General Discussion

General Discussioni dont care about my wr just wanna learn invoker

i dont care about my wr just wanna learn invoker in General Discussion

    hey guys i need help to improve my invoker i only play unranked so i dont really care if i lose almost every invoker game i play i end up 400 gpm with low kda low need some help i really like playing him :(

    ☪ Burnajew ☭

      go demo, practice combos until they come naturally
      play more games -> experience is mother of wisdom


        ^in demo hero i do the combos well in game i play like shit miss my CM dont know when to use ice wall , in game i can invoke spells quick but i dont know what to do next also every game i end up with only 400gpm i really wish i was gud to play him really like him :(


          Dont always use all skills for 1fight, example; use tornado, run, ice wall, let ur team come in and fight, find ur position, drop ur meatball and do something usefull for team


            here is a cookie for you, my friend


              Add me ingame if you want, I could try teaching you a bit. My invoker is by no means very good, but keeping a positive WR in 5-6k games thus far


                basicly remember what combos you can do and what each spell individually can do and how it can be used. if you can invoke the spells and know how, easy game. know most builds like qe or qw for instance and how you are meant to play them. knowing all the above lets me play a good invo ^^


                  play support invoker. ez 100% winrate


                    @[Simple] Wukz i added u thank u

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