General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker need a nerf

Does tinker need a nerf in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    I ate a salami, 2 hours ago can still taste him in my throat, because of the flu and the incessant catarrh (lol in portuguese its catarro)


      Just pick Spectre and rape tinker ffs

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        It ultimately depends on who hits who 1st. Once u predict his farming patterns he can be countered by any stun

        Johnny Rico

          Johnny Rico

            Johnny Rico

              Johnny Rico

                Johnny Rico

                  Johnny Rico

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      ok finally some quality content in this fucking thread



                        Johnny Rico

                          Anothe meme created by ME



                            ^ gj boy

                            Johnny Rico

                              Johnny Rico

                                No it doesnt bounce :(

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    One time i had a "healthy" teacher, but she never fucked me, why this only happens on the states!?!?!!?!

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    Johnny Rico

                                      Johnny Rico


                                          Yui Kojina


                                            Yuri Kwon (right) and her cousin Vivian


                                              Moderators? Where are you?

                                              Johnny Rico


                                                  Hook and roll
                                                  Dude your ursa sucks
                                                  Check it out:


                                                    Memes plz, no porn


                                                      That tattoo girl and them Asian chicks are hot af.

                                                      Not gonna lie feelsgoodman

                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        Timber didnt know how to play and feed the od top, and i got kited in tf, first game had lags, 20-30% packet loss whole game. Doing the ursa quest only set missing.

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                          Don't feel bad I suck at closing game out with ursa myself .


                                                            "its funny how all the people here that are supporting int carries over agi carries have their best heroes as either tinker or invoker."

                                                            And you're complaining about int carries dominating agi carries because you're a right click agi player. Hypocrite much?

                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                  I actually reconsidered, tinker is a pretty op hero with op abilities and you can change your playstyle depending on the enemy lineup, I prefer maxing laser and rocket, because that gives you an insane kill potential especially against some squishy supports, also if your lane is hard and you are getting ganked a lot by the stupid ogre who tanks your nukes you can just ignore him, maax march and go jungle, also you have a lot of situational items, for example if you are stomping the enemy team you can go for an early dagon which gives you even more burst damage. Or if they have a phantom lancer, you can always counter him with getting aghs, making the lazer bounce and the 4 rockets were a very big buff and now ethereal dagon build is not a must, you can also think of a difensive item like glimmer cape which also allows you to save teammates, other honorable mentions are euls, shiva or bkb, depending on the enemy lineup, but i personally prefer glimmer cape. Also not to mention the ethereal blade/ghost scepter which allows you to enter a form of permanent physical immunity making you impossible to kill for some heroes. In conclusion tinker is strong early, mid and rly strong late game and definitely deserves to be nerfed. I also saw ur LC topic and I was actually quite impressed so here is what I think. I think one thing that i see a lot of people doing wrong is ignoring Overwhelming Odds, waiting to max their W and E before even putting a single point into it. a few reasons why this is a bad idea firstly, Moment of Courage isn't all that useful early game. unless you're playing LC as a jungler (which i also object to, but your mileage may vary), MoC is not going to help you regen in lane. yes, it's useful when you duel for extra damage and lifesteal, but you're not likely to be solo-duelling early on nor are you able to take advantage of the procs. I dont see many people actually describing how to play Carry Naga so ill chip in what I can. Carry Naga Siren is a splitpush hero, she cannot manfight as well as other carries such as Spectre or Medusa, though you certainly can if you are ahead. Naga usually wins games by getting a quick Radiance and pushing towers down like an absolute beast before the enemy team can catch up to her in farm. Pre Radiance you want to farm. You MUST play super selfish, only help your team if they are near and you are pretty much guaranteed to get some AOE gold. Fighting slows your radiance timing down so much, it really isn't worth it. It sounds counter productive but most of the time it's better to not help out. Get an Aquila and Bottle, they help you farm a lot faster as the extra mana means more illusions and riptides. It is so hard to learn japanese, there are no spaces between the words, its like making an entire sentence look like 1 big word: tinkerhavenocountersandhereallysuckstoplayagainst. Can you imagine if everyone starts typing like that? After Radiance you want to go Travels -> Yasha. At this point your illusions (and you) move very fast, so now you can start being active. You want to cut creep waves, that means sending your illusions ahead of your creeps to fight the enemy creep wave alone. This pushes the wave (as your creeps take no damage) and ensures you get all the last hits. You will often be sending your illusions behind towers to do this, dont be scared to do so. If you are struggling to cut waves, look at your creep waves to see where the enemy wave is, the waves are mirrored across the map. You can cut all three waves at once if you stand in the right spot, this is super hard but creates a tonne of pressure, watch some of the videos I've linked to see when and where to do it. The enemy team will have to run around a LOT to kill your illusions. While your illusions are cutting waves, main naga should be farming jungle, this is because the jungle is safer than pushing lanes. Get some wards to be extra safe. This method of tower pushing means a lot of your tower damage is coming from the creeps rather than your illusions, so don't worry if you don't finish every game with 7k tower damage. This doesn't mean you cant hit towers, Naga certainly can and you should if it is safe to do so. After that, get a Manta for more illusions and the dispel. After Manta, you can pick from Butterfly, Skadi, Heart, Octarine and Diffusal. You want stats on Naga as + damage (say from Demon Edge or Phase Boots) will not apply to the illusions. My district sucks and we are probably going to lose the hunger games so I will never vote for trump. I really like Octarine, not sure if people consider it core but I find myself getting it the vast majority of games, the decreased cooldowns, extra mana and hp and healing from Radiance are amazing. Skadi is superior to Heart almost all of the time. Yes Skadi gives you slightly less raw HP, but it gives you more mana, damage, attack speed and armor, I would only ever go heart against a team that was all magic damage. Butterfly is a nice AGI booster and has good evasion, I like picking it up against carries that don't want to build an MKB. Diffusal is also nice for another purge and mana drain. A few micro tips I've picked up: The easiest way to Micro illusions is the shift deselect method, I wont try explain it here. Having individual keys for each illusion works great in a pinch. While it was hard to get used to remembering while illusion was which, but being able to quickly take control of an individual illusion is very handy in a lot of cases. Specific example is moving an illusion who has finished its camp to go chase down a hero without interrupting the other illusions who are still doing camps. Doing it that way is a lot harder, so I would focus on the shift deselect method until you get the other aspects of carry Naga down first. I copied all this from reddit, so give all the credits did you even believe that 10% of the dota players are cheaters, its sucks right to the reddit guy not me, even, now, since most of you are reading this shit anyway I'll just copy paste it again and probably no one is even going to notice. I actually can write pretty much anything at this point and you will miss it so does it rly matter if I say that im a 11 y old boy and I like watching brittany venti - no, but here is the reddit post, just in case you are still here. I dont see many people actually describing how to play Carry Naga so ill chip in what I can Carry Naga Siren is a splitpush hero, she cannot manfight as well as other carries such as Spectre or Medusa, though you certainly can if you are ahead. Naga usually wins games by getting a quick Radiance and pushing towers down like an absolute beast before the enemy team can catch up to her in farm. Pre Radiance you want to farm. You MUST play super selfish, only help your team if they are near and you are pretty much guaranteed to get some AOE gold. Fighting slows your radiance timing down so much, it really isn't worth it. Wtf u still reading? what wrong with you, here is an icefrog article from wikipedia: IceFrog is a game designer, known for being the longest-serving developer of the Warcraft III custom mod Defense of the Ancients. He is currently employed by Valve Corporation as the lead designer for Dota 2, the stand-alone sequel to the original mod, a position for which he was hired in 2009. IceFrog's involvement with DotA began in 2005, when he inherited the reins of the dominant variant entitled DotA Allstars from Neichus who himself inherited it from Steve "Guinsoo" Feak IceFrog is noted for his continued anonymity, having never publicly disclosed his actual name. He did however reveal that he was 25 years old on his blog on February 3, 2009. It sounds counter productive but most of the time it's better to not help out. Get an Aquila and Bottle, they help you farm a lot faster as the extra mana means more illusions and riptides. After Radiance you want to go Travels -> Yasha. At this point your illusions (and you) move very fast, so now you can start being active. You want to cut creep waves, that means sending your illusions ahead of your creeps to fight the enemy creep wave alone. This pushes the wave (as your creeps take no damage) and ensures you get all the last hits. You will often be sending your illusions behind towers to do this, dont be scared to do so. If you are struggling to cut waves, look at your creep waves to see where the enemy wave is, the waves are mirrored across the map. You can cut all three waves at once if you stand in the right spot, this is super hard but creates a tonne of pressure, watch some of the videos I've linked to see when and where to do it. The enemy team will have to run around a LOT to kill your illusions. While your illusions are cutting waves, main naga should be farming jungle, this is because the jungle is safer than pushing lanes. Get some wards to be extra safe. This method of tower pushing means a lot of your tower damage is coming from the creeps rather than your illusions, so don't worry if you don't finish every game with 7k tower damage (yea, you just suck). This doesn't mean you cant hit towers, Naga certainly can and you should if it is safe to do so. After that, get a Manta for more illusions and the dispel. After Manta, you can pick from Butterfly, Skadi, Heart, Octarine and Diffusal. You want stats on Naga as + damage (say from Demon Edge or Phase Boots) will not apply to the illusions. Just skip to the bottom dude. I really like Octarine, not sure if people consider it core but I find myself getting it the vast majority of games, the decreased cooldowns, extra mana and hp and healing from Radiance are amazing. Skadi is superior to Heart almost all of the time. Yes Skadi gives you slightly less raw HP, but it gives you more mana, damage, attack speed and armor, I would only ever go heart against a team that was all magic damage. Butterfly is a nice AGI booster and has good evasion, I like picking it up against carries that don't want to build an MKB. Diffusal is also nice for another purge and mana drain. A few micro tips I've picked up: The easiest way to Micro illusions is the shift deselect method, I wont try explain it here, but I've linked a video at the bottom by Bren that explains it well. Having individual keys for each illusion works great in a pinch. While it was hard to get used to remembering while illusion was which, but being able to quickly take control of an individual illusion is very handy in a lot of cases. Specific example is moving an illusion who has finished its camp to go chase down a hero without interrupting the other illusions who are still doing camps. Doing it that way is a lot harder, so I would focus on the shift deselect method until you get the other aspects of carry Naga down first. When killing a camp with an illusion, move near the camp then shift-queue an attack move into the actual camp. Basically you tell the illusion to move near the camp, then once it has done that to go and attack anything in it. This method means your illusions going to further camps don't fight other camps along the way. So in conclusion LC is one of the best heroes in dota and she definitely needs some sort of nerf, just ignore all the troll comments in this thread. Doom can't do shit at lvl 6, he cant solo kill even a 300 ms support, he just presses R and dies, like wtf, ppl saying that 30k in voker dies to a 5k doom makes no sense at all. Also invoker can always instant kill him and since blink dagger is not something common on doom, he can't even get to him without getting 2shotted. Not to mention that LC even counters tinker.

                                                                  Johnny Rico




                                                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                          U didnt read my post? All my hard work for nothing :((((((((


                                                                            LC counters him and she's not even a meta hero,so tinker is not even good guys
                                                                            xd 1k logic


                                                                              ^you talking about tinker?
                                                                              tinker is male

                                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                                NEW MEMES ARE BORNING PREPARE FOR IT

                                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                                    Johnny Rico


                                                                                        ^ completely acurate.


                                                                                          Wtf is this thread...


                                                                                            @ 黒人

                                                                                            Hey guy who posted the wall of text; where is the link to the video by Bren? You said you linked it but I couldn't find the link.

                                                                                            Also is your Picture the Change of Heart Card?


                                                                                              yes that is change of heart

                                                                                              Your Wife's Boyfriend


                                                                                                I think its that one.

                                                                                                Or mb that one since it is more specific about the micro


                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  So is this like the new ayy lmao thread or are people actually discussing shit... Im confused.


                                                                                                    A Little bit of this.... little bit of that

                                                                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                                                                      Someof them i call junk... other i call them treasures