General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is my MMR so low?

Why is my MMR so low? in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    And this is the reason why you are in the shitbracket. If you want to believe it or not its up 2 you, everyone here has been a scrub like you. And the step we all had to take was to realize that we had no fucking idea what we were doing.

    And mmr wont go up when you dont know shit? Thats a lie. Look at Bogi, he had a lucky streak and got carried or matches against bad players. Now when he finally ran out of luck look at where he stands, he has most likely the most losses for the month of jan. for every user on DB, he had 19/20 losses on 1 page and trust me, the 2nd one didnt look much better. You will climb up and fall down over and over again, until you realize that you don't know shit and start learning the game instead of thinking you already know.



      like me
      stuck at 4700-4800 mmr forever :(

      Ples Mercy

        rats don't deserve 5k rating :p


          what have I to do then :(

          suddenly addicted to rats :))


            @ relentless

            i don't agree with everything, but you did bring up an interesting if not accurate point that people have 'natural limits' based on hand-eye coordination and other pertinent, endogeneous factors that will cause their skill levels to plateau regardless of how hard they try. i do have an additional question i'd like to ask you on steam regarding this topic so if you don't mind accepting the FR (even if temporary) i'd appreciate it

            @ sano

            i get lots of 4.5k-5k players in my games and a handful of them are bad, have terrible attitudes, or both. they start whining by first blood, pick drafts in -cd with literally no reliable stuns at all, etc. it's unfortunate dota 2 doesn't have a personal banlist.

            someone in another thread pointed out that people reach their mmrs through various means. some might spam mid heroes like invoker/sf/storm over and over and over, and get to the point where their (relatively high) individual skill with those heroes can compensate for their lack thereof in others. some, like myself, are jack-of-all-trades but not specifically tailored for any role (which can be rather aggravating especially when i'm going mid against someone with much more experience/skill in laning, but not so in other areas)

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              being retarded =/= being a bad player skillwise, unfortunately MMR can't measure brains


                At 2k, accept you're retarded. At 3k, accept you're retarded. At 4k, accept you're retarded. At 5k, accept you're retarded.

                Moral of the story? No matter how good you think you are, there's always someone better. There's always room for improvement. Accept it. Deal with it.

                IT'S A TRAP!

                  You shouldn't be so fixated on your mmr, if you're having fun playing that's all that matters.

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    You probably lost to some weaker players so it bumped you down big time. Also your viper/jug/bloodseeker should have more kills. If you are just averaging 2:1 KDR on them it won't balanced the bad games u have with them. I usually go 4:1 kdr on carry heroes and on good games even go 20:1 KDR on carry and still average only 3-4 kdr.

                    More tips:
                    Avoid playing Sand King, Viper & Skywrath
                    Focus on getting better at: Slardar, Zues, Weaver, Medusa, Spectre, Slark, Necrophos & Riki and play them more.


                      Stack with four good friends and then when your mmr is 4k+ you can come on the dotabuff forums and trash talk all the solo queuers for having low MMRs. I think that's the vision Icefrog had all those years ago.


                        Btw while id like to believe 4.1k is top 1% (it would make my 3.2 feel better XD), i dont think ranked % will be the same. I have ~ 100steam friends, lots of them worse than me, around 2k id say, only 2 has mmr, others havent played single ranked game yet... they play daily, but never go to ranked. I think its the logical decision, they play for fun, dont want to tryhard.

                        I realised after 4 months of playing when i started to stack with higher mmr ppl that before that, i didnt play dota, i ppayed sims in the dota client... while i believed i know the game, i had literally no idea about it. Now i know i still dont know shit but at least i have the chance to slowly improve.


                          Purge I have already stopped playing those heroes due to what you mentioned :P also my KDA's with Jugger and Bloodseeker have massively improved over the recent months, but as they were some of the first heroes I played (and subsequently fed with) my KDA's are remaining low on average

                          Those heroes you've mentioned are ones I intend to play more if the situation calls for, which unfortunately is unlikely as in my bracket I always last pick support :P

                          @way2high I agree with you in saying there's always something to learn because it's impossible to ever be "the best" at dota, but I wouldn't think of it as negatively as "you're always retarded", because if you constantly think that it makes it less fun

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                            he was joking - but it is true u will get retards at every level. singsing gets retards on his team, that's not something matchmaking can fix. (which isn't to say i think RMM is great or anything, i hate the fact that -ap often results in stomps and would do away with that mode altogether in ranked) you have to stack in parties to avoid that, or else just live with it.

                            i mentioned earlier having a higher MMR player look at ur games and try to pinpoint mistakes is helpful. playing with them is even more so, provided they don't flame/give excessively negative comments

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                            Quick maffs

                              Be agresive, if you are losing is because you are not playiing agresive enough


                                2 hours ago :
                                At 2k, accept you're retarded. At 3k, accept you're retarded. At 4k, accept you're retarded. At 5k, accept you're retarded.

                                Moral of the story? No matter how good you think you are, there's always someone better. There's always room for improvement. Accept it. Deal with it.

                                quote of the day !


                                  @Purge Welcum 2 Pro Doto u...
                                  High kda with low winrate and below average gpm does not mean you're good with these heroes.

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                                    At least you aren't 630 MMR...

                                    Primordial Soup

                                      ^ I will read that wall.



                                        Flow ~

                                          So.. did the OP improve his mmr?


                                            Necro, cyka.


                                              Most Brits aren't allowed high MMR's due to their mischievous and trolling nature.

                                              ICE SKULL

                                                in my entire dota career ive only met 3 british people in matchmaking

                                                i think they all queue in usa or something :S


                                                  the fuck guys! why u flame this guy so much? wow calm your tits
                                                  if u have an advice for him, go bring it on
                                                  if u not stop fucking insulting him about his kda
                                                  what the fuck is wrong with you


                                                    I queue US when solo, doing party MM, unless we're a full stack it just becomes troll bait. I think the few Brits I have met in 4K have all been trolls and we usually just "wot m8" each other all game and call each other cunts and wankers.


                                                      man he is right.ı see people says ıam 5k or 4.8k.ok but ıam sure they started 4k or more.starting with low mmr to hard to get high mmr.


                                                        It's not only about kda~winrate. Guy with 1.5k mmr has 3.50 kda on Razor and 75% winrate on Dazzle.

                                                        I lost 7 of 10 mmr calibration games and I ended up on 3625


                                                          The necro is strong in this, in short, I haven't improved my mmr, but i feel as though I've applied everything that I was told and I feel a lot more experienced with the game, so I think once I get more solo games under my belt after TI I'll work it up, I'm just sort of hovering atm


                                                            i calibrated won 8-2 and got TRASH 4483


                                                              ^ then dropped to 4322 no more ranked for me BibleThump


                                                                i won 1 game out of 10 in calibrating matches and got 3.880 MMR Solo.
                                                                Wont 2 games out of 10 and got 3.945 MMR Party.

                                                                Wins do no matter xD


                                                                  im 3k and i go mid


                                                                    u think 5k or more good?no live games.they are 5k or more.and they have teamfight,russians,blame everything,going shit items.if u get 5k and u will say that:what man ıam 5k and what a low players...


                                                                      lee jun fan i no understand man


                                                                        Lee Jun-Fan


                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!