General Discussion

General Discussionhow to carry horrible teammates?

how to carry horrible teammates? in General Discussion
Harry hamburgerryg

    I'm close to your mmr. And is sometimes struggling with the same things you describe. You have to figure out the current state of the meta, like what heroes is strong atm. And then learn them. Do never flame your teammates, it just makes things 100times worse. And both you and your teammates starts focusing on flaming each other insted of trying to win the game. Also never give up, some games it seems hopeless to have a comeback with that 0-17 midlane. But trust me in some games it's possible if you keep a positive attitude, and start communication with your teammates( communication with teammates is not possible every game, but it's worth trying) . Try to talk with team when drafting, to get some synergize. And think about what your are picking, and who are you are laning against. Oh and yes music, it helps ALOT!.


      i just mute everybody and use smart decision making, so far 4/4 win

      shouldnt feel good about it tho coz my enemies are mostly subhuman.

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        just to say, bsj videos do help regarding key decision making that lets one to easy win games.

        i feel like ive learned more game sense from just 1 video of afull-game analysis done by him than normal replays, where i would learn smaller things (due to my lack of experience) such as efficient farming rotations, multi-stacking, itemisation, etc.

        however its not like i didnt know this, coz its obvious, just i wasnt stressing the principle of ignoring kills that don't lead to objectives and instead focusing the objectives enough, in one example.

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          And imagine if you are position 5 support and your carry is diving all the time, feeding enemies and after 30 minutes has lower GPM than you (20:10:14 score me).

          It is so annoying, if the team even cant go 5 man, they are not able to wait for smoke, they dont do anythin, they just die. Hard to work with that. As carry, you are at least able to do something, even win the game. As position 5 support, you can only pray your team is not incompetent.


            if you have a pos 4 to play with at early game you can obliterate laning stage.
            but yea im still playing a game where my freefarm am doesnt have a min 25 manta and we lose towers

            but its ez win lul

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              Well we were winning early game - or better said not losing. I killed off 4 (could have been rampage), completely trashed their safelane (sven+ss), killed sven 9 times, their mid (TA) 4 times. Even though, couldnt save all lanes, cripple everybody, so we ended up drawing 40 minutes in. Surprisingly, our carry was 15k networth after 40 minutes, lower than me (gold talent so good on WD).

              But few stupid dives, buybacks, dives, lost 2 lanes or rax, 30k gold swing in 10 minutes. Instead HG def another dives to kill off shadow shaman or pudge (with 10k hp) to have 4 people killed.

              Not even able to group up for smoke. As soon as they saw somebody they just went for them.

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                well true, some games are extremely hard to win as a solo supp. but a top tier supp can probably be beyond godlike by 15 minutes in a 3k mmr game


                  I am not top tier support... :)) I play only WD out of supports on decent level (3k). But that game I felt I am playing extremely good on my standarts, killing of everybody I met.

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                    by not being horrible

                    The real Norm Macdonald

                      I´d say learn to pick and play what is needed. Not sure if you got dicked during the draft or you picked 4th or 5th.
                      In your AM game the team comp is quite awful.

                       noodles

                        PLAY AT MIDNIGHT BOI
                        NO MORE CANCER TEAMMATES


                            i mean ive had no-boots radiance meteorhammer mid alchemist and hard carry farmless silencer in one team as a bounty hunter, idk how was it possible to win it.


                              out of 10 games:
                              u lose 4 no matter what u do
                              u win 4 no matter what u do

                              2 games depend ENTIRELY on you: you either do your usual stuff or your tryhard your ass out and carry the game by your flawless performance, since your teammates and enemies are ~ equal in terms of skill.