General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't climb mmr, HELP!

Can't climb mmr, HELP! in General Discussion
piano saves my soul

    I started playing dota 2 last summer and i've been playing dota 1 for a some time aswell so I know pretty much all the basics of the game. I know all about creep aggro, lane eqilibrium etc... (maybe could improve a bit on drafting). Since the new mmr update with medals i got 2.5k mmr and climbed to 3,9k which im stuck at right now. I'm having a real struggle to actually get winstreaks as I did like last month or so. I don't really know what to explain more than I'm mostly a pos 1 player, but can play whichever role on a 4k level I would say. I've also noticed that almost every game right now I either get some player that pick bad hero mid/offlane and lose the lane which costs us the game. Now I want help from you guys to know what I should focus on right now in this bracket. How to win games and how to improve as fast as possible, what position to play to most likely win, etc. Also wanted to say that spamming heroes is something I do aswell, for example pos 3: axe, pos 5: warlock, pos 4: pudge. U can also give me some ideas of heroes to spam!

    So guys HOW I CLIMB MMR PLS?


      maybe try not spamming and try reacting to the draft?

      piano saves my soul

        I just feel like it's more about playing the hero correctly at this bracket, since I don't know how to play all heroes.


          Try to learn more heroes. For pos 4 you should spam windranger since she provides an insane disable, short cd nuke and she is a good laner unlike pudge
          Spam visage/meepo for pos 2 cuz they are insane snowball heroes

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            have u try alche pos 4 ?

            Mode : TOPSON

              spam high winrate hero like zeus spectre and warlock


                Warlock spammer representing!^

                But enough with all the small talks about climbing. Accept that 4k players are decent players (not the best, I know) you've already reached the point where there's a certain kind of stability in the game. Stop thinking about climbing & just enjoy your casual ranked games. You will climb surely in time.

                There's no shortcuts in life. We can tell you to play a certain hero with high win rates but if you're not comfortable with them then it could instead be counterintuitive.

                We can't help if players are bad. What we can improve on is ourselves dont fret on a game when you get bad teammates. If you're good you'll eventually climb.

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                  You have too few games on your top heroes to suggest accurately.... but looks like you have good kda & winrate on spec, void & Luna. Three of these cores are really good this meta, try and spam those 3. But you will need to adapt the way you play those heroes according to the game.

                  It's actually not enough if you just farm up since the opposition carry also would have similar farm as you. You need to try and take objectives as well AND farm at the same time. Like joining team fights when you have eclipse off CD, or pushing a towers when there is a team fight going on at the other end of the map.

                  That being said, you have good kda on most of your games, but the games you lose are the ones with bad KDA. If you are playing a core hero, doesn't matter how the game is going, you need to focus on getting items and not dying as much. 3.9k to 4k is a tricky spot to be and all these little things matter to boost your skill & thereby your mmr.

                  Small Tips :- Skip safelane void & play offlane instead. You can have same impact on the game with a offlane void as a core with the right supporting heroes.
                  Avoid SNY on luna at all costs, a manta is much better and helps you split push safely with illusions while you farm ncs.
                  For Spec, stop rushing pt VG, prefer phase urn into rad. Play gank type spec rather than afk farmer , since it only forces your team to play handicap at 4v5 with the increased CD on the ulti. Also, try building a Skadi instead of heart .(do let me know if any of these tips worked for you, since I am learning too )

                  Cheers & GL!

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                  piano saves my soul

                    Yeah, I feel like with luna I kind of understand the hero, watched some games BSJ coached someone. He said if you can end the game before the other carry gets online u can go SNY, cause manta is an item that helps u farm/split push faster(at least how I saw it) and u wanna go lategame. Don't think SNY on luna is bad if u dont need manta for escaping something or if I dont get focused, then I think sny is better tbh although manta helps u farm faster. I Also know where to position urself with the hero in teamfights etc, also know the item builds pretty well.

                    With void I usually pick whenever I play a solo lane but also when team need some type of stun and initiator. Spectre is the hero whos probably the strongest late game hero I feel like, whenever I see 2 weak supports i almost pick the hero all the time unless they have some insane counter like viper or lycan. The reason why I go same build on spectre almost everygame is cause it's so good when u get like ur 2-3 items. Of course if the other team has good early game the radiance build will never work.

                    But right now I will stop playing pos 1, just focusing on 3-4. It kinda feels like to me thats the position u have most impact both early and lategame.


                      Watch pro player games like this video.It really helps