General Discussion

General DiscussionStupidest thing you’ve done in a game that worked out surprisingly well

Stupidest thing you’ve done in a game that worked out surprisingly well in General Discussion

    If it looks stupid, but it works, it aint stupid. Post the meme-iest thing you’ve done in a game that worked out, due to luck, skill or divine intervention


      -Winning as ursa support,

      -had a 0 kill match but win as hard carry because i baserace them which is so retarded XD


        gyro roaming support woth meteor hammer

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          Jack Sparrow spells Kunkka.
          Veil, Dagon, Blink, Eblade, Hex.

          “You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of”

          “But you have heard of me”?


            last battlepass there was the "give 6 moonshards to your team" quest
            did that with spirit breaker in 2 games. midas treads into moonshard spam.

            this one was pretty stupid aswell:

            22/7/28 dagon bara


              I did a support pa and sniper
              PA -
              Sniper - (actually it's a nuker)
              also the only thing I can be proud of is a mid CM that got me 51 kills
              here (I played it on my 2k smurf)

              Pointy Shoes

                I'm a normal skill bleb so I just play every hero and make strange builds for the lulz.
                Anyway, got a 10 win streak with brewmaster by maximizing evasion: either build butterfly as first or second item, and heaven's halberd as first or second item (skipping blink all together). At that point I think the evasion used to be around 65% (not counting Drunken haze).
                Order depending on enemy heroes ofc. Third item either a crit item (daedalus) or bkb.

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                gankl  der hochstapler

                  bunker 4 divines in base as ember and swap them in for the ultimate all in push/defense


                    One time my buddy was tilted at our mid so he played Spectre support and actually had impact.

                    meteor hammer

                      Boots first razor offlane passive lvl 1. 044 build

                      meteor hammer

                        So good that I got first blood


                          Tinker Support, I builded greaves, pipe, Euls and forcestaff, It was really fun haha

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Roaming void
                            But it was back when solar crest was OP anyway


                              deso battle fury skadi roaming carry bounty hunter.


                                why skadi? bounty only needs damage :)


                                  It wasn't even my "hard carry as support". It was Gyro first item rapier. Which I did several times. I'm actually craving to do it again, but my party mates haven't been playing much, and there's no way I do it in ranked without getting flamed into 20 low prio games


                                    ^this stuff wont be meme-y for long. Magic sf will be a thing weather we like it or not thanks to Sumail


                                      Cdr talent + octarine + arcane rune = 3 sec cd dagger/linken


                                        Ninja sf

                                        Story Time

                                          abandoned the game, and suddenly my mood was better than ever :D


                                            Mid wyvern
                                            It's L I T
                                            Also battlefury stacking on pa
                                            With deso, daedalus, cleave talent, and double dagger, I killed a pudge with 2 daggers that hit his teammates around him, with the cleave off it, both were crits


                                              Actually trying my hardest to win a game of dota 2 xD


                                                Fine, here's the support Razor build you asked for, and playstyle(latter will vary of course):
                                                Skill build until lvl9: E Q E Q E R E Q Q
                                                Talents: lvl 10 health, lvl 15 +4% Unstable Current MS, 20 and 25 will vary
                                                Starting items: OoV, Wind Lace
                                                Ideal item progression: Urn, Tranquil, (insert Aether if winning position), upgrade urn to spirit vessel(ideally go to end game by this point), necrobook.
                                                Ideal playstyle: roam. Whichever enemy lane/hero is solo, harass them to shit with E. after securing lane, gank mid. Pick up all the runes with the high MS, to keep up in gold.
                                                Result: a relatively tanky supp with high movespeed and deals too much damage if not dealt with in fights
                                                Conclusion: nuker version of Enchantress, infinitely less potent, but more fun than regular carry Razor
                                                Enjoy 😂


                                                  Feed 29 deaths as luna stupid enemy cant push bigh ground against tekis. Farmed and pushed


                                                    Flamed to tilt my team
                                                    Worked well, 4 guys reported me afterwards


                                                      blink dagger on qop, dodged 3 chronos

                                                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                        we where losing game vs 5 int heroes all as 5 got dagons 5 every thing chancge
                                                        we won

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