General Discussion

General DiscussionDONT TURBO TO LVL

DONT TURBO TO LVL in General Discussion

    I just spammed 79 Turbo games on this account — I wanted to grind to 20 to see if there was some effect on calibration & to see if 3500 was still the barrage MMR — I got banned for one entire damn year as of my last game 15 minutes ago.

    I was reported 3 times in 79 games.
    I never once abandoned.
    I never once failed to ready-up !

    Do not spam Turbo games to lvl up accounts... Volvo doesn't take kindly to it !



      U had to abuse something. 93% win rate is unreal even for professional dota tier 1 players.


        u probably got banned for "boosting" (or maybe u abused something)

        The DarKNovA

          Something smells fishy.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Wow Turbo games don't have a hidden MMR?

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
            i have 5 reports to use

              Make a Reddit thread




                  I love how Lex's comment is devoid of observation of any sort — Dawnbringer instantly understood.

                  I'd have 100% winrate if not for those Tide carry games... takes too long to reach lvl 25.


                    Can you post a screenshot? Valve had originally designed a thing to track boosting and ban accordingly, but I think they might have forgotten to not include it for turbo since turbo should not count as statistically significant on your hero stats.


                      What you're saying makes perfect sense.


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                        U are 4k + mmr player playing on normal skill acount , what u expect than ban ?
                        Even if u played all pick unranked u would stil get ban .

                        U got ban cause u played on low skil smurf having 20 1 every game not cause u played turbo mode .


                          Oh which reminds me, were you getting profile level experience for those games? Asking for a friend tbh.


                            Make a Reddit thread

                            he did and he got roasted lmao

                            here's his shit talking in turbo matches


                              At least he did the research, don't spam turbo to play ranked lol.


                                Good job Volvo! :axe_laugh:

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  what is this double standard? lamo just give the man low priority no need to ban for a year


                                    I'm getting roasted over crap because they're assholes and it's Reddit.
                                    So I shit talk in a couple games out of 79 and that's the norm ?

                                    Que Asco de Keper = Disgusting KotL (in the bad way) in case you thought I started it.

                                    Either way... I just got unbanned by Jeff.

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      unbanned by valve?
                                      yea reddits dumb, they play the game once a week and think they're gods

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                                        @Dogmaster Hell yeah I was — Trophy level 18 (50%) and profile level 8 in 36 hours on Dota2 !

                                        @Reformed Unbanned ! Because I did nothing wrong. Still not sure if safe to Turbo spam again...

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                                          You just got what o.O TF

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                                            did you receive any explanations regarding the reasons of that ban? It's quite odd.


                                              I didn't :/


                                                It was likely due to a bug with your computer's clock. It's happened before many times.


                                                  Hmm... don't think so. I had to be manually unbanned by Jeff and couldn't play for about 15 hours on the account.


                                                    play some ability draft too

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      You got unbanned at least