General Discussion

General DiscussionTurbo 7.07

Turbo 7.07 in General Discussion

    Im a casual player,love dota,playing it long time.
    I like turbo mode a lot love the fact there is almost no "blind" spot when is nothing happening.
    It becoming slowly but for sure my main mode,thinking to play "big dota" only with friends in party.

    K for well rated tread.

    Dire Wolf

      I've only played one ranked game since patch, mostly playing turbo as well. The upside is fast game, not a huge investment, you don't get super worked up or pissed when you lose cus it's not ranked and a casual mode, plus you can just get another game going.

      Downside is it's too casual at times, people don't try a lot. Like opposing team had an abandon, couple guys remained. We grinding out a win and at one point I was thinking why? I could've just left and found another game, it has no impact on mmr or stats, but I finished it anyway.

      Just sometimes it feels like playing turbo there is no point. You just play it for fun. which I suppose is how gaming should be anyway.

      So double edged sword. What makes it appealing also makes it unappealing at times.