly recommend checking out BSJ's youtube channel, there are a few long and advanced carry guides.

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            that's all you need for farming patterns, look at my profile 670+ avg gpm

            the advanced versions of that are:
            1. 120 lh in 11 min
            2. 800 in 30 and
            3. 80/80 as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy glove of haste and a set of tangoes, you'll constantly have only 20 damage.

            if you do these, you'll have literally perfect farming patterns, you can't get better than that.

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              arteezy is the best farmer in dota and its not close, his map recognition and stuff are really really good. he plays it more passively than envy (envy goes for way more yolo roshes and divines and solo splitpushing raxes and stuff)

              why would you want to learn from anyone else about farming lol. theres more than enoguh replays that if you were to watch and leran from youd be like 6k immediately

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              BSJ. LGD

                farming rotations and last hits should be the second priority on what you should focus on
                first should be enemy positions ALWAYS then enemy potential power spikes/ganks, with this you can know where is safe to farm and if you do this you would'nt die unless your opponent cheese you by showing heroes far on the map and then smoking ur ass.

                If you master this you will notice your allies die to very obvious ganks/ picking very bad fights then feeding. So i recommend focusing on yourself and stay calm never point it out to your allies because team morale is a thing too.

                All pro carry players do this but Miracle/ Matumbaman pushes the risk of dying for farm in lane to the limit which means space for team.

                BONUS tip
                be aware of enemy threat range/ heroes that fuks you or your team in team fights, also on enemy positions/movements, they might be like 5 seconds away from their team which means they are a free kill.

                most importantly dont die ever, especially in teamfights and dont go braindead tunnel vision suicide rush when your ally pings an enemy


                  yea but harambe, gamesense is something you can't explain fully in a forum post nor practice it, it comes from experience. but yea, that's what seperates 3ks from 6ks. but you gotta get to 3k first

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                    ^^ good point cookie.

                    Still, harambe bro. Could u explain how to know these enemy power spike and timing of ganks are? How do I get good at knowing these sort of things? I feel that's what's holding me back from greatness


                      either you actively try to figure them out in game, by paying attention when your enemies/teammates start getting stronger

                      or you can just try to guess them like i did(example a slark should have a power spike once he hits shadowblade, then he changes his playstyle)

                      or you can just watch pro games and take notes on when they change playstyles, ex sf is passive level 1-2 only farming but then on level 3-4 he tries for a kill, so you just take a note of that.


                        good input, i recall actively practicing those things and applying them into the game 'Push t2 once i get vlads', 'SD potm are off the map' 'viper has mek, we can't fight'.
                        Even in lane, 'skywrath level 3 get back' 'kunkka off the map, he could torrent me'
                        However it seems i've been lacking in this practice since taking a break, and ill get back to it!
                        the thing i find though is i generally like to play quite greedy and push it to the limit.

                        Playing venomancer or something, dying isn't too big of an issue. however the games i do well in are the ones i stay alive with him.
                        However i feel that he can be a sacrificial lamb and just die after casting a few wards and nova + gale + veil

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                          @cookie can you really get 80/80 with morphing? that sounds fairly tricky.


                            ye i changed that one to 120(lh+ deny count) even i only got to 80 on that one. it's very hard but 160 is doable if you're crazy like my friend hau

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