General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere will support goes when team is still farming at jungle?

Where will support goes when team is still farming at jungle? in General Discussion

    I'm still learning, so when I play support, and all my team in the jungle, what should support do?
    Is it okay to go to lane? (from my perspective: there is a high chance of ganking, but I can defend the tower and get benefit from creep)

    Pepper & Salt

      either hide under tower or stack some nc creeps for the cores


        depends. around level 15 jakiro and shadow demon can keep the lanes pushed out, since both have good wave clearing skills and talents. I think venge can play a greedy support and maybe get a maelstrom to push waves but I've never played her that way so i'm not sure. but, yeah, this is a major problem with supporting in solo never hurts to stack a camp, too. the other thing you can do is simply watch the map and direct play, although this only works if you have wards up and a mic.

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          hmmm, stack a camp only happens at the end of the minute only, but I think I can do that.
          Is it okay for going aggressive ward placement in this particular situation?


            i will smoke just to go ward aggressively but your screwed if the other team is going hard on the sentries. if your team isn't showing much teamwork then that sort of thing will probably be wasted though

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              One of the most important factors about warding that people don't think about is that if you ward a place, your team is more likely to go to that area because it feels safe to them. You can use that to your advantage (especially at lower levels) to "herd" your teammates to objectives. Warding aggressively is good, but be careful when you do so not to feed.


                One of the most important factors about warding that people don't think about is that if you ward a place, your team is more likely to go to that area because it feels safe to them.


                if you're lucky. I've had an entire enemy jungle warded only to have my entire team decide to push the opposite lane.

                I seriously think that a significant portion of the player based doesn't actually know what those little green things are on the minimap. Fortunately, they *do* know how to spam "we need wards" in chat

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Deep warding expedition(Bad)
                  Farm danger lane(Fun but bad)
                  Sitting near your carry and stacking is the best option
                  But I do the first two options

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Tbh fuck your carry
                    Get some farm for yourself
                    Treat yourself better


                      Tbh fuck your carry
                      Get some farm for yourself
                      Treat yourself better

                      get yourself some farm if you can. but dont tp to a free lane. keep your tp ready in case of fights


                        haha, and cores always blame if supp go jungle,
                        save tp, noted

                        Pepper & Salt

                          Tbh fuck your carry
                          Get some farm for yourself
                          Treat yourself better



                            Just follow this, my brother
                            - clear wave
                            - steal jungle creep from carry
                            - tell him to get lost for being so noob. What the purpose for farming in jungle and not defend lane tower?
                            - report him if they feed
                            - profit?

                            Why the heck u bothering for being so nice to stupid ass shit arrogant carry like that anyway, brother?


                              Depends on situation.

                              But the priority Is safety of your carry. So warding to protect the carry (if you Are behind defensive wards in your part of map, otherwise aggresive), depush the Lane, which Are in danger And meanwhile stack.

                              Generaly you dont want to leave Lane empty, unless IT Is 3 against you And you can be killed in seconds. If you can depush safely And you have Vision on enemies in other party of the map, just také few Waves.


                                Once your carry goes to the Jungle to farm, you should go to the other lanes and help with ganks and taking the tier 1 towers down. Rarely you have all your lanes going to jungle at the same time.

                                Keep your TP ready, so you can react to enemy pushes and try to drop wards on the map since you are moving around more. You can organize your mid and offlaners to do a gank with you, if you are of the vocal type.

                                But basically, if you are not showing on any lanes, someone is going to die. You can go push a couple of waves from a lane. Pushing the lanes forward is important as this will force the enemy to defend their towers and will help you create room for the hard carry to get their items and win some team fights for you.

                                Lruce Bee

                                  I like this question a lot. You can annoy your carry by following really close to him. Or you try randomly smoking with whoever is walking by and see what he will do. Try randomly
                                  Pinging a spot in enemy territory. Russian roulette is always fun.

                                  Yea you can stack camps or try to steal cs from your carry. Going to an open or dangerous lane shouldn't be done. Try warding around your own jungle so thy can see better too


                                    Pretty much the first 4 comments, You get 25% of the gold from creeps that got stacked which is super nice and improves your gpm a bit.
                                    Clearing empty lanes is good income too and warding through smokes is good stuff, like @northereclipse said herding is good way to play around if you dont entirely trust your teammates

                                    Saucy Edwin

                                      If you have a free lane, go to it.


                                        wow, so much thing to do, I just running around then suffer from low gpm. haha

                                        All jungle I think not only from early game, it happens at late game too, when we have destroyed one tier 3 tower/ barrack, the team tends to go back and jungle

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          Hang im there bro, i dont know how much they need to nerf jungle so people get the memo that jungle is not most lucrative place to farm...

                                          Now its even more cancerous since objectives give less gold and bounty spawn every 5 min, so evryone just jungles and chill...

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                                          GRANT MACDONALD

                                            All depends on what the enemy is doing and what your next move needs to be. If the enemy has a monster carry that is free farming, you need to take space away. Smoke, Ward and encourage the team to take an objective to cut off their vision.

                                            I really do think that pos 5 is the most important role. You are the QB who moves the team around, leads the team and sets things up so your team can make big plays: that ward on the hill which catches the tinker or a smoke which catches out a careless enemy.

                                            If it is the 35 second mark and you can kill a camp and stack another, do it
                                            If there's a safe wave, push it.
                                            But dont block your carrys camps or take a camp that your carry might farm.

                                            Story Time

                                              wait a second... according to all the dota matches played, this is perfect time to go to feed enemy carries!!

                                              flourishing new leaf

                                                You go create space farming a risky lane and feeding. But try to make them work for it and also get as much as farm too while doing it, making it so it is also a worthwhile trade