General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker needs a nerf, right the f*ck now

Tinker needs a nerf, right the f*ck now in General Discussion

    This is the most annoying shit ever,


      Idk about you, but I say he needs a buff

      fishy boi

        Oh no, i got rekt by tinker. He needs nerf omg omg coz he fat af and fed af. Lmao no

        Pale Mannie

          no bkb on anyone beside SF

          i know it is hard to admit but this item is needed against any caster and disabler


            Get wrecked naga farmer!


              normal skill taking about balance? roflmao


                Learn how to gank him and bkb before you ask neft i feed him so he need neft LOL




                    Theres a new item which absolutely wrecks tinkers who max laser and missile first - its called infused rain drops

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                      Hahha ez

                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        rain drops vs laser NotLikeThis


                          Omfg, you let him get two kills, and 45 CS before 10 min mark and never de warded rune so he kept getting it every two minutes. The hero isnt OP you just arent playing correctly against him, two stuns and a few right clicks is all it takes to kill tinker, deward rune and contest and he doesnt get an invis gank and pressure mid with endless mana...


                            tinker needs a buff IMO.
                            SF fed him early + naga took all farm.

                            stupid fuck 2000

                              nice skadi fam, im sure it helped a lot

                              STE 8-1-8

                                Ok, first off Lion needs a blink in order to catch tinker and a force staff to save allies or himself, I really don't like Lions items this game.

                                Someone should have bought a lotus orb to dispell hex whilst giving a chance for tinker to hex/laser himself (even having two or more lotus orbs can be really annoying for tinker), Lion and beastmaster are probably the some of the best heroes for dealing with tinker if your team can play them well, both have great disables and Beastmaster can give plenty of vision to catch him, perhaps they should have done more ganks and less dying.

                                AND, as mentioned above, you and beastmaster should have bought bkb's so that he can't interrupt your spells.

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                                  Tinker is perfectly fine now.

                                  IF u truly hate Tinker as i do - Pick Spirit Breaker roaming agaisnt him.


                                    that's cose they managed to ban alchemist, otherwise alche rapes tinker early and late


                                      Spectre.. Nuff said..


                                        Have you heard of ganking him, he's really easy to gank for about the 0-30 min mark


                                          He doesn't have any escape mechanism but that doesn't make him an easy target for ganking, his dmg output is way too high to not lose a hero in ganks(ofcourse, taking into account that his team is helping a little), and once he gets blink, he becomes virtually ungankable.
                                          Regardless what i have written he is quite balanced atm and doesn't need any changes, one buff would make op and same goes the other way around.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!