General Discussion

General DiscussionWarding in 7.07

Warding in 7.07 in General Discussion

    7.07 changed a lot. And with that changed the map again. Now i am really confused over the prime locations of warding in this patch cause of vision reductions in many a places. Help me with this warding stuff with your experience in 7.07 map awareness plz.

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        You should ward the bounties and/or runes and generally areas near where you expect teamfights to take place. Mid ward lost its crucial importance.


          support is dead in 7.07




              ward in between of neutral camps triangle.

              no one will ever deward, people only know warding spots

              ward behind towers from fog of war

              place wards deep in enemy teritory


                No, supporting just changed. More important than before, you need to win your lane, since jungling is not as good an option. Who wins lanes? Supports do.


                  Hi All! Im a ML player and played dota2 for 2weeks and understand the game a little bit.
                  My answer to your question is "Anywhere and place u think it will be effective or maybe unpredictable to avoid dewarding"

                  Although its cheap for me its one of my favorite and must item in each game even i play carry roles at any cost my team and I should have the neccesity of the item Coz this will help u and ur team pre-arrange smoke gank plan or to avoid to be gank. Basically its a vission for you to move arround safely or agressively. I hope my opinion is valid thanks and welcome me to dota2 game. Thnx all

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                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    It's quite the same as last patch


                      are you mentally challenged dude?


                        I think this Yan fellow suffered a seizure during his commenting...


                          Mostly the same as last patch. You just need to ward in a different spot if you want vision of the shrines since they moved. Also one ward on dire top bounty rune gives you vision of half the jungle.


                            Thing is that the maximum vision near radiant jungles remain more or less same. Problem is with dire side. Especially near bottom fountain.?


                              And not to mention the change is map has led to significant reduction of vision near river runes together covering with radiant or dire jungles.