General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed urgent help

Need urgent help in General Discussion

    I can't seem to be able to use the new ping wheel. Is it the old Alt-click or something else? Any settings to change?


      If you call this urgent, what will you say when your house catches fire?

      Free 2 Play Scootz

        Very urgent

        chicken spook,,,,

          Did they update anything few hours ago the classic alt clicking was fine for me


            Couldn't ping in a whole match....
            Lost the match because of it. xD


              Alt click, then hold LMB for a second, the new chat wheel should show up. Unles, like you said, there's an update that changed it


                This entire fucking community is full of C O C K G O B L I N G J E R K O F F S H I T S T A I N S who will never engage in an intellectual discussion and have the attention span of a F U C K I N G A U T I S T I C A D H D D I P S H I T S and will never come at hand when someone actually needs help. Your lives are all hopeless and you will all die having done nothing of importance on this planet.


                  I'm sorry the ping wheel is holding you back.


                    I'm sorry your sense of humour (or lack thereof) is holding you back.

                    road to vhs
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                        >Let's ridicule and demoralize someone asking for help and not help him.

                        >One good toxic player for sure.
                        (This comment was deleted 32 minutes ago)

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                          chill bro.


                            alt+f4 xD


                              Die all Ragnarok is coming!

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                HUH? JUST ALT+DRAG AND YOU WILL HAVE THE PING WHEEL??????????????????????


                                  Anomalina~ Very Toxic