General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do with feeders in every game?

What do you do with feeders in every game? in General Discussion

    What do I do dude, I won like 5 of the last 30 games its so retarded. People feeding literally 95% of the games.
    I get the same like 10-15 feeders in my games, some a few games in a row, but that's another story.

    This guy, I lost 6 games so far with him. He picks riki/treant and afks till the game ends. Why is he doing this?
    "I want peruvians to pay", so what does he do? He picks invis heroes and afks every single game.

    Already reported him and then what? Reports are useless. Wish we had those old ranked games, this new bullshit is garbage.


      My last 2 games were free wins because of feeders in the other team. Bad luck mate


        Yeah bad luck. Theres 4 people in Your team thats not you. Assuming you arent a feeder, the enemy team statistically has a higher chance to get a feeder than you.


          Has to be the worst luck in the history of dota lol
          The amount of times I've gotten "(Console): You have already submitted feedback for this player.", I stopped keeping count


            If your actual mmr is like 500+ higher than your current then you usually will still ez win with 1 feeder. Non-stop feeding doesnt actually give that much to enemy - in case if their core leaves lane to pursuit the feeder he often even loses gold/exp.

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              Having a feeder is more than just a hero running mid. He kills the couriers with items on it, trash talks the team and triggers them, team stops playing when they see they're at a disadvantage,gives them our wards/buys a gem, its a lot of stuff, not just running mid.

              I've just been put with a TON of morons since the new ranked update, and I'm too lazy to check their profiles, but before the update I was 4.2k, and I'm mainly being placed with a ton of 3ks who have no clue how the game works its impossible for me to comprehend.


                ^Literally same, mmr included. I don't even know how to explain this honestly, unless you have very low behavior score, but even in that case it's still ridiculously unfair.

                I tried to get some info from the steam support about this new matchmaking and asked them what's up with all this unbelievable toxicity and they linked me a random article from 2013 on the dota 2 blog that stated the system does all the possible to grant enjoyable and fair games and what the criteria of matchmaking are. Let's take a moment to laugh out loud. I had asked them specifically if they changed something about bhs and not a fucking word about that, just a bunch of useless bullshit.

                After the upteenth shitshow I had to witness tonight and that fucking ridiculous 3992 mmr I got to I just uninstalled.

                Literally lost the count of the intentional ruiners, trolls, toxic retards and leavers I've had, it's even worse than when I had low bhs. I don't know what they changed but this can't go on, so that's it.

                I just hope my addiction to the game won't make me take a step back and reinstall 'cause this fucking trash game reached its lowest point since I started playing it and it's not fair, nor worth it and nor enjoyable.

                GL in your games

                Btw why is there a braindead dog still talking to me in the comments below? Stop barking and go make multiple accounts 'cause I'm not even reading, fucking mentally ill dumbshit.

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                Juancito - Cold-

                  The thing is , i think, that with the new patch a lot of old players come to play, old players simple "dont care" about losing the game , so are more likely feeders or trolls, then new patch ===> more feeders/trolls , but this is ridiculous, there is a lot , a fucking lot, of feeders and toxic players , maybe there is some change in the algorithm or idk people doesnt wanna win even less now


                    Lmao SLQ. Shu.t the fuck up. No one cares about your shitty games. The common factor is you. And we all know how toxic and shitty of a person you are.

                    On the other, OP and other reasonable people on this forum have legitimate concerns. The phenomena more likely than not, can be explained by random variance in match making. Dota is just a toxic game after all. You can't go through a thousand games without meeting a streak of unbelievably crazy games. The patch could possibly have caused a change in MM. but it's safer to say that it was just a coincidence. And we often like to draw conclusions erroneously from preceding events.

                    SLQ however, is obviously the toxic factor in his games and should shu.t up about his conspiracy theories on MM.


                      Meeting ruiners is inevitable. It is unpleasant, but if you're not toxic yourself, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

                      If you however have inexplicably unrealistic expectations of Dota 2 games whilst being a toxic motherfukr yourself, pls kill your.self and stop blaming the system.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        But I rarely get such people jacked, the vast majority is just people that want to have fun playing with other 9 peoples in dota. Sometimes you get someone that is a bit too self absorbed, but generally being nice to them, joke with them a bit, and maybe sometime get abit out of your comfort zone so they would get what they want (how being a dick yourself will get you anywhere? Be the better person) will make them look up to the rest of the team as well

                        Stop thinking dota community is that dark hole filled with the worst of humanity, that exact attitude is what causes the frustration you get in your games

                        Justin Weaver

                          There was a time when people would flame me for every single missed hook, now even if I can't land at least one hook the whole game nobody flames, I feel the change, even after the new update my matches are same, people are nice.

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                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            There was a time when people would flame me for every single missed hook, now even if I can't land at least one hook the whole game nobody flames, I feel the change, even after the new update my matches are same, people are nice.

                            Yay :)


                              Join them


                                My behavior score used to be excellent. It went down after I started getting triggered after literally every single game after this update. Like it's not just because of the behavior score, people are just shitty no matter where you are. It's like nobody wants to win anymore, they're too obsessed with getting angry at everyone and everything to pay attention to the damn game they're playing TO HAVE FUN. Just meaningless fights resulting in feeding every game.

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  Just play your game. I have a game recently where gets mad because I steal his mid lane. I picked Invoker coz our damn gold is getting penalty unless someone pick. He tilt, picked a techies, go mid (with me), 1st learn suicide, and he die for like 3 times in 5 minutes.

                                  Then he realize, that were still winning despite his feed. And were ignoring him. He grew tired stealing farm and feeding so he play, and he did help the team with his bombs.

                                  And after 1hr gueling doto, we finally win.



                                    If you're having fun it's likely youre going to experience games as more relaxed. That is correct. And that's my central point. Often times it starts with your perception of events in your games. That informs how you react to it. And that informs the outcome, and the overall experience at the end of the game.

                                    If I go into a game tilted and a serious try hard, I'm likely going to perceive every action as a bad play/throw, that's going to make me more tilted maybe play like as ass to "teach" my teammates a lesson. Maybe id afk farm more and get cussed at by my team. I play poorly lose the game and rate the experience 10/10 for ruiners. That's usually how it is, and why toxic ppl end up with toxic games and spiral into a Low behaviour score pit.


                                      If you look at my games I get lose streaks followed by win streaks in the same cycle and pattern very often.

                                      I'm tryhard core only in solo ranked. Often I'd first pick a carry. The thing is, I acknowledge that this will likely tilt my team severely (often it does). Id get into lose streaks when my team tilts and refuses to cooperate. Often I'd get LP too. But I don't pay attention to it because this is expected to happen. In the Long run it doesn't matter and rightly so. I notice same shit is just as likely to happen in the enemy team and then I'd get winstreaks too. Like my last 2 gAmes were a shitshow because the enemy team had a worse composition of core only compared to ours.

                                      It's All about acceptance and perception.

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                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        Well my last game was being thrown by the clinkz, we won strongly every lane besides offlane, which he simply was too confident about clinkz strength (i guess he plays a lot of clinkz against bots) and overstated his welcome constantly

                                        But he wasn't a rage feeder, he was just blind to how to game progress

                                        Later on we were in a spot we can't really go alone (neither them, we were still stomping, but with slark having shadow blade as well as the threat of stampede forced us to play consciously. But he still was overestimating his power and tried to solo ambush them constantly, only to be picked off 5v1

                                        But while I do blame him for our loss, he wasn't a selfish fuck, he simply was overconfident of himself and didn't listen to our game plan. But he was quiet about it and didn't flame or demand things. I can respect that


                                          ^ if you were SLQ, clinks would've been deemed a raging toxic feeder ruiner stubborn selfish idiot for not listening to his high IQ superior wisdom, and feeding constAntly refusing to play properly to win. He would've probably screamed at clinks the entire game and clinkz would've reciprocated. Then he would go and make a thread on dotabuff about something weird with matchmaking.

                                          The difference sensibleness can make in perception

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                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            I was slq

                                            But no I think he just overestimated the power if clinkz


                                              OP I know, I meant to say the same thing, behavior score doesn't even count in this case (mine is normal and yet all my games are beyond retarded) but low bhs is usually the easiest explaination to why such ridiculous losing streaks happen. The fact that this is happening to people with high behavior score is even more tilting and makes no sense.

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                I have a d behavior score and my games are fun

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                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  kara-jishi 19 hours ago
                                                  Yeah bad luck. Theres 4 people in Your team thats not you. Assuming you arent a feeder, the enemy team statistically has a higher chance to get a feeder than you.

                                                  (exluding bs factor). yeah what you say is correct , in a 1000+ games sample.

                                                  @unplayable trash game... so your rehabilitation failed hee ? maybe your disapointed, cause you expected games to be better after you get (normal bs) . yeah me too , but im not sure about this new bs system how it rly works. my normal bs games were the same they used to be in the old bs system when i had 6000-7000 bs. so i dont think that normal behavior score is a good thing.
                                                  Im not sure tho, i've not played that much games the last couple months.


                                                    ^Strange, were they as toxic as the D bhs games you used to have?

                                                    Of course it failed man. When you do so much to improve and be calm, don't play when you have high ping, even manage to untilt people when you used to be a rager yourself, change your main role to meet the needs of your bracket and get a 60% winrate in the last 3 months and 70 in the last month, go from F to normal bhs to just see everything destroyed by absolutely random and non-deserved toxicity coming out of nowhere giving up is the least you can do. Seriously it's like OP said. I've never seen so many intentional ruiners, even in games we were winning, it's just disgusting.

                                                    It's not about being disappointed, it's because I don't deserve this anymore and there's no explaination to why a normal bhs person who did nothing but improve both mechanically and in terms of mindset has to be rewarded with this shit after stomping a bracket.

                                                    I can link the ID of every game since the last update and describe who and how ruined intentionally or by abandoning.

                                                    I wouldn't be disappointed if there were just some retards, it happens and it's ok, or if I was toxic myself and had low bhs. But this...

                                                    Same thought btw, they must have changed something about bhs with the last update. Forgot to say that before the new system I was actually finally having good games in normal bhs. That's what triggers me.

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                                                      LMAO bohoo before i could blame my games on BS, now i can't blame it and im losing all my mmr because im bad, boohoo but i can't admit it and want to blame ruiners. boohoo im at a fucking loss because im a dumbass.

                                                      When you do so much to improve and be calm

                                                      when you used to be a rager yourself,

                                                      try harder mate


                                                        ^These are the last 2 days, when I couldn't take it anymore and decided to uninstall.

                                                        It has nothing to do with how I behaved in the last month, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to achieve and mantain normal bhs and 70% winrate.

                                                        The fact that your replies are so quick after I comment something and the screenshots so fast, and the stalking itself, is beyond worrying. I don't what you think you're achieving by displaying these screens, if I had things to hide I wouldn't be so opened and write these things.

                                                        You got serious mental issues, it's not even fun. I had even forgotten that you're the same hopeless person that was talking to himself through multiple accounts. I don't know how mods even allow such things. It's so sad honestly.

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                                                          LMAO all chats about jungle LC. AND picks Jungle LC next game.

                                                          nice reformed non-toxic player. i bet you think anyone who picks jungle LC or anything you don't like is a ruiner


                                                            nah mate. they probably reset behaviour score. otherwise you'd be stuck in F. my behaviour score got reset to normal too. nice try.


                                                              You got serious mental issues, it's not even fun. I had even forgotten that you're the same hopeless person that was talking to himself through multiple accounts.


                                                              you should realise im enjoying creeping you out


                                                                That was yesterday. No I've got normal behavior score in the end of october and nothing was reset. You need to see someone.


                                                                  These are the last 2 days

                                                                  remember when i 'stalked' your feed the last time when you're supposedly reformed? same fucking whole page of raging. lmao. look at yourself, youre a mess. keep telling yourself youre reformed and then everytime you rage, keep telling yourself it's some one-off episode because of some weird ruining phenomena. rinse and repeat.


                                                                    Nvm i'll just show proof of the week before


                                                                      Creeping me out? God you're hopeless for real. In what way would I be be creeped out by a bunch of screenshots taken by a mentally ill kid who lives on the other side of the world? Your mental state and the things you do are worrying because they're absurd, not because they worry me. "You should realise", why do you think you went from edgy kid to psycho kid. At first I thought you were just a retard, then saw you're actually mentally sick.


                                                                        BTW DID YOU FUCKING MAKE YOUR PROFILE PRIVATE ON STEAM AFTER I EXPOSED YOU LOL.

                                                                        alright alright, let's be frends. add me in game?

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                                                                          How can you even think I did that for you? Jesus christ kid go see a psychiatrist. 'Exposed' lmao, my name is 'umplayable trash game', I talked about retards in games multiple times and there's the need to 'expose' me... Go see a psychiatrist.


                                                                            fucking gold. your profile is a goldmine i swear. lose game = matchmaking rigged. lmao. you're just bad m8.

                                                                            no other reason for your profile to suddenly go private. rofl you refuse to admit anything. it's impossible talking to a retard. nice blocking me too, i really just wanna be friends man.

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                                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                              Can I get informed what is the discussion about? I feel out of touch


                                                                                it is about jacked exposing his arch nemesis SLQ once again. a little bit of tough love, a dose of logic and critical thinking, and some public humiliation.


                                                                                  Last days again, game where the OD in our team went afk farming when we were winning and said 'ok I'm done' and threw the game. Intentional ruiners/leavers = matchmaking rigged. I'm just bad, that's why I went from 2.1 to 4.3 in 1050 solo games. Legend 2...

                                                                                  LUL you actually think that what you write here affects what I think or do. Go see a psychiatrist. Blocking psychos is the least a person can do, you're hopeless.


                                                                                    sure, sure, blame your teammate for the loss.. sure.. ruiner wow. man so much delusion


                                                                                      lmao 'last days again'. uhhhh okay. so your hundreds of fucking games within the last few days in the same patch and suddenly it's only about the last day again. look at yourself man, this shit plagues your world.

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        when will my team stop holding me back?????


                                                                                          "Public humiliation" o.o I mean I knew antisocial hopeless people were like this, but I also thought they could recognize when they were being ridiculous and achieving nothing. They often are described as dead inside, emotionless but smart people. And you're not even smart. Go see a psychiatrist, you're worrying.


                                                                                            your jakiro game was 2 days ago. and already you played a thousand fucking games jesus.

                                                                                            this was 3 days ago.

                                                                                            3 14 axe 3 days ago. lmao

                                                                                            4 days ago. looks like every day is rigged matchmaking after a loss.


                                                                                              you play a thousand games a day man, you have to slow down. you obviously have issues dude. hope you get that sorted soon.

                                                                                              i mean it's obvious you are not reformed at all. your clearly still very toxic in your games. you obviously have trouble coping emotionally when you lose and constantly look for something to blame. your memory is obviously very biased and skewed and it affects your recall of the facts as evident by your defensive responses in this thread.

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                                                                                                Lmao you're doing me a favour by showing these trash games, god you're so retarded. DW dying 16 times, I was left alone offlane as Axe vs rotations, asked for help and no one came, Ogre started arguing and everyone feeding. LUL what a nice chance to explain games. Nono matchmaking is "rigged" since calibration 'cause they changed things for sure. And go see a psychistrist

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  u think that SOLO offlane is still a thing in 707????? :thinking:


                                                                                                    Responses are not "defensive", that's how you handle aggressive psychos who do everything in their power to twist facts and spread hatred, you just calmly explain things in details. I mean I'd have you blocked here too but mods apparently are busy jerking off instead of taking action or giving people the chance to block so.