General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get High KDA?

How to get High KDA? in General Discussion
Lord Gio!

    Getting high kills and assist? and low deaths>?


      know when to or not to overextend
      map awareness
      getting more kills and assists than deaths
      but why would u care, kda means jack shit anyway

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
      Lord Gio!

        whats more important? KDA? or GPM for smurf account?


          Being good at DotA 2


            I don't know what your mmr is but if you are legit 4k you can calibrate smurfs 4k+ eyes closed.

            Lord Gio!

              well im from 5k but the curse is real :) maybe im the curse. or my teammate. nvm im just asking how to get. and whats more important getting kda or gpm other than being good too at dota


                5k lul
                ye sure thing

                Lord Gio!

         Bro look recent all red nvm the stats. Mind broken toxic me hehehe


                    thats 4.6

                    Lord Gio!

                      Look recent games all red rank. from 5k


                        SEA smurf as usual asking dumb questions

                        casual gamer

                          die less obviously

                          aka stop committing to retarded fights and expecting to magically survive


                            Doesnt matter what hero. Just play good dota

                            Lord Gio!

                              Thanks bro!


                                QOP GOOD FOR KDA STUFFS


                                  just don't pick a hero, you'll never die!


                                    ^ ACCURATE AF


                                      Why make a smurf if you already smurfed to 4.6k?
                                      Almost noone calibrates higher than 4.6k so you're just spending a bunch of time to go down...

                                      rubick fan

                                        Ikr, just play on 4.6. Perhaps you're losing because you're not higher skill than your opponents and cant win the game single handedly ( as in totally pub stomp them ) and you rely on your team. Ofc if you rely on your team, and they will rely back to you and everyone except themselves, and in the end everyone relying on everybody except themselves.

                                        My advice - just go on your main... first of all, BOI, like are you trying to calibrate to 5k? Because by the time you play 150 matches to get ranked you'll have 150 games where you could potentially be 5.5-6k. So stop making accounts, go on your main, and my advice - pick tidehunter as offlane, or lich as support/ offlane.

                                        Just try 10 games picking only that, and you will win atleast 6 of them for sure.

                                        Lord Gio!

                                          Bro whats the highest calibrate now at smurfing mmr? thanks for the advice ^_^


                                            ^ I've gotten 4950, I'm sure its around 5k max
                                            And LUL no way you are 5k if under 50% win


                                              Dude what kinda question is that. If u want high kda. Kill one guy and stay in the fountain. 1/0 is technically infinitely large kda

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!