General Discussion

General Discussion5 Worst Heroes in Dota2

5 Worst Heroes in Dota2 in General Discussion
Captain Pugwash

    all hating on meepo coz u cant play hiim well


      All heroes are good lol :) :) :)
      bad hero = a hero u cant play good:)
      so u hate all heroes

      Hafla Enjoyer

        why does everyone hate sky? :(


          "bad" as in worst heroes out of all the others in the current meta


          can't think of anymore... most of them got buffed this patch


            Skys a nasty ganker...


              1. brood
              2. brood
              3. pudge
              4. earth s
              5. brood


                1. Invoker
                2. Pudge
                3. Rubick
                4. Ember Spirit
                5. Riki


                  1. Meepo
                  2. Meepo
                  3. Meepo
                  4. Meepo
                  5. Meepo

                  Bad hero. Does nothing. Absolutely useless.






                        @Lethe are you fucking me mirana ult is awesome


                          I think Brewmaster is a terrible hero, typical carry Ulti dependant, because he is not that great with his abilities, he looks more like a support hero, and his abilites has a hell of spellcast time

                          Not a great hero overall...

                          Drow is also useless... And sometimes her silence just blow all the enemies in the teamfights, and they escape.


                            1. Spirit Breaker (too much nerf)
                            2. Tusk (though I do like the new snowball)
                            3. Drow Ranger (Disable her ulti by... teamfighting. Good job!)
                            4. Dazzle (Has his home, but the ministun loss hurts so, so much, can't cancel TPs, can't cancel channeling spells, not much he can do, essentially pure support like Io now)
                            5. Troll Warlord (I feel like this hero needs reworking so that he has a role)


                              1) SB - at some point was op hero but then he became a trashcan. Although I think he has some potential.
                              2) Antimage - playing this hero in the current meta is a pain. Requires a great buff to be relevant again.
                              3) Tusk - just a bad hero with idiotic design, nothing to add here.
                              4) Troll - seems like an OK hero at first but in practice he's mediocre at best.
                              5) Undying - I consider him the worst hero in the game at the moment. Good for the first 15-20 minutes and then he's a mega creep that feeds. Suboptimal at best.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                the others, dont really know, but sniper is the most annoying one.
                                low attack low health and low speed.
                                i am a noob, but srsly, f@ck the sniper.


                                  Mirana as carry


                                    f@ck the sniper < loled at this part


                                      Devilish lol is it you top meepo dotabuff?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Sniper is sick dude. Most people just suck with positioning. His win rate is north of 50% though so idk how you can think he's worst.

                                        Worst heroes are earth spirit, ember, brood, morph, wind ranger.

                                        Earth - since his nerf he just isn't that good. Maybe people don't put the effort in to be good with him, but he rarely wins.
                                        Ember - I never win matches with embers on my team. They always end up way underfarmed and don't affect games. Could be the players but since his nerf I've seen people consistently do much worse with him.
                                        Brood - Every now and then you get a match where a brood just spanks your safe lane and pushes all the way to rax with radiance in ~15 mins. But these are few and far between and when you play her you realize how hard she is and when you get competent support who buy wards/dust and have a stun or two she is spider meat. Low win rate backs up my theory here.
                                        Morph - Basically way too difficult to play/needs too much to be effective. He's not pure rat but you have to push with him. He's not exactly a late game carry yet needs tons of farm. Just too much hassle when you could just play void or even spectre.
                                        Wind ranger - Not bad hero necessarily just everything she does some other hero seems to do better. She's flexible but not really great at anything.

                                        All these heroes have low win rates to back up my opinion.


                                          Not in any order but first five that come from the top of my head.

                                          1) Drow Ranger. The free Eaglesong passive is easily negatable. Unless Drow Ranger gets some nifty items, then yeh.
                                          2) Bloodseeker. That is all
                                          3) Zeus. Seems so useless as a hero after a certain amount of time. Other then his free deward.
                                          4) Warlock. A nice hero for new players, but doesn't seem like he offers much as a support.
                                          5) Ogre Magi. I guess idk .


                                            alchemist = recent 2 nerf is a fucking joke



                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I just don't get some people's lists, drow is one of the best ratters right now. Guess you haven't played a good one yet. Bloodseeker beats a lot of heros mid, best ganker in the game, directly counters a popular snowball hero in slark. Zeus rolls a lot of mids to create an early lead for your team, has freakin truesight now. Warlock has best team ult combo in game- chains + golems. If his farm is decent enough to get aghs + refresher almost no team can stand up to that much immolation. Ogre magi, tanky as shit, stun and a slow. He's like a melee CM early with twice as much survivability.

                                                Plus all of those heroes are over 53% win rate this month cept drow at 52.3. I don't know how you can say they are the worst dota heroes with a straight face.

                                                A low win rate doesn't necessarily mean they are the worst hero, some are more easily countered, don't fit meta, are high skill, but having a high win rate absolutely means you are not the worst hero since any average joe can consistently win with you.


                                                  Trash players thinking drow is bad


                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Cus most drows go mid, can't last hit, farm a shadow blade and get raped by dust, or farm a mask and pop it for attack speed, never using move speed to run away/position. It same issues as sniper, people just sit there and try to go all glass cannon. I go phase boots nearly every game now on sniper.


                                                      My list is: (1 is the worst and 5 is the best of the worst)
                                                      1. Bloodseeker: this hero is simply bad. Small hp pool, low stats. He can gank and keep one guy in place and silence him. Too bad he can use a TP scroll without any worries since Blood has 0 stuns. Also his only silence also gives damage. The only good skill he has is Thirst as it will be easier for your team to gank.
                                                      2.Anti-mage: this guy can be an absolute beast late game. The bad things? well he has the worst early game ever. If you want a magina to get free farm in a lane you gotta have as lane opponent spectre and void in a dual lane (impossible at a decent level of play). He's too squishy and his ult is meh against low mana heroes. So it makes his ult effective just vs Storm or Sky.
                                                      3.Broodmother: To be played correctly she needs to stay in her lane about 40 minutes slowly slowly pushing. Thus making your team play 4vs5 and losing teamfights while you struggle to get 2 towers. The good thing is she has an amazing escape mecanism.
                                                      4.Legion Commander. She just cant do anything VERY good. She's just decent everywhere (except support). She can jungle, but not effective, She can carry but relies on her ult do get the damage, She can offlane but hase no skill to survive or push the lane back. (except heal who can make her stay more in lane). Mid shes decent, but gets crushed by about any ranged mid. You cant use her ulti except when you are sure you can win. She is just average everywhere and does not excel at anything. (but fun to play :D)
                                                      5.Necrophos: He is the worst hero ever. As a support his ult can just ks, and needs a stupid amount of farm to be effective. As a carry gets outcarried. As a mid he cant gank. PLAIN BAD!


                                                        Sniper = Retarded long ranged shit
                                                        Riki = invis ga
                                                        Prophet = mr. rat
                                                        WK = imba skill (stun lifesteal crit reincarnation)
                                                        zeus = what the fuck with this? lof ot nuke skill


                                                          Are you in 1.9k?


                                                            Am surprised to see sniper,bloodseeker and drow listed among the worst heroes.why must every hero have escape.sniper with ward or true sight has completely counted brood,bounty and most invincible heroes.sniper can fire a melee hero up to ten shots with headshot b4 the hero comes close.the first time I used sniper,they couldn't kill me.I have seen someone use bloodseeker to kill roshan.the first time I used bloodseeker,I was op.movement and attack speed was crazy and I was a new guy by then.the most shocking is drow.please why is she listed.she can silence u,fire rapid shots of frost arrows and doesn't need much items to power up.
                                                            Brood is weak against players that know the use of wards bt strong against lone travellers
                                                            Meepo is good when it comes to ganking single low powered heroes bt weak against 5 vs 5 faceoff
                                                            Alchemist is extremely weak against ranged heroes who can stop him from farming bt strong against fearful players
                                                            Earth spirit is strong at the start bt weak at late game due to low damage skills
                                                            Invoker is op
                                                            Axe is a strenght hero nt a mage so focus on increasing his attack nt skills
                                                            Enchantress too girllish can't use her
                                                            Chen helping the enemy level up by bringing neutral creeps to battle and saving teammates butt nt yours.very generous
                                                            Phantom op
                                                            Void op
                                                            Elder titan seriously op especailly if u only improve his two middle skills and ability only
                                                            Visage is fun in 5 vs 5 faceoff
                                                            I use chaos knight and he also is op.I just used him cause he is rare to see and that also goes for io


                                                              Titan is really sick against agi hero like morph
                                                              supposing his natural order is 100% base armor reduce and 33% magic resist reduce
                                                              his ulti is good if have good coordination but lot of player try to land it first ._.


                                                                Worst heroes! Not the ones you hate the most...

                                                                I think worst are Earth Spirit, Wisp, maybe Techies (I need to see him in action to know)... Broodmother perhaps... that's about it.
                                                                And Anti-Mage... you need to give him at least 20-25 minutes of free farm or he will try farming whole game while you play 4v5, since he's so useless without farm...
                                                                Medusa also needs farm but she's not as useless with this ulty... same goes for Spectre, she's awesome, almost useless early tho...

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  Lol to me broodmother isn't weak.just that most ppl don't farm or wait to reach a good level b4 hunting.I usually buy only agility and health strategy doesn't need broodlings so I skip the first skill and use the two middle plan is usually to force the opponents to waste gold on wards and health regan.if a ward has been placed,tell yur partner to push while u hit and run the heroes from side.with the advantage of passing any obstacle,u will have no problem.anyway that's wat I do and the heroes tend leave my lane.

                                                                  To me its wisps,alchemist and earth spirit that are the weakest


                                                                    two heroes are legit bad imo, bloodseeker (gets countered by 135 gold item, what a joke) and earth spirit


                                                                      earth spirit is no longer broken, but he is still really great.


                                                                        You seriously know that someone who doesn't run straight has a chance of escaping all earth spirit moves


                                                                          Sorry for asking but what does ban mean.I have seen some heroes with high ban percentage.does it mean heroes that don't do well or heroes that r too strong for tornaments?


                                                                            ^ Heroes who don't do well.

                                                                            GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                              Earth Spirit
                                                                              Anti Mage
                                                                              Shadow demon
                                                                              Ember Spirit
                                                                              All these heroes have lowest win rates what mean that they are realy shits and many times team with them just will lost game.
                                                                              Proof here:

                                                                              GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                                And best hero is Necrophos, i am fucking pro with him !!!


                                                                                  none of those heroes are shit u trash except broodmother


                                                                                    O thanks


                                                                                      Hw can broodmother be trash.they gave her invisiblity without wasting mana,health regan of I think 12,movement speed boost with just one skill then they gave her movement speed reduction and missing chances against the opponent in just one move.what else do u need from her.I play her way better than other heroes.its just about being a pest and be swift in escaping.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Whenever brood, earth spirit, ember or morph are on my team it's damn near auto lose. Meepo would probably be as well but can't remember the last time someone picked meepo. Just sayin' there are reasons those heroes are bad but results matter most. They all have bad win rates and suck on my teams. Maybe you are a god with brood, most people cannot do it.


                                                                                          these are the 5 that make me groan when I see them on my team:

                                                                                          Brood, EarthSpirit, AM, QoP, and Chen. Most people cannot play these well enough to win with strangers.


                                                                                            Come to think of it,the reason y some good heroes are listed here is because people trying out some of this heroes for the first time online tend to get scolded by teammates so they end up hating the heroes.

                                                                                            Earthspirit is good at supporting team fights nt really a hero slayer bt I hate the skills.waiting to fight a pro earthspirit hero.that's the only hero that has 80percent miss chance without the opponent having any item on them

                                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!