General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero to handle DK and Timber at laning stage

Best hero to handle DK and Timber at laning stage in General Discussion

    Since their 3rd make them like a walking tank

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      ursa, huskar, bloodseeker, shadow fiend, razor, batrider is okay too


        Some int heroes are good shouts imo.
        Necro with heartstopper to negate their 3rd, Silencer maxing wisdom, Sky with his annoying skill spams.


          Ah right huskar and bat are viable options with their dps


            doom is tanker worst nightmare with his infernal blade, death prophet siphon and enigma midnight pulse, or any max hp based dmg heroes

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              necro sucks against those heroes. necro is good against heroes with no sustain so you can slowly kill them. against dk and timber you cant do that. silencer is okay, but it wont be enough against timber, not sure about dk. skywrath mage is again, decent, but way too mana intensive too keep up.


                Heroes with stackable attacks like Huskar, Ursa, Bat, even MK, can kill these "IM A FAT F*** ATTACK ME IDC" heroes (DK, Timber, Underlord, Centaur, Axe, LC, etc)

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                Solo Leveling

                  Viper rapes these heroes guys. His nethertoxin takes away passives. AKA the only thing keeping DK and Timber alive. Your welcome


                    Viper absolutely destroys dk after like level 5. Viper is not nearly as good against timber as he is against dk because break only prevents new stacks, it doesn't remove current ones. Timber also has a mobility spell to get him out of break. The reason Viper is good against Timber is because he has a ton of magic damage.


                      Od, mk, ursa, sf....


                        high early game magic damage and anti tank hero duh


                          If their solo just three lane and don't let the creeps be pushed especially against timber

                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                            Sniper is very good against timber.


                              You don't need a hero to manfight them. Just ask your pos 4/5 to buy an urn and that's it. If you're asking for a good lineup vs them, then pick heroes like OD who counters them both or huge magic dmg dealers like zeus.

                              Bill Cutting

                                Huskar? Pretty sure timber is a huge huskar counter gents

                                Disturbed Jawker

                                  in laning huskar destroys timber

                                  Story Time

                                    timber and dk are so bad solo offlaners now, i dont know why u even ask

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      how is sniper good vs timber? sniper attacks quickly for small amounts of dmg which just means tons of stacks for timber.

                                      I think medusa is pretty good, just suck away all their mana. You won't kill them but you can limit what they can do.

                                      OD maybe cus he hits hard with magic dmg.

                                      The big thing with timber it seems is to have support zone him early. He's pretty weak the first couple levels but after like 4-5 good luck killing him.

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                                        OD is the best option for the laning stage and also for mid game and late game


                                          Od can't beat dk in lane that hard, and dk gets bkb halberd later on and is fine with the hero

                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            Mannnn nobody said viper.... you literally put one point into w and their passive is just gone


                                              err you just compete for lasthits instead (?)

                                              or if you really wanna fuck with their laning stage that bad pick lane dominating heroes instead like razor viper or lina
                                              or heck go ursa mid if you really wanna watch them fail

                                              or i mean, just pick whatever you want and ask your 3/4/5 to pick up a spirit vessel later in the game


                                                ^ i advise that you read again since someone mentioned viper already


                                                  does it really matter if i mention viper again to make a point


                                                    u can try slark as as well , put like 2 lvl in E and u can trade hit with them


                                                      OD is good against both of them


                                                        Any dps hero is good against them

                                                        Suck my tiny curry dick



                                                            U can pick od and ursa and still suck and lose but also can pick worst carry and win

                                                            U gotta win the first minute of laning primarily level1, then keep the lane back and deny everything. That's the reliable way.
                                                            If u cant do that cuz of ur hero or u fucked up lvl1&2 u plan for leaving that lane asap either by getting level or gold for ur item u need for jungling or rotating to other lanes with heroes like void or even clinkz who have smth that can synergize with smth else in team and get kills. U wont go back to that dk/timber lane until u see them leave


                                                              Ahd after laning just dodge em till u need to fight for an important objective. No fighting them before that. Probably a good idea in some scenarios to burst others in fights before them so they're left alone and it's not as hard to deal with em




                                                                  Dark willow wrecks them all


                                                                    Well they will outfarm willow but who cares, dark willow ult is a guaranteed nuke