General Discussion

General Discussionpanda to build and lane brewmaster?

panda to build and lane brewmaster? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I love that this hero is stronger now (he has probably been strong for awhile now just forgotten) I used to play him all the time mid and stuff but I love him offlane now. Still like blink rush into aura items (been fooling with drums but going straight to vlads and AC after blink seems better). Noticed Radiance was on some of the builds, tried that a few games. Seems really strong on him if you can get it at a decent time and it does not interfere with other needed items.

    Gave up the damage of phase boots and usually pick up mana boots or treads depending. Mana boots when solo offlane, treads when I can play more of a core and less of a utility brew. Usually get, rain drop stick (amazing on brew), and been fooling with wind lace for his low MS and to build into drums (do not think this item is as good as it used to be but the active is nice)

    Generally go blink vlads AC. A few games I went radiance and it actually really paid off. The miss chance on enemies is really strong. And the amount of time you are alive lets you really give off tons of burn damage kind of like when you build it on wraith king.

    Just a few more random points of discussion if anyone wants to make additional comments.

    -talent builds? I favor tankiness on this hero unless maybe I played him mid, but even then I feel his tank talents are better despite his crit passive.

    -Drums? Is it worth it? Or does it just delay other key items? I think any aura that affects your panda ult is good.

    -Aghs? Is it any good any more? I feel I would build this if I played a position 4 brew or if I knew I could not afford a bunch of utility items. I feel other items do more even though aghs brew is amazing vs what it was years ago

    -Radiance? Does it have its place? It seems really strong especially with the miss chance. One game my carry got shut down (was beyond our help he just was not playing the smartest) and I ended up grabbing a midas and getting an early radiance along with carry items and sort of carried the game. I think I went Octarine (radiance heal damage and 5 second cooldown on ult is amazing)

    -Pipe I have never actually built this but I feel it could be nice if needed.

    -Greaves I have never actually built this but I have thought about it since he gets mana boots anyway and it could help him get out of a silence to ult and could help your team more than a bkb for yourself

    Midas I feel it is hard to get this in the offlane all the time but when you can get it it is so nice because of how great his talents are. I feel 90 percent of games you would have to get blink first though.

    Octarine Feels really strong with radiance. Seems to be a nice luxury item after you have your aura items, especially if you went arcanes.

    edit: also holy shit drunken haze. I have always played this hero so I will probably still play him even if they nerf this tomorrow. But wow what a strong spell I feel like I have won games just from spamming this on the enemy carry. I know this has always sort of been a thing but I never skilled it level 1 and spammed it like this.

    I know there are tons more items you can go on him those are just off the top of my head

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      arcanes are bad, soulring is better in every way

      Chao Vritra

        yes I love soul ring, especially the new stats of it. I have been trying arcane because a lot of guides recommend it and I like to spam my spells. But I will maybe try just soul ring now and brown boots or maybe treads. Or is phase still viable because of move speed? I am more curious about what people think about drums and radiance.

        Also I am curious if he can play pos 4.


          Can you describe how to play exactly after using his ulti, which hero to tornado, which ehro to stun and how to control the three lil bears?

          Chao Vritra

            It depends on the situation. In pubs I see a lot of people use ugly and they do not even use panda abilities . I could write pages on this but to keep it simple .The very basic thing you want to do is whirlwind one guy stun the other. Then kill the other guy when whirlwind is done. Also you can use wind spirits purge his q ability to cance the tornado cause it goes too long sometimes

            Edit: in a team fight I think most pandas whirlwind the carry and kill supports . Unless there is one hero that is killing your team right away like Zeus or veno maybe whirwind them. I can explain more if you want I used to play this hero a lot

            Edit 2: ashes dota to answer you about how to control the pandas. Look up about control groups but a very easy way to do it is go in options and turn on auto select summon units. That way you can hit your hero select hot key and know it will always go to earth panda. And you can just hit tab to cycle to wind . Then hit tab two times to go back to earth for another stun . Easy

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            Chao Vritra

              Sorry for double post but I really want a response to this one. Has anyone tried dominator on brew? I do not see this item ever anymore . Aura item and u can get a neutral for another aura on top of your vlads drums and ac. Or maybe this is better than drums now . Thoughts ? Is this a good idea or just good on paper? 3 panda spirits and a neutral creep with loads of auras could b solid


                I tried a couple of items, In 6k avg com games.
                Im not a big panda player but I got to play it after I noticed how strong it actually was.
                I honestly think arcane boots aren't all that bad if you are able to dominate your lane. If you cant do this try treads with soul ring.
                From there on I think midas is a very big item on brew if you can get away with it.

                - Blink into midas ( or the other way around depends on the game )
                - Cheap aura or Resistance items ( Vlads, Pipe, shivas )
                - I think AC is probably a standard item on this hero its too good.
                - Abyssal blade is great if you have the 100 attack speed talent.

                Dominator felt really underwhelming, your ulti already grants you disables and damage, there is no need for a jungle creep running around.

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                Chao Vritra

                  thank you very much it is nice to hear some 6k input. I was thinking dominator to get an aura creep not so much to micro the creep. But you being 6k I will take your word for it. Thank you for your tips. I will be less hesitant on going midas if I can get away with it.

                  And your thoughts on radiance and drums if you dont mind


                    I've decided to start spamming brew offlane because he's really fun and the hero is actually stupid broken, but in general the item build for me is like:
                    phase boots -> soul ring -> blink -> radiance -> shivas and/or aghs -> etc

                    Oov does a lot of work since you already have two skills that reduce enemy movespeed so that's pretty good.

                    The only problem is that I'm a garbage offlaner so I basically go like 1-4 in the laning stage, and then proceed to carry once I get my blink.
                    I'm sure if I don't feed horribly in the laning stage, I would probably just gain 500 mmr easily just from this hero.

                    Also once you get radiance you just absolutely run over everyone in fights, and your 25 talent basically means you have a 15 second downtime on your ult which is why the +1500 hp talent and radiance/aghs is super value.

                    Player 56068415

                      Spammed him recently in 2k offlane. Here’s my thoughts.

                      I tried different builds. Eventually stopped at shield, wand, brown boot, soul ring, blink, vlads as core. Ideally you get it before 20:00.

                      I don’t feel like phase boots make any sense.

                      Pipe is totally viable against heavy magic damage (Zeus, tinker).

                      Other items and talents depends on situation but I always take 30 dmg for faster jungle farm while ulti on CD. If you feel that your team lacks physical damage or you already have radiance then take 100 aspd. If someone can kill spirits fast (dusa, Sven, axe) then I go for extra health for them.

                      Midas is a waste of time IMO. You should start your snowball ASAP. And if things are going by dream scenario — just invest in radiance, it boosts farm as well.

                      I control spirits by having them all selected and tabbing through.

                      What I learned recently — never forget to use E on blue spirit! This is free extra damage.


                        I play brew off a lot of times, but I don’t want to break even on a lane, so i pick him when I can stomp. Usually you can tell by the draft and its not that hard to lane him. Just do what i call “Bill Cosby” the carry(put him in a drunken haze) and wait for roamer if you cant outright manfight their supports. With ult I cyclone their most annoying hero. My heirarchy is Omniknights and oracles at the top. Slippery heroes next and spellcasters take top priority. If they’re lower stun them and whack away at their casters who cant deal with panda squad

                        Chao Vritra

                          thank you guys lots of really good information here. I did not realize why radiance was so good but now I understand with his ult downtime and spirits health.

                          But still am curious if anyone does drums


                            Nah mate, drums r shit.

                            If you wanna go auras then vlads, radi, ac, shiva are your items. I recently experimented with some echo sabre and it felt hella good...mana pool increase and regen helps out a lot and you hit hard af.

                            If Im mid brew I usually go for echo sabre and some of the aura items mentioned above but I take the +100 att speed and become an actual carry(possibly having a bkb or heart). If its offlane brew then I wouldnt bother with that and just take the tanky primal split talent.

                            HF spammin this hero, its a lotta fun.


                              I'm with 80 games with Brew and 62% winrate.
                              In this 80 games i made different builds and play in different roles.
                              As offlaner if u are winning your lane and your enemy cores are physc damage, go for rad. i think if you didn't build Rad till 25 min you should change the build.
                              If your lane is "ok" and you think you can't take the best result from Rad, go ags and blink. Ags is really strong if you're good at micro brew's ult.
                              I only go for aura itens first if i'm playng him as pos 4.
                              This was the builds i notice i win most of the games.

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                I think that in general you can get away in the laning with soul ring brown boots.

                                After that best case scenario is straight blink, but alot of time you want to assist with vlads or something

                                I think aeon is really nice on him because it makes him able to pull off clap into ult reliably

                                Honestly i think he can get off with brown boots, no need for arcane with soulring, I actually think that if you want to upgrade them early you should go with power treads, and I'm not a big pt fan, I think that's one of the too overrated "cookie cutter" items


                                  I watched a Lot of jessys replays He was former 9k brew spammer. Is itembuild is almost always Blink Echo sabre bkb. Phase boots + soulring early and radiance in Later stage.