General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play core necro?

how to play core necro? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    This hero have high winrate so i interested in playing him.

    But meh look at my recent games. I suck.

    I fucking confused how to item build with him?

    Pt : i am a fucking snail
    Phase : meh
    Tranq + basi : never try it yet

    My usual role play necro : ks with reaper and useless after that

    When i farm dagger , blade mail , or tank item or aghs timing?

    Midas good for exp?

    Really confused
    Btw i do not want dagon build


      why u dont want dagon build

      Fee Too Pee

        I love being tanky


          PTs are probably the best boots for you.

          When I play necro I like to go

          PTs, blink, veil, mek, aghs, octarine/refresher.

          PTs are just good boots for necro

          blink as you lack maneuverability
          Veil is really good with your ult and deathpulse and the stats

          mek is good as the armour and youre generally in the middle of the fight.

          aghs is just too good to not get as having an enemy core who cant bb is ez win.

          refresher as you can take out 2 cores at once or octarine for a shorter cd ult and instant full hp if you ulti kill someone


            im glad you asked heh heh heh..... i always go offlane, if my team has supps that might not get arc boots i will get them, arc boots is actually really good cuz after mekansm you can make greaves which just makes you very hard to kill. usually the progression for me is
            1-arc boots (or phase dpeneding)
            2-mekansm ( this is where i start to roam and apply fuck ton of pressure around the map)
            3-blink dagger or aghanims (blink dagger if im doing really well or i really need that maneuverability)
            4- greaves
            5- all the luxury items ( shivas octarine and what not)

            i have been using this build for almost all my games and they have worked for me in almost any match up.I f you wanna play tanky, tank items are not needed just make sure you kill people or creeps during engagements the sadist makes you so hard to kill coupled with mekansm or greaves. the opponent are most likely to give up or end up chasing you long enough that you can either turn or your team is there to back you up already.

            im interested in trying the blademail and veil build seems good but i just havent felt any situations where i would need these items more than my "comfortable"build

            Fee Too Pee

              Oh wow 80 percent winrate reported for being too good.

              Thanks man, really helping.
              One question : on average, u go aghs or dagger first mate?


                Ags first, I'm not trying to brag or anything buy I'm pretty good with positioning so I'm always at the right place at the right time. I would get blink 4/10 games if that helps, usually to catch up with teammates who have blink or I'm dealing with elusive heroes.

                By the way, stats on agha is too good on necro

                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  travels blink so you won't feel like a snail, but I always build dagon/ethe after, its fun/impactful and u dont get countered by a single linken

                  feeding weaboo

                    tbh why not dagon build
                    one of the few heroes that is pretty acceptable to buy dagon,although rush isnt always the best choice (fuck you qop and bounty pickers)


                      I like arcanes which i dismantle into an aether lens because i find there's asmall window of 5mins where i'm short of mana if not. then a blink, veil, blademail, aghs in whatever order. i also like a windlace at the start because he really is slow as fuck.

                      disclaimer: normal skill...

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                      Pale Mannie

                        Blink is a must

                        Fee Too Pee

                          Tried the guardian greave aghs blink build with bot unfair. So far feels so much good than my previous builds.

                          Thx thou for another suggester
                          Dagon eternal maybe fun but only for 1 target kinda overkill


                            yea 黒人 made a point about linkens, when playing agasinst a linken user just wait for it to get procced blink in and ulti or just ulti another high priority target, dont get so rushed to use the ult its a game changing skill

                            Swap Commends

                              DO NOT GO FOR DAGON its a useless item since most ppl will buy bkb.
                              Imo the best item build is :
                              Phase,headdreas,bracer and wand for early game.
                              If u have advantage,go for fast aghs then hex.
                              Octarine and blink is for luxury games imo Bcuz necro can go for better items.
                              I am trying to spam this hero as offlaner in my MMR.I don't know your mmr but i am 3.1k,maybe close to u?
                              u can see how I won so many games with him.


                                I like him more as a support. He is so annoying on lane with aura aund autoattacks and can transition into core with ease.

                                Core Necro should go for treads into mek. Manaboots are also an option. You become a walking fountain. Next item should be aga. If you face silence, go for greaves first.

                                If you have a real kickass start go for radiance after some utilityitem. Radiance on necro is rly fucking strong, but risky. Refresher orb is the item of choice after aga.

                                Blademail/BKB are optional. If you go for radi you can consider octarine core. Otherwise octarine is also ok.

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                                  Dagon on Necro is bad because ppl buy bkb? Wutface
                                  Are you high or some shit? His ulti doesn't pierce bkb either. You're supposed to catch people with it since it prevents them from piping that bkb and then burst them down. There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying dagon to do so.

                                  Massive Dynamic

                                    Guardian Greaves makes you so deceptively tanky. You can win most fights 1v1 or even 1v2 throughout the early and mid game. I almost always go greaves, aghs, and blink. Once you have those, radiance and veil are both very good.


                                      Blade mail is OP on necro trust me.


                                        Never tried necro against players, but for a core necro, core items would be Power treads, drums, veil and blink. Once you get your cores and start racking up gold, your call for luxury. Again, I am just item theorizing.


                                          easy to play necro core, pick mid max aura. stand on middle and farm buy aghanim dagon dagon dagon dagon dagon win the game.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Making gg boots on offlane necro is not making necro a "support" . I find the item is just too good for pass up. As i find treads useless for him on my recent games. Better pool some mana early and spam that skill 1 to etertiny for more farm

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