General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the appropriate reaction or advise when two of your teammates...

What is the appropriate reaction or advise when two of your teammates want dual jungle? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Kindly advise. Thanks


      We had a WR off, then purple randomed DS and went to jungle. HC was a BB. Mid was a SF.

      I was <-> close to tilting and picking a jungle too. Instead I picked lich, provided vision for the morons. SF saw all the ganks coming mid and survived. I gave him a head start by harassing enemy mid and denying mid creeps.

      BB did ok against potm. WR survived top long enough for me to hit 6 so I tp'ed to counter ganks on her. DS came online from jungle soon.

      We won.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        There is no appropriate reaction or advice for sinners.

        Story Time

          have you tried praying about destroying enemy ancient?

          meteor hammer

            tell them to pick drow and then you pick weaver or some abusive shit so theyre useful


              ^fuck me, 7.05-7.06, SEA 3ks kept thinking jungle drow was viable


                You trashtalk then quit dota. Go study,dont do drugs

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  1 jungle is losing the game

                  2 junglers, well you might as well just alt + tab


                    buy 6 sentries

                    block creespawns

                    -> they go to lane

                    dude that is currently in lane starts to rage

                    watch the world burn


                      Steal their neutrals and exp xD

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        Play your game, if it fails, do the Shadow Amulet build strat.

                        주 롄양

                          U cant have 2 jungler if u dont be one


                            Either pick a strong laning hero or join the madness by going jungle too

                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              walk down midlane