General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling Support?

Morphling Support? in General Discussion

    So what do you think guys? with this morphling support style, with maxing adaptive strike first at lv 7 and then go for wave form?

    4 sec stuns on the condition of 8 sec cooldown combined with eul 2.5 sec disable, on paper that was 1.5 sec online enemy core heroes.

    his hp pool when he maxing strength is pure incredible 3k HP with only no items.

    and pseudo blink with wave form to initiate

    what do you think about this guy? if the team have a radiance carrier he can farm the jungle and lane using the replica. and if you want it and the moment demand it you can move to hard carry late game.

    cons, no damage, no aoe


      No damage? No aoe? No thanks.

      No but seriously though, I might not know what im talking about here, but i think there are plenty of other heroes that can do the same thing here. Get euls on shadow shaman, or lion and drain mana at the same time.

      Plus in my experience when im playing carry and the supports start farming away in the jungle it kinda irritates me, especially if im being forced into the jungle to get farm.

      But i dont know, i dont play morphling enough, maybe if its adaptive strike went through spell immunity.

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        Maybe if your team abused his ahgs upgrade also


          That seems hard to manage in team fights, but im bad at all micro except meepo. Rubick would be the watered down version of support morphling then, but he gives you access to ultimates


            lion was ok, but he have low hp pool so does shaman. no pseudo blinks to initiate. might to consider thou..

            and this morphling support have escape too. what can we ask more lol

            if adaptive strike pierces immunity that will be imba, no need beastmaster


              disable 1 man only without dmg, plz dont


                Exactly, beastmaster is better, lion can kill things too. And who needs pseudo (that you cant use when silenced) blink when you can buy blink?


                  Pretty weak compared to other support, as already stated. It would only make sense to go for Morphling support if you want to abuse an Aghs Replicate. Two tombs or smth, for example.

                  I Am A Cloud

                    I did it before on one of those glorious 5-core All Random matches. It was a lot of fun because I went euls force blink lens, which gave me a huge initiation and catch range. It was probably only useful because the enemy had a tinker that kept getting away.

                    I think most everyone else has brought up the point that he does nothing except disable and walk around like a giant distraction that can be easily ignored.

                    The closest application of this I have seen pros do is the offlane STR morph where he goes utility and semi core items like e-blade, euls, lotus, vyse, etc. Needless to say, it is difficult to make it work in practice, but is so cool when comes together.

                    analytical analizer

                      it used to be a thing before they nerfed the adaptive strike projectile
                      now its super situational, u can only do it if you have a strong carry laner and enough damage in your team
                      i wud imagine it to be fairly decent with lifestealer, decent infest target aswell


                        i usually use it when i need to disable enemy core heroes. like sven lifestealer, or any kind of core heroes right now. and usually let my team focus on the support and control the core heroes it self. alone.


                          Its incredibly strong when combo'd with Undying etc, for his Agh's upgrade, and if they have like an AM or something.
                          you can stun and burn his whole mana pool etc.
                          People forget he has 3k+hp and mobility built in.
                          its very very viable


                            ^ that's what i thinking about. if friends got radiance he can farm fast with his ult. that was beast i think


                              4 sec stuns is like forever, combined with eul. you got more than 5 sec disable. early-mid game that can be used in 8 sec. and 4 sec stuns late game on enemy cores can determine win or losing the game lol


                                iceiceice was one of the pioneers of it, i'd recommend checking out his offlane morph.

                                petenis wimbeldon

                                  agh morphling + bristleback w/ octarine
                                  5 million quill stacks

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                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                    VIABLE... As a Stun Gun... Actually a friend of mine made a build

                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                      you need lvls, like being lvl 4 being lvl 15 min into the game makes u useless, but if you find a way to get those lvls (i highly recommend not staying afk bot/top on a tri-lane because ur carry will end up being the useless one) it may be pretty good I've lost most of the games versus stun morphs but I think they were either offlane or 2 1 2 (on the offlane)

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                                        i used to pick this hero a ton back in february till the april patch of last year, its garbage now. lions much better. the only nice thing about morph is u didnt need blink to have a reliable stun, now u do, so u may as well go lion. significantly better hero in every aspect outside farming.


                                          Offlane morphling is really legit in some cases. I mean his ult when used offensively makes an illusion that deals 80% damage. You go vs an AM, Spectre, most carrys that use illusions or you have one on your team thats alot of extra damage.

                                          Get an aghs and have even more utility.

                                          He also has a 4 second stun and you dont even need to be full str, so he can still have ok right clicks. Also because str stun pushes back so much you could pretend to be a vengeful spirit. Blink in behind someone, stun them backwards and wave form out.


                                            I played it a few times when he got the agha buff
                                            In lane you have no Chance tozone the offlane so you start pulling and get your lvl 2
                                            With this you can try to gank but it won't be effektiv, so most of the time you will Stack and go for like 1 0 1 so you can get ez double Stacks
                                            But after that u mußt steal XP from ur cores, otherwise u will be useless
                                            with the XP item he got buffed a little, but hes still a greedy 5zh pos
                                            I think u can pick him with alch mid so he gets an ultra early Radi armlet with the help of the Stacks and you can recover with your ult
                                            After that I would Rush agha so u can have a 2nd carry in late
                                            All in all i think hes still too week to sup but might get picked early to confuse the enemy in the draft

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                                              i believe some of the other pro teams have this morphling as their pocket strategy.


                                                pepole are so stupid good lord


                                                  3 hit lion dead, no escape no pseudo blinks it's like walking bounty rune. with 900-1200 HP. with morphling you need a foucking reliable stuns to kill him, and if you decide not to kill him he can just throw anything at you. and controlled most of enemy carries. you can still damage through wave form thou. and using replicate with 80% damage is not something you can leave it about.

                                                  the only cons is he have no armor when 3k HP, he needs some armor, so medallion is great pick to him to compensate his regen and his armor.

                                                  i do believe in morphling in offlane position with utility mode is good, i want to push him harder to pos 5.


                                                    I believe there are better heroes to pick


                                                      lion can cast his disables multiple times because of way higher mana pool and disable multiple targets (sometimes even ravage)
                                                      meanwhile morph has even slower ms.
                                                      nah dude it only excells at some things that are way less useful than what lion kit has

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