General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do when enemy team pauses the game?

What do you do when enemy team pauses the game? in General Discussion

    1. Spam F9 cuz you know, VIVA PERU.
    2. Wait patiently till they're back. For Righteousness, for Karma, for Justice (you can shove your halo up your pit of malice).
    3. Rub one out, cuz why not?

    I personally don't care about why someone paused and generally spam f9 because whenever I or teammate needs a pause, enemy team always unpauses instantly.

    Karma betches.


      Are we stomping? Then let's all give our dear brother the chance to reconnect to the game and to the energies of that wonderful match, no reason to rush and break peace. Namasté.
      Are we losing hard? Unpause this trash you fucking idiots hurry the fuck up why do I have to fucking wait for this fucking monkey *spams f9*
      The best scenario is when the game is one of those 50+ min even matches, like 50-49, man in that case I turn into a complete piece of shit. Also I do that when I suspect the enemy team went for a strategic pause a-là-Puppey just to have time to set up a counter initiation or something. People like those deserve hell.

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        LMAO KARMA
        do u even understand how that works?
        u rnt the decider of karma, that doesnt make it karma it makes it retribution/vengeance
        in fact if u believe in karma, then you never pausing for anyone else means they won't pause for u, and on and on in an endless cycle
        people like u r such babies, "waah no one pauses for me which is somehow a justification for me to do the same thing"
        u literally feed into ur own toxic cycle


          "generally spam f9 because whenever I or teammate needs a pause, enemy team always unpauses instantly."
          Your way of thinking is kinda.. wrong?
          I don't wanna call you retarded but I feel like doing that. You hating something that's been done to you only gives more reason for you to restrain from doing it.

          On topic. It's 2 for me.


            depends, if its a clear rage quit or a pause without reason just spam f9. otherwise wait.


              if you dont unpause more than the avrg player at ur tier, thats a losing mmr play