General Discussion

General DiscussionYour thoughts on tusk?

Your thoughts on tusk? in General Discussion

    I always thought tusk was a bad hero but i wanted to prove me wrong so i tried him out. I noticed that he is pretty good with farm and can pretty much almost 1shot squishys, so any thoughts on this heroes?


      I think he's fun and cool, however he needs to snowball. In pubs its very fun and easy to do so. In lanes you can go for firstblood pretty easy with this Ice shard and just lock them inside with your pen. He's cool ,however needs snowball and doesnt scale as well as other heroes as carry.

      Aaand, why "lost 500mmr", if you did so you probably deserved it. No reason to write it iguess


        Ya i noticed that its pretty easy to get kills if your supports have stuns/disables

        Lol i just wanted to cry it out


          Awesome hero.
          makes loosing fun mon


            on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst hero in dota, 10 being earthspirit prepatch

            tusk is probably an 8

            Jay Ashborne

              Liquid likes him somewhat. I used to hate the hero, but he's useful~.

              Woof Woof

                hes solid for pubs if u dont skip frozen sigil

                i quit

                  roaming with him at level 2 works great in pubs 2, >60% wr guaranteed though that applies for most roamers.

                  Woof Woof

                    so u go 2/3/1?


                      surprised i never meet this hero at ranked mm now.


                        He snowballs every game

                        la the yeezy

                          True dat^

                          Jay Ashborne

                            @ Relentless

                            "He needs to snowball~" Lol'ed


                              I have used him a couple of times. Mainly as a support/roamer though haha. I don't use a farm dependent build on him


                                We used to run Tusk+DS jungle and 3 strong solo lanes while having fun in pubs with the team back in the day. Basically, lvl 1 surge + lvl 1 Ion Shell and a 783 MS snowball are really hard to deal with at level 2, no matter what your lane set-up is)

                                I think that professional players usually get him for the awesome Sigil and Invulnerability in snowball though.

                                Jay Ashborne

                                  Qojqva has a 66% winrate with him in professional games this season.


                                    Haha a lot of people are commenting, i feel popular :D jk </3.

                                    Anyways i played a few tusk rounds and i just love him. He can usually almost 1 hit anyone with deso shadow blade and his ult. I noticed that he is a great snowballer and pubstomper, I evened out carried a storm and a void in separate games. Anyways thanks for your feedback guys and have try out tusk if you havnt.


                                      i feel tusk is very scary very early on and can SNOWBALL out of control he generally requires atleast a little team synergy tho.

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        Aside from puns and "cold" comments towards OP, added to guide.

                                        Try to talk about roles / items / skill builds.


                                          After the patch where dagger doesnt need mana, Tuskar is very good hero. Roll in punch dagger away, deal at least half of any hp without risking yourself.(Even if there are 5hero)

                                          Can slayed any support in eaarly game.

                                          2 play methods:
                                          Skill 1 and 2, has great burst dps
                                          Sigil: That movement slow is OP. Great hero that was underrated.

                                          1)They should make a hot key for the sigil so that we can micro properly.
                                          2)Hard to fit into a team lineup.


                                            I like to keeping lv2 ice shard and max out snow ball if you're in a side lane since the ice shard is mainly for the trap.

                                            For items i agree with Uaena with the blink, but mainly shadow blade deso works well. Battlefury works with his punches but the air time doesnt spread and tusk needs to gank rather than farm like a carry.

                                            Im pretty sure you can carry with tusk mid game maybe even late game since his punch cna go thru bkb.

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              You cant micro sigil? You're telling me that I can't select it and do like CTRL + 2 or something then double tap 2 to select it?


                                                Yes you can do so but first you need to select sigil, ctrl and do this everytime you summon it.
                                                My idea was: They can make sigil as Other Unit Control, just like Necronomicon, Illusion,Familiars etc.. Where we control it easily each time we summon it, not going to repeat the select, ctrl step.

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  I usually do that any way, but I guess as a starcraft player I don't really notice it. I just do things to keep my hand busy, meaning I usually hotkey the same unit about 5 times in a minute. I'ts apm habit. I can see how that would be an issue for regular players.


                                                    Tusk is great solo mid, especially in pubs. Just build and armlet and desolator, roam around and one shot supports. You are very powerful up until 40 mins, where your carry should be strong since you gave him space and shut down the opposing carries all game. Thats the point of tusk in my opinion, strong early and mid game, shut down carries and kill a lot, so that if late game occurs you can support your fed carry and use useful teamfight abilities like sigil and snowball. If you fed enough and get a battle fury as well, you can snowball into the enemy team and walrus PUNCH! their carry, doing 300- 400 cleave damage to the surrounding enemies.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      He's good but like others said he is hard to fit into a team. He's definitely not a support cus he needs farm and doesn't lane support really, but he's also not a tank or a real carry. I guess he's sort of like pudge, good solo mid/ganker but doesn't fill other roles well.


                                                        Hes more of an "initiator" (I call initiators tanks on here so high health heros....) When I play with him or against him it seems like I will get in his stupid snowball and thrown in the enemy's to get tore up, or vice versa. That snowball throwing everyone in there on your team that gets in the way is bad news in pubs.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Snowball can be bad though if you pile up all your squishy supports into it and land them right on a carry. Need to be careful about use.


                                                            Whenever I see this hero the team who has him loses. 2nd worst hero after Brood in game. He needs a major buff or rework or maybe I have never seen decent Tusk player.


                                                              really wink? Id put him at a 3


                                                                Well my tusk winrate went up after i figured how to build him and play him, its not that hard and its pretty easy to get kills. But never ever pick him if there is at least 2 tanks on their team. @Wookie damn i never thought of armlet build on him but i should try it, snowball if you can and hit the enemy with your deso. Then you prepare your punch and instantly cast shadow blade after your armlet. GG 1 hit