General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat amount of mmr does say you've got doto talent?

What amount of mmr does say you've got doto talent? in General Discussion

    Share ur opinion, guys.




        if you got less than 50% WR in the past 3 mos, you suck


          under 2k = beginner/still learning basics
          2k-3k = you got the basics but you make tons of mistakes + have loads of room for improvement
          3k-4k = you're starting to get decent but still need to learn many aspects of the game
          4k-5k = you're pretty good but still make game-losing mistakes
          5k-6k = you're good at this game, but need to get better to be considered elite
          6k+ = you need to go outside more.


            it's possible to get to 6k just by being smart
            It doesn't mean you play too much
            Dota is fairly ez once you're used to it


              u do realize that a judgment on how simple it is to get to 6k, made by some1 at 3ks is slightly... irrelevant?


                I believe every 6k could tell you the same, i'm not saying i'm 6k or anywhere near that

                pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                  this sistem with behaviour score is best.......even miracle cant raise from 4k to 5k ...fucking abusers from valve

                  if u have behaviour score F u can delete ur acc,coz u wont win 100 MMR , gl hf

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                    ^ no matter how smart you are, in solo que you will run into game ruiners. There is some luck involved in winning doto, in the sense of good team composition. Won a EZ game last night because all the 4.7k pros wanted to carry on the opposing team.


                      so 6k is a barier and when u approach it, u think "i'm so talented playa"

                      guys, one of u said about miracle - that guys calibrated from start to 6,5, so we can say he didn't even experience trench volvo system... he just beat gaben's zoo

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                      зачем я начал поиск

                        None. There is also no talent.
                        All of this is irrelevant, unless you earn money by Dota in some way.
                        You can be a 7k, but be a jobless shitstain and play in no team (no one needs you, lul).
                        It's all about being in the right place, at the right time and knowing what you do.

                        Same as with everything in life.


                          6k+ represents such a tiny % of all players.

                          Saying anyone smart can reach 6k easily is like saying anyone smart can accumulate $10M in net worth. It's just an asinine comment.

                          If you ask Warren Buffet if it's easy to become a millionaire, of course he's gonna say it's easy. That's why he made billions.


                            yup,. stentorian has a point - we saw young people, who reached so fast huge mmr and is it accident?



                              Everything less is dogshit games

                              pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                <8k shit games


                                  If by talent you mean just being decent and having a grasp of the basics of the game, basically not being a complete retard, I'd say from 3k+. If by talent you mean having very good knowledge about the game and being mechanically/strategically REALLY good, then I'd say from mid 5k+.

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    basically not being a complete retard, I'd say from 3k+

                                    I'd seriously say that that cutoff is 4000 MMR.

                                    Decent from 5k to 6k.
                                    6k - good.
                                    REALLY good would be 7k+.

                                    Anything below 4k is literally a mental hospital ward.

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                                      3.5k+ games are fine. they were a bit too easy for my liking (supports are bad at doing their job/jungle too much).

                                      5k is where games are consistently good. I get some of those from time to time. mid 4k games are not bad but ppl (myself included) make too many mistakes still.


                                        guys, talent is when in example u are climbing so fast in 6-7k, don't u think?

                                        pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                          ok can u explain me this , i played 5 or more years ago in IHCS , with dendi maelk etc, now i make new acc got 23 wins of 25 games which is 95% wins , than i play3ed games with yayitsu (8150 MMR) and in some games i pwned mid like np ( 7600 ) , than i get celibrated 3500 mmr , and i cant move from 4k because 9/10 games r 5 carries or abusing mid or playing offlane like 0-10 in 15min , and u wanna tell me to raise my mmr ? r u fucking kidding me ? HOW ?=!?=!
                                          fucking low matchmaking sistem , and low IQ @ valve, ggglhf


                                            imo dota isnt about talent. It's about your decision making abilities.

                                            HMM they picked a zues, mebe ill huskar mid and destroy him

                                            HMM I am a 6 slotted anti-mage should I stand around helplessly waiting for the opponents to push or should I rat there open lanes?

                                            HMM my retard ass team picked 4 cores, should I make it 5?

                                            so on and so on


                                              It took RTZ's smurf 150 games to get out of 4-5k and took him another 150 games to go from 5k to 7k — there is indeed a problem in the 4-5k bracket and it's not skill related.

                                              People start thinking they're good when they're shit and will even call RTZ a Shitstain on stream when he gets ganked 4v1 mid and dies 3x in 5m while his team farms and never tp backup.
                                              Most people in 4k carried themselves to this MMR so most of them play core and think they're decent at it without realizing just how much they suffer from dunning-krugers and are actually perfectly average by every possible metric.


                                                And the "ff" dude you're just a delusionnal little turd. If you can't carry as in stomp midlane 15-0 at 3500 MMR you are indeed 3500 MMR or less.

                                                pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                  i rly wanna see miracle playing 3500 at behaviour score F , ahahahhahah fuck u valve

                                                  pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                    "dotka" playing middle lane in 3500 ? yes i can play it like 1 game of 6 - 7 , prolly , so i cant play any fucking role because noobs r abusing hard ,but nvm got one pic for u

                                                    u see this pic? y now on other acc with behaviour score F i came from 4k to 3800 cant move , gg wp


                                                      ff, you are probably a toxic mother fuk that's why you are stuck there


                                                        daTingGoSkrraaat, ok guy, I understand ur point of view, but look - we've got stats about mmr distribution and u see there are not many people in 7-8k and in 9k there are about fifteen guys. I asssume they're stomping lower mmr like nothing... I mean doto mechanic is based on reflex and dynamic thinking and when I see guy like miracle does his perfect manta dodge I realize he is out of range. U know, people are doing mistakes and it's not "normal", when u are perfect in this game, u are always feeling borderline between ganking and farming, has a very fast fingers and operate like mad asshole hero like meepo (ie. abed), when I see this shit on my screen, I realize it's bit kind of magic gameplay.
                                                        ff is a guy, who said he was boosted by his teammate yaitsu, so u see even that player thinks he was boosted by talented man and ff probably thinks he is 5-6k, but not 8k

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                                                          @ FF- just because you used to play IHCS doesn't make you 7k+ automatically. I played in IDEC/EEDL/IHCS in dota 1 because people in NADOTA invited me. Those leagues were by invite only. There was no way to gauge who's 7k and who's 3k.

                                                          You could be a skilled player, but doesn't mean you know how to win games. Don't hate the MMR system just because you're stuck. There are lot of examples (even here on DB) where people climbed from 4k to 6k in a few months.

                                                          For the record, I've beaten several world class players mid over the years (from teams like EG, X6). And I'm a 4k player. I have a lot to improve. My play is not perfect. That's why I'm in 4k still.


                                                            chou, yea I understand what you mean. Things like reaction timing definitely play a big part of the game. Idk what happened but for the past 3 months I feel like I understand more about the game than ever and how it works/ and how to win. There are easy concepts like not auto attacking creeps and pushing the lane early stages, but I seldom see players taking a few hits from a creep wave to prevent the enemy creeps from being under your tower.

                                                            pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                              do u rly want me to post u here where i have 19-3 silencer mid vs 7600 invoker mid ? and u tell me go back to 4k right? gg wp get brain than come back here , thx


                                                                im 3k i played many games with 5ks from dotabuff i dont they would label me as "not even decent at dota"


                                                                  From what GH said in one interviews. If you want to be tier 2 or even tier 1 player, you gonna play your A game consistenly. My 6k friends sometimes make sick plays and calls all the time, while on the other day play like avg 4k.


                                                                    Also we may quote Dendi's words the mmr is only a number, but... we have to mark we talk about all mmr distribution, not from 6-9k or 7-9