General Discussion

General DiscussionBug that granted Godly powers in Dota!

Bug that granted Godly powers in Dota! in General Discussion

    Dear fellow Dotabuffers,

    I am the same guy who posted this topic on recent lag issues. After the Immortal 2 updates, I have not been able to play matches due to severe lags.

    But today I found out that our Lord Gaben has granted my laptop some super powers. The games I spectate, crash!

    You can see it for yourself in the following video (Please be patient and watch it till the end)

    This means, if one of my friend is about to lose a match, I can just spectate him and the match will never be counted. And since it is ethically wrong, I won't do it. But this is a serious issue, which needs to be addressed asap!

    Have a great day!

    PS: I hardly post in any forum. So I apologize for the mistakes I made in this post, if any.

    EDIT: Latest video with twitch recording (27.06.2016).

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Ur a God now:D


        Make money with it


          Sweet would laptop dude.Now all your will remove you from their friend list
          Edit: lulz meant it to be that way was waiting for someone to realize . the real sentence is ' Sweet laptop dude.Now all your friends will remove you from their friend list'

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            ^ahaha i love getting headaches from hard-to-decipher english(?) statements like these. Who needs a drink when you have dotabuff

            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

              Dotabuff is the best comedy site this world have ever fucking seen


                Can you crash TI qualifier games?


                  How many games support this idea? Are they all in the same region?


                    omg, spectate TI GF


                      Gosh this is so cool :D


                        @i hit creeps: im not sure. I tried to spectate EGBulba game, before i knew this thing. But i donot think it crashed the qualifier game

                        @brooster: i think i accidently crashed a ranked game today morning, in which Zai and Ush were about to win. That is when i realised what last update has done to my laptop. Zai was playing timber.


                          @Kitraklulz: happens xD

                          @Party: easy 9k MMR xD

                          Johnny Rico

                            wtf m8, you just know that valve did shit lul, go on the dev foruns


                              I already posted there, regarding lag issues. Till now, no response xD

                              Johnny Rico

                                and about your godly powers? if they see that someone at valve is gonna be fired lul, bad coding is the bane ofevery software, especially games


                                  Well, if they are not serious enough to treat the issue regarding lag, then they deserve this. Don't they? Because there are quite a few people who are experiencing same issues.

                                  Sadly, all they care about is selling hats :/

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    if they fix your powers the lag will be fixed as well, maybe, maybe not


                                      oh wow is this serious? EXPERIMENT WITH IT! this is interesting. I too would like to know which games you can crash and what the conditions are. I doubt you can do it for ALL matches. If you can do it for live matches that'd be hilarious. Troll twitch streamers rofl.


                                        ^ good idea.

                                        I used to spend time spectating more, than actually playing Dota. Yesterday my friend was complaining like, Valve servers are shit and his games are crashing. Hardly did he know that I was trying to spectate them. I spectated a match being played by Zai, and *poof* it went off the live matches list. So i thought, why not be certain, whether it was a pure co-incidence or it was actually happening.

                                        So i asked my friend to message me, if he was losing. And I actually saved a game of his, when his ancient was at 4HP. :P

                                        This post is a result of my little experiment. And I believe, irrespective of the region, the game crashes (except qualifiers).


                                          how many times u can do that till now, and how many times it fail?


                                            When i try to spectate, it takes min 4 mins till I load into the game. If the game is over by then, it fails. Or else, the game crashes.


                                              It is still there :/
                                              Twitch Video - sorry LoH

                                              PS: Sorry for the poor video quality.


                                                best shit ever read on DB

                                                inb4 selling game crash service "crash it not lose it" 0-4k 1usd 5-6k 3usd >7k 10usd

                                                omg ez 10k miracle is joke now


                                                  Op what type of drugs u on?


                                                    It's not me on drugs. I guess valve coders were on drugs, during the last update. xD


                                                      Can probs charged more than that per game .


                                                        or you can also

                                                        "you are winning? gimme 10 dollars and i won't crash ur game, if don't you won't get up in your mmr"

                                                        do it to all your friends and in second you will be rich.


                                                          ^ Lol

                                                          I'm thinking of actually re-installing Dota. With this bug, I wont be able to play normal Dota games :/


                                                            No, if this bug exist, you can fucking sell your laptop on ebay and said it have UNIQUE FITURE.

                                                            sell it for 1500$

                                                            GOT HACKED

                                                              Add me please, need that service kappa


                                                                Too late. :P
                                                                I'm reinstalling Dota now.


                                                                  YOU SIR, JUST WASTE A CHANCE TO BE RICH.


                                                                    "It is not honourable" - in Ned Stark's voice

                                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                      Did you really reinstall?? What a waste.


                                                                        Yes, I gave up godly power to enjoy some normal mortal games of Dota.

                                                                        Now the bug is resolved. I'm able to spectate without crashing the servers. I hope that the lag issues were also resolved along with it.


                                                                          awwww. Oh well, we'll just have to wait until the next chosen one appears. Legends say the spectator god only appears once every generation.


                                                                            Op you are cancerously cool.


                                                                              ^haha. Just wondering whether that is a good thing or a bad thing?

                                                                              Btw, lag issues are resolved now. Finally I can join my friends ^_^

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!